Sunday, May 07, 2006

My friends who are in love =)

Aah lookie lookie!
Remember the poem that I posted a while ago? The girl wrote it. They are both my friends, they've known each other since junior high but just recently "found" each other. I don't know their whole story but I'm touched by how deep they seem to love each other.
These are the testimonials that they wrote to each other since the first time they became a couple:

Puti... hmmm... dia "bekas" temen smp gw. dia GILA!! (itu pastinya..) she's the most stupid-crazy-hard headed woman i've ever known. But she's also the toughest girl i've ever met.

To me, she is like a big-white-beautiful cloud. No matter how hard the winds scatter her apart, she will always gather her scattered parts and becomes a big-white-beautiful cloud once again...

That's why i love her....

Mammoe adalah...
........ akhir dari "pencarian" gw .........
and thats why i love him...

When I'm hungry
I eat
When I'm thirsty
I drink
When I'm tired
I sleep

But there's an
empty space in my soul
that only you can fill

I eat,
I drink,
I sleep,
I exist

But I live only because you allow it...

-Luv U-

u R everything that i ever wished for..
...a perfect husband...
you R my .. E.. V.. e.. R.. y.. T.. H.. i.. N.. g seems that they're so in love with each other.. =)
Sorry guys...just had to put em in here because I'm touched hehehe


Mac said...

Well... yeah, sweet, however... feels kinda strange to publish those statements... Maybe it's just me though

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you to, missy!


Anonymous said...

aiih romantis yaah :D
