Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Kiss

Sebelom diplay videonya, lagunya distop aja dulu. Klik aja 'Stop' button yg diatas (yg biasanya dideket2 'home', diantara 'forward' ama 'refresh' buttons.
Enjoy! =)

met pagi...

Hmh...pagi2 gini...bangun2 perasaan ga enak banget...ih paling sebel deh klo gitu..
Hhh...enaknya mandi jam berapa ya? Hari ini gue kerja lagi jam 10..sekarang 1/2 9//well maybe soon.

Oiya kemaren Edwin ultah tuh...met ultah ya kakek Edwin..semoga bahagia terus dan nggak suka ngomel2 mulu. Darah tinggi ntar klo ngomel2 aja. Hehehehe

Kemaren malem juga chat ama Reza yang dari Kentucky, trus sempet ngobrol juga telepon lumayan lama. Enak juga ngomongnya nyambung ama tu anak.

Doooh.........kok perasaan gue ga enak banget gini ya? Ada apa ya? Mudah2an sih cuma perasaan doang deh..

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Guuys, thanks for the comments on my previous post! Seneng deh klo dapet banyak comments hehehehehe apa sih..
Tina, yes I think we should go to lunch sometimes too. Kapan nih? hehehe
Far, sorry I couldn't pick up the phone yesterday, abis gue lagi siap2 mo brangkat kuliah jadi waktu loe telepon gue lagi ribet bro ;p
Wulan, kangen juga nih ama loe udah lama ga kemaren ketemu deng di tempat parkir, loe abis kerja ya?

Sekarang gue lagi kerja, lagi nunggu student soalnya dia nyasar jadi belom nemu kantor gue. Hari ini appointment rada penuh, tadi ada 1 student, bule, cakep euy..orangnya baek banget lagi. Tapi sepertinya married soalnya ngliat pake cincin kawin gitu. Sial. Hehehehehehe

Lumayan laper juga tapi untungnya tadi sebelom berangkat kerja sempet bikin bekel dulu. Emh which reminds me...we need bread..abis tuh soalnya. Ntar sebelom pulang mampir dulu ke Shop&Save ah, beli bread ama cereal buat sarapan besok.

Trus...apalagi far baru segitu sih. Ntar sore harus kerja di tempat research, rada males euy...nggak tau nih, udah kerja brp bulan, tetep aja belom seneng2 ama kerjaannya :p Parah juga nih gue hehehehe

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Laporan pandangan mata dr Chicago ;p

Hai everybodyyyyy.....!!
Baru balik dari Chicago nih, had an awesome time there =)
We departed from my apt at 8:30 am, 30 minutes behind schedule (naturally, hehehehe nggak deng). Sampe di Chicago tepat jam 2 pm abis kita makan siang dulu di Steak&Shake on a gas station somewhere along the way. Sampe2 di Chicago langsung ke konjen soalnya takut keburu tutup. Parkirnya lumayan jauh dr konjen but that was fine soalnya sekalian sight seeing, it's been a while since the last time I visited Chicago, and when I did, I never had time to just walk and see things, we were always in a rush.

Di konjen, ketemu 4 students dr Bowling Green, KY. They were nice, while we were waiting for the passports (about an hour or so) we started talking and we hit it off instantly, it was like we knew each other for years, hehehe. I guess when we're far from home, anybody who shares the same background can be seen as family ;p. Kind of sorry when the passports were done because then we had to go our separate ways, but we exchanged contact numbers and e-mails so I guess we'll contact each other again later.

Abis dr konjen, kita ke rumah mbak Tika and mas Irvan. Mbak Tika bikin kalio (semacem rendang tp ada kuahnya dikit) and gulai daun singkong, Yumm!! Udah lama juga nggak ketemu Diandra, she's so pretty =) She "performed" ballet guided by a dvd, with her pink cute! hihihi...On the way to mas Irvan's house, kita nyusurin lake Chicago, there were quite a lot of people jogged and bicycling there..across the lake were some apartment buildings...hh reminded me of something

Udah gitu besoknya kita jalan ke Michigan Ave. I don't know, lagi ga mood blanja kali ya so it was just okay, nothing special..Oiya di tengah jalan ketemu si Gaurav, temen dr UMSL hehehe. Abis itu sempet ke Ghirardelli shop, toko coklat di sebelahnya Borders, trus nyobain sample caramel chocolate...(oh..uhm...sorry ndut...but I gotta have it since it looked awfully delicious..and free....). Bokap beli coklat 1 kantong dr situ, udah gt gue and Adit ke toko popcorn disebrangnya Nike Store, antriannya panjang...! Anyway paginya salju tuh pdhl, untungnya pas kit nyampe ke Michigan Ave.nya saljunya udah brenti, tp tetep aja dingin sih. Trus pas pulang kan bayar parkir, aje gileeee, parkirnya $29!!! Padahal kita disitu cuma 3 jam-an kali. Tck2...could've get a pair of good shoes for that kind of price...

