Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Maan.....! My stomach is alrite now, but now my throat's acting funny. It never ends! u-uh..I guess it's because the weather changes so much. Hot...cold..hot..cold..no wonder people are sick everywhere..

Kemaren ini, temen gue curhat, katanya dia baru putus sama ceweknya hari Sabtu. I'm sorry for both of them. They've been together for like..2-3 years. Katanya mereka putus gara2 nyokap ceweknya ga suka ama temen gue. But they managed to be together for that long, walaupun akhirnya sama2 tired and decided to give up. Well...be strong Sur, like I said before, if something is meant to be, it will be. Gue tau sih it's easier said and done. If it happens to me, I don't know whether I'll be able to say that or not. But that's what friends are for, to remind and to support each other when we forget about what needs to be done =). Lay off on the partying dulu, klo loe udah ga pusing baru deh party lagi, hehehe..

Hari ini kok dingin ya? Dari tadi malem sih sebenernya, apa gara2 heater dimatiin juga ya?
Laper juga nih...Gue bangun sekitar 45 menit yang lalu, dan langsung laper gitu. Tapi masih males keluar dr selimut soalnya dingiiin...
Ini enak mangku laptop jadi anget.. =)

Minggu ini jadwal gue penuh banget, padahal gue lagi pengen banget istirahat. Hari ini jam 1/2 4 ada student policy meeting. Barengan dean2nya kampus dll gitu, today'll be my first meeting so I still have no idea what to do there. Meeting ini katanya rutin, every 2nd Tuesday of each month. Objectivenya buat kasih feedback to the dean about student issues yg ngaruh ke college of business..I don't know much about that jadi gue jg ga tau ntar musti ngapain! Trus besok jg ada meeting sama executive dr HOK, perusahaan arsitektur internasional (yg ngedesign Hotel Mulia Senayan juga), dia ada base di Saint Louis gitu. Gue belom smpet research banyak ttg companynya euy, padahal I need to come up with some questions for the meeting. Udah gitu hari Kamis, meeting sama HR peoplenya CTMT. Untungnya HR centernya deket kampus, jadi lumayan deh ga usah cabut jauh2. Dan Jumat pagi sebelom kerja, gue harus ngurusin tax buat taun ini. Haiyaa....just want to go to sleep...! I honestly don't know why I end up with all these things. All I can say is that it's all my boss' doing. Semua2nya tuh yang ngerecommend gue buat masuk ke semua aktivitas itu bos gue. Thanks for the vote of confidence boss =)

Now if only they happen next week gitu...not this week..hehehe banyak maunya ya gue.. ;p


Anonymous said...

tetep semangat!!!

Fari Nasution said...

Now, this is one of the blogs that keeps on updating regularly.....=)Koq kemaren aku telpon ndak ngangkat.....?!?