Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Just started to fill up the suitcase for my trip back home...Geez...I was nervous..Not really sure why, but my heart was beating fast the whole time (still am). I guess it's excitement and anxiety at the same time.
Trus tadi kerasa juga waktu Anggit balik. We won't see each other again till the next 2 months. And tonight Anggit saw my apartment for the last time. Tadi dia bilang gitu, udah gitu baru sink in juga deh..iya yah...gw disini tuh tinggal seminggu lagi..I will miss this place.

This place is where I laughed til my stomach and face hurt, and this is the place where I shed my tears as well. A lot of memories happened here..both the insanely good and the awfully bad..Mudah2an tempat yang baru nanti bisa bikin its own memories =)


Mac said...

Yeah, every place has its own memories... But don't feel too bad about leaving that place because on the next place you'll have different memories as well...

Anonymous said...

ah masa?
boong lu choi ah :D


Amanda Supriadi said...

bw, dasar hater...hihi :p
Iya sih emang, cuma aja jadi mellow dulu buat semalem hehe..Tapi sekarang udah seneng lagiiiii

Anonymous said...

pasti udeh red-bull-an. ketauan banget tuh. doping!! :D


Amanda Supriadi said...

biarin. week :p

Anonymous said...

eh jangan gitu donk mbak rendang(rendang dari sapi loh). itu yang pernah hina hina khan si machoi. yang ngatain elu alam.

gue khan cuman numpang lewat doank gitu loh, kok langsung difitnah gitu. fitnah itu lebih kejam dari.................................................. TIDAK MEMFITNAH loh. inget inget.

gue bukannya ga bisa maen bilyar. tapi...... UDEH GA BISA. dulu sering latihan di rumahnya machoi.

kalo buta arah gue kasih deh, cincay. tapi menurut scientific reasearch, orang buta arah itu lebih cenderung untuk lebih menyayangi sesama loh. gak percaya????? coba google aje deh artikel yang judulnya "three dimentionally challenged people and their ability to love".

loh, loe bisa nyimpulin gue jorok dari mana toh mbaq? gue belon GO PUBLIC gitu. nggak baek luh, masa gue dari tadi difitnah gitu. ini pasti efek redbull nih. kudu dikasih tau nih FDA. salah satu efek samping redbull, suka fitnah. bhua.ha.h.ha..ha.ha.ha.ha.

PS:btw, kalo ketemu artikel diatas, kasih tau gue yah, gue juga pengen baca.