Malemnya kita diundang kerumahnya bu Endang. Her son Adek (a 12 yr old) played the piano for us. My God it was beautiful. He's disabled (he couldn't see) but he played the most awesome piano I've ever heard. He played some hard core jazz (like Chikorea and stuff) flawlessly. He turned a 3-5 minutes song to a 20-30 minutes song added with his improv. He was a miracle came to life (I'm dead serious).
Abis itu kita diajak muter2 Chicago sama bu Endang and her husband. Diajak liat Chicago at night from the planetarium. It was beautiful and it made me think of something again. Udah gitu kita hang out di satu bar, dengerin live jazz. The night was awesome =)

Hhh (lagi nginget pianonya mas Adek)....

Trus, Sabtunya kita ke Aurora outlet. Mood belanja gue belom muncul2 juga, akhirnya cuma muter2 aja nemenin Adit liat2..sekalian liat2 juga dikit hehehe. Lumayan juga akhirnya gue nemu oleh2 yang pas buat kak Ronny back home. Trus waktu gue ama Adit ke Adidas store, eeeh ketemu ama anak2 yg dr Bowling Green kemaren! hehehehe seneng gitu. Gue langsung dimintain tolong sama mereka buat milihin baju ceweknya salah satu dr mereka (orange or khaki???) hehehehehe...
Selesai dr outlet jam 5:30an trus langsung pulang. Sampe2 rumah jam 9:30 malem and gue langsung tepar di kasur gue tercinta, hehehehe...since I drove all the way I didn't get a chance to sleep so I was kind of tired. But I love driving so I didn't mind =). Baca2 novel sampe jam 12-an sambil ngemilin popcorn yg kemaren, udah gitu bobo deh...hehehehe

So there's the story of my weekend. Now I have to go back to my homework and take home test, and I need to study for another test next week and do another case study. Haiyyaa....
Sorry for rambling on too long. It's just that I had a fun time in Chicago and I miss you guys so I just want to share ;p hahahahha

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Iseng lagi nunggu group meeting

Besok ke Chicago....barusan gue telepon bokap, katanya paling lambat berangkat besok jam 8 pagi..Pagi juga ya...hehehehe..

Sekarang ini gue baru selesai kelas, lagi nungguin grup meeting 1/2 jam lagi. Ketemunya buat ngebahas case study gitu. Parah euy case studynya susah...hiks (harusnya gue skrg baca2 lagi sih tapi kok males banget ya)

Minggu depan Spring Break, tapi ternyata gue harus kerja Senin-Kamis, dr jam 12-5 sore. Sebenernya nggak harus sih, tapi kantor kosong terus seminggu itu, ga ada advisor yg jaga jadinya ya gue volunteer deh.

Trus...apalagi ya...yaudah sih itu aja berita dr sini so far, nothing special =)

Oiya ada satu lagi deng. Lagi pengen kue putu sama klepon..(don't ask me why it's just a craving.. ;p )

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Ga penting abis

Haiiyyaaa....2 paper cut in less than 5 minutes! Sebel..
Drtd kerja, chat ama si Wudhi lama bener..dr awal2 kerja jam 1/2 4an sampe sekarang jam 6:15 juga masih chat. Lumayan juga jadi kerjanya ga kerasa. Abis hari ini bener2 ga ngapa2in jadinya klo ga ada temennya pasti gue bosen deh hehehehe..
Diluar semuanya putih...I wish I brought my camera with me today, take pictures of my white campus =)

Snowing on the official first day of Spring...that's Saint Louis..!
You know what, today I got my appetite back. I can eat like a horse again ;p Sekarang aja lagi ngemil coklat hasil tilepan dr food room. Milky Way good...cuma sayangnya, tenggorokan gatel nih klo makan coklat. But I'm hungry and it tastes so good! Jadi cueklah gatel2 dikit...hehehe

Kamis ini gue mau ke Chicago perpanjang paspornya si kecil (Adit, maksudnya...okay maybe wrong choice of words but hey.. ;p ). Sekalian mau ketemuan sama bu Endang dan mbak Tika. Udah lama banget ga ketemu ama mbak Tika sekeluarga. Hari ini nanya sama Jamillah apa boleh gue bolos jumat and kerja Senen depan instead. She said yes so...Chicago here I come! =) Coba mbak Hani juga bisa ikut pasti seru deh.. =(

Still got half an hour to go...abis tu ke library cariin bukunya Adit and take my case study from the reserve and make copies of that. Trus kerja lagi ke tempat yg satu lagi sampe jam 9 atau 8:30 mungkin. Kemaren gue baru kerja 2.5 jam, so I still got 2.5 more hours to do before Thursday comes. Still got tomorrow evening if I can't do the whole 2.5 hours today...kayaknya sih ga bakal karena hari ini...I just don't feel like it. =)

Ooh...this chocolate is killing my throat...tapi tinggal sesuap lagi nih ;p (hap.. abis deh hehehe)..

