Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Duuh....this allergy is killing me. My eyes feel itchy all the time so now it looks like I have this heavy bag under my eyes, and my nose bleeds every morning because of the pressure (not because I rub it or anything). This morning was the worst, I couldn't even go to work at 11 like I planned it before since my nose bleeds from both sides and just wouldn't stop so I needed to lie down for a while. Man..

Tomorrow's Mirthday, and what a full day for me. I just found out not too long ago that the Indonesian booth still needs people to be there and take care of the booth. I have to stand at the Graduate Office booth all day but I hope my boss will let me go for an hour or two so I can help the ISA booth. If not, I'll use my breaks to sit at the ISA booth. I hope someone can be kind and get me a funnel cake while I'm waiting at the booth :p

Trus...apalagi ya...laper sih. Sarapan dulu yaa...dadaaah


Anonymous said...

hope your nose is better already dear! i probably will stop by the booth for a lil bit after work tomorrow.. if ur not there, i'll stop by the graduate office booth then.


Fari Nasution said...

Udah ambil obat anti allergy belom.....?!? Coba Alavert dari Walgreens..... There's nothing I can do except sending you a song, go check your e-mail =)

Anonymous said...

Feel better!!
