Tuesday, March 10, 2009



This is my third post for today. THIRD!

Some of you may wonder..."what the heck is she doing? blogging writing nonsense in the middle of the day?"

Well..I'll tell you what, I am wondering the same thing too..

It's just that...I can't do anything else today because I just can't. I don't feel like I have the energy, nor do I want to do anything else. Plus, I don't know why but my keyboard keys feel really plushy and comfy...I just love the feel of them on my fingers...haha

Hm...quite full, just ate a big Mozza burger from A&W, after thinking before that "I wasn't going to eat lunch because I'm too lazy to chew" nonsense....turned out that I ordered that big burger and finished it (slowly but sure)...took me about 30-45 minutes ish to finish that big thing.

Dan sekarang....tinggal urusan sakit perut. Now that I am full....I feel the need to empty my stomach and go to sleep. On my cozy...cool...bed...nice.....(mulai ngelamun)
20 menit kemudian....

Ngeburn CD aaah...tadi di sebrang gue beli CD kosong buat diburn2 trus didengerin di mobil. Harus cari yang dungces dungces nih biar gue semangat nyetirnya dan ngga bosen kalo misalnya macet gitu...better than blackberry (no it's not.) hehehe

Truus...ini aja g lagi menutup dunia luar gini, pasang earphone sambil dengerin beyonce "Diva", abis ini Gigi yang Diva..hehe samaaa yaaa

ni earphone kenceng juga ya...padahal udah seminim mungkin volumenya, ga bisa dibikin lebih pelan lagi, kalo dipelanin lagi mah udah nol alias mute.

Lah kok yang nongol savage garden ya..yaudahlah gapapa enak juga kok (dih padahal playlistnya juga gue yang nambahin sendiri ga sampe 5 menit yang lalu kok ngga nyadar gitu siiih)

Huwaa...perutku kembung sekaaliii....


fly fly to the moon and back...la la la....

enak tuh...bisa jalan2...
kalo misalnya bisa jalan2 gue ngga mau sih ke bulan tapinya...kurang menarik ah kayaknya sepi2 aja gitu. Mana dingin lagi (sotoy mode: ON)

enakan juga liburan ke mana gitu...hiking..atau naek sepeda ke ancol...lewat jalan tol...lebih menantang daripada jalan2 ke bulan

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