Thursday, April 13, 2006

One Day

One day, there should come a realization that you don't have to blame yourself for other people's sorrow.
One day, there should come a realization that you can't make things better for every human being.
One day, there should come a realization that purpose is different than wishful thinking.
One day, there should come a realization that things are just what they are; good/bad, the reasonings behind them should come to your understanding sooner/later.


Anonymous said...

yes, one day.....sorry..

wulan said...

deep. ah manda, lagi philosophical mode ya say..

Amanda Supriadi said...

Hehehehe...iya nih Lan tumben2an kan gue :p
Cuma tetep aja dudul modenya sih jalan terus. Hence the super glue incident thingy..
Oiya Iwan and Wulan, thanks for the hot water tips. It's working (yaaay!)