Wednesday, July 21, 2021

My last post was from 2017?

Oh gosh ngga sadar udah lama banget gw ngga nulis ya. Sekarang pun sebenernya masih unsure whether I should post this or not.

My life post Pengabdi Setan tahun 2017... (no like, really? 2017? Hold on let me Google it). Holy macaroni it was from 2017. Feels like not too long ago. Gw udah kenal Gege selama itu kah? lol

Banyak banget yang udah terjadi dari 2017 sampe sekarang. First of all...COVID. Damn COVID.

Keluarga gw alhamdulillah one of the lucky ones yang masih fine, but...hell, I miss hugging people. I miss seeing people's faces on the street. I miss a lot of things that I took for granted.

Kerjaan gw alhamdulillah masih lancar. I guess subtitling is one of the industries who weren't affected too greatly by COVID and I'm really...really grateful for that.

My family is healthy. My girls are healthy. So, yes, alhamdulillah banget.

Hm...but COVID is getting really bad, way worse than it was, in my country. News about someone passing from COVID comes in on the daily. Some of my friends lost not only one, but several loved ones, sometimes in close successions, because of COVID. It weighs on my heart because this feeling of helplessness...

Bude Elsye, one of my beloved aunts, the last sibling that my mother had, just passed away because of COVID. The thing is when it happened, semua keluarga dekatnya lagi pada kena COVID juga. So all of them were in isolation and couldn't go to her burial. I hate it. I hate it so much. But there's nothing we could do. Huff...

Anyway, what else...

Oh ya, kelas Zumba gw bareng my 2 other partners are still doing good. We're still doing it online for everyone's safety. Walau memang beda banget rasanya ngajar kelas live vs. online. Kalau live, we can absorb the energy from the music, from the members. Just...very spirited and lively and much more fun. Very different. But I guess we adapt. That's what humans, or any living being, really, do. We adapt to survive.

Oh and I'm an ARMY now lol.

Yes, I'm a proud member of the BTS ARMY. Never have I imagined, ngga pernah ngebayangin sama sekali, that my life's direction will take me here. Nyaris 40 tahun gw hidup di dunia ini, belom pernah gw mengidolakan any celebrity. Will Smith and U2 are my faves, but in no way to the degree of being an ARMY. I guess I'll tell you about how and why this happened later. But these men are geniuses with amazing work ethic. But above all, they're decent human beings. There. That is the primary reason why they can get this degree of love. They're great role models and I'd be proud if my baby girls can be ARMYs too. That says a lot, I think ^^.

I know I'll be getting a lot of grief because of this but oh well, they're worth it lol.

Okhhaayyy thenn....Sampai sini dulu updatenya. Entah apa gw akan nulis lagi besok, or another 4 years haha.


Monday, October 09, 2017

I survived Pengabdi Setan

I watched Pengabdi friggin Setan last Sunday. Lalu gimana kah caranya si gw yg penakut ini bisa nonton Pengabdi Setan dengan damage yg minimal? Yaitu dengan tutup kuping and averting my eyes to anywhere but the center of the screen. Jadi gw cuma ngeliat dari ujung mata gitu hahaha.
This is the first Indonesian movie that I've watched in a long while. Biasanya gw kalo nonton film Indo dari DVD aja.

Tau nggak what was the last Indonesian movie yg gw tonton di bioskop?
Dongkrak Antik by Warkop 😅😅😅 jadul gilaaa!
Dan gw nontonnya di Monas (iya dulu di Monas ada bioskopnya bok).

Anyway setelah nonton film ini dan horor2 lainnya, gw jadi berpikir....
Bisa nggak sih kita cewek2 bikin perjanjian untuk jangan bobo pake daster2 putih/merah/pokoknya yg 1 warna polos gitu?
Kan kalau misal setannya pake piyama doraemon gitu....agak bikin mending ya?

Friday, September 15, 2017

The Forever Procrastinator

Hh....yea...what the title said.
We're going in about 3 hrs from now, and I'm still not finished packing.
I have 2 suitcases full of things and can't help but wonder if we really need that many clothes. I mean, we're just going on a mini vacay for 3 days in Jogja, not 3 weeks. But ehrmagerd.....milihinnya lagi maleeeeessss hiks.

Ayo smangat, smangattt!

Oh look at that nail polish! Or should I do my nails first.......

