Monday, April 14, 2008

Zut alors!!!


Tck tck tck (geleng2 kepala hehehe)...
Idup gue sekarang ini lagi very very seems to me that the things that hadn't happened, but could've happen to me in the seven years i've lived in the states are happening all at once, in full force. Both the good and (unfortunately) bad things. I need time to sort things through but I don't really have it. Mudah2an sih everything will fall in to place.


Thursday, April 03, 2008


idung mampet mulu iniii...sebel sebel sebel...huh...
Anyway...tadi malem gue mimpi aneh2 gitu deh...hmh...aneh...
Doh gue teh ya...tadi malem tidurnya early skalee...jam 12 gitu udah tidur, tapi hasilnya jadi jam 1/2 4 gitu udah bangun dan seger gitu susah bener mo dibikin tidur lagi...tapi apparently berhasil dan bablas sampe jam 9 pagi hehehe. Ntar siang mo lunch ma temen di buffalo wild wings tapi kok rada males ini yaa...ntar malem juga sepertinya ada dinner tapi belom tau mau dimana hehehe

Yah ngga penting banget ya postingannya hahaha..