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

A very "special" day

Ini ada apa sih hari ini kenapa gw suwe bgt ya?!
So what happened was, pagi2 gw berangkat menuju kampus naik krl, right. Semua normal, sampai akhirnya nyangsang di Stasiun Tanah Abang krn gangguan. After 40 minutes of waiting without any kepastian ni kereta bakal jalan 10 menit lagi atau minggu depan, gw memutuskan untuk turun di Tanah Abang dan....naik Gojek.
Berhubung gw ga familiar dengan stasiunnya ataupun daerahnya, I chose the first exit I saw. And apparently I chose the exit that no one ever use. So my Gojek driver kebingungan nyariin gw, karena gw useless dalam menjelaskan di mana lokasi gw ini sebenernya. (Makanya laen kali nanya aja ama petugas ya neng, hadeh).
Aaanywayy, ternyata tanah abang-duri kosambi rada jauh kalo pake motor yes. My butt still vibrated when I arrived at the lab it was the weirdest sensation lol.

Lalu tibalah saatnya gw pulang. My gojek driver, again, was confused of my whereabouts (dear God). Jadi gw musti papanasan lewatin empang samping sekolahan buat nyariin dia.

Sesampainya di stasiun, I waited for 15 minutes before this friggin announcement over the PA: mohon maap yah kereta arah duri mengalami gangguan.

Okay fine. Lalu gw order grab car.
I waited and waited and waited...drivernya ga nyampe2. Setelah cek map and location...ternyata gw salah masukin pick up location. Hhh....salah apa hamba ini....
Harusnya gw masukin Stasiun Rawa Buaya, tp gw ketiknya Stasiun Duri. Makjan itu salahnya jauh 😭.

But I was still fine.
I'm fine...

Akhirnya setelah masuk mobil berikutnya and all was right. Pengen minum dong, tadi udh beli UC 1000 dingin...enak bgt pastinya ya...

Lalu gw buka tas...kok isinya udh mo abis...
.....kok tas gw dingin....
Lalu charger gw udh mengambang di dalem 😢.

Friday, September 08, 2017

Lintas Propinsi

So what happened this morning was,....
Jadi gini yah, pagi ini kan gw udah siap2 buat training sertifikasi jam 8 di STT PLN yah. Berhubung gw domisili di Bekasi and gw hari ini bisa bawa mobil, semangat lah gw. Jam 6 lewat udah jalan. Wow banget kan? Wow loh itu bagi gw (for those of you who don't know, I am NOT a morning person).

So I'm driving right. I got the music on, singing along, driving...driving...sampe tiba2....
Lah...."welcome to Banten"....?!
Perasaan STT belom pindah propinsi kan...

Kelewatan mbaknyaaaaaaa 😥😥😥😥😥

So yeah. I saw IKEA this morning.
Ngelewatnya jauh.

Skrg gw udah di parkiran STT PLN (yay I made it!).
Tapi ini masih jam 7.
Kelasnya jam 8.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Here we go again!

Hari ini baru mulai olah raga lagi, ayo semangat!!!
Dari mulai ramadhan bulan lalu, work out totally stopped but the eating continued....hasilnya, I am back to my pre-workout weight. Parah lah! It's like I don't have an ounce of self control or something (which I probably don't, true -.-').

Tapi kerasa banget sih memang perubahannya. Badan begah, nggak enak, kaku2, I am cranky all the time, this is bad!

So here I am, trying to muster my will to go through and keep this going. But honestly, yang susah itu adalah mengubah mind set bahwa gw harus sehat untuk gw sendiri, bukan untuk penampilan, bukan untuk upcoming hajatan, atau apa lah alesan2 lainnya.

I don't want to be aching all over every time I wake up in the morning. I don't want to be cranky all day. I don't want to not have enough energy to play with my kiddos. I want to get better!

Ayo semangaattt!!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Going to the mall with kids = 30% dining, 20% window shopping, 70% bathroom trip

Yyyeap, just what the title said...
So today I went to Pacific Place, expecting to break my fast with a hearty Shaburi buffet. We got there at 5pm and dear God....our turn is at 8:30pm. Whatttt.
Jadi no Shaburi, hello Fook Yew. And that was bathroom trip numero uno: Sofi.

Abis itu muter2 bentar, liat2...and then bathroom trip numero dos: Me.

Aaand after that I went back upstairs to get my Sahur meal to go, before that, bathroom trip number 3: Kay (mulai tarik napas panjang).

Laluuuu my last stop di Watsons to pick up something. This then go home. I thought this was it but no. Bathroom trip number 4: Me again (whatisthis!)

Lalu udah, I was kind of glad that it's time to go home. Tinggal nunggu valet dateng. After a 10 min wait, our car was about to come, then I heard..."ma....pipis...." 😫

Ke mall apaaaa iniiiii?!?!