Monday, March 20, 2006


Hmh... =)
it's snowing's been a while since the last snow. Waktu tadi pulang jam 9, belom mulai salju, masih hujan es aja..kayak es serut gitu. Untung tadi pergi pake sweater yg ada tudungnya, walaupun tipis. I remember thinking: "damn why did I have to park so far.."

So, armed with a newspaper, I walked to the parking lot. Sempet kepikiran buat lari, but the ice had started to accumulate on the walkways so it was a li'l bit slippery. So, I plugged my ipod speakers to my ears, slipped the players inside my jacket, pulled my jacket's zipper all the way up, tightened my scarf, put on my sweater hood, grabbed a newspaper for extra head protection, checked the laces of my boots, and head to the parking lot. Hehehehe persiapannya udah kayak mau perang aja. I had to make sure I don't get too wet soalnya takut sakitnya balik dr awal lagi, udah hampir sembuh nih (well, not really, but I'm getting better kok).

While I was walking to the parking lot, jadi inget puisi yang gue bikin waktu pertama kali tulis blog disini. "When it rains, the sky touches the earth.." =) Hmm...that made me thought about how the sky and the earth, two things that are so far from each other, and yet they're connected to each other. And it made me thought of miracles..

I had half a mind of staying put and enjoy the rain, but then I remember the unpleasantness of coughing and sneezing, and I don't want to go through that for another month or so, also, the possibility of omelan2 yang bakal gue dapet klo tau alesan gue sakitnya jadi lama, so...I continued walking to the parking lot. Hehehehe...

Di highway, everybody was driving so slow because of the rain/ice. Tonight I didn't mind. Gue seneng nyetir sambil dengerin lagu. Sambil dengerin suara ujannya. Nice =)


Crank up the volume! ;p
The song that is currently playing is such a beautiful song =)

Lady - Kenny Rogers

Lady, I'm your knight in shining armor and I love you
You have made me what I am and I am yours
My love, there's so many ways I want to say I love you
Let me hold you in my arms forever more

You have gone and made me such a fool
I'm so lost in your love
And oh, we belong together
Won't you believe in my song?

Lady, for so many years I thought I'd never find you
You have come into my life and made me whole
Forever let me wake to see you each and every morning
Let me hear you whisper softly in my ear

In my eyes I see no one else but you
There's no other love like our love
And yes, oh yes, I'll always want you near me
I've waited for you for so long

Lady, your love's the only love I need
And beside me is where I want you to be
'Cause, my love, there's somethin' I want you to know
You're the love of my life, you're my lady

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Laporan..! ^_^

Last night was a lot of fuunn....!! Hehehehe..

Kemarin malem itu birthday partynya Ading. Everybody was there. Yang cowok2 pada nyanyi2 gitu pake gitar. They looked real happy, Adingnya juga. That's good, that means he really had a happy birthday =)

Kemaren baru bobo jam 4an gitu kira2, eh bangunnya jam 8 pagi dan ga bisa tidur lagi! My body's a weird thing ;p

Hari ini jam 2 seharusnya ada group meeting, tapi kemaren Pom nelepon dan bilang meetingnya dicancel gara2 case study yang kita harusnya kerjain ga lengkap data dr gurunya. So lucky...! Soalnya gue belom sempet ambil case studynya dr reserve library. Udah gitu, senin juga ga ada kelas Commercial Banking gara2 bokapnya dosen gue sakit (I'm really sorry sir..hope he'll get better soon). But that means that I don't have to do Monday's homework either.

I think today's going to be a nice Sunday =). Ok deh gue harus siap2 nih, mandi hehe. Mau makan dim sum bentar lagii..!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Books and stuff

Hehehe...lagi ada keributan kecil di kantor nih (bos gue pada cekikikan). Gara2nya, hari ini gue ada appointment sama 1 student, trus pas udah selesai, he asked me out. Udah gitu gue cerita sama bos gue: "he just asked me out!" sambil bisik2, hehehe..orangnya udah pegi sih tapi baru aja jadi takut dia denger. Eh terus bos gue langsung ke kantornya associate director sambil cekikikan trus nyuruh gue masuk. Terus mereka bedua ketawa2 gitu, hehehehe. Dasar.

Sekarang gue lagi cengengesan sendiri gara2 2 orang tu. Kocak, hehehehe. Sayang si Francesca ga ada, klo ada dia pasti lebih heboh lagi jadinya.

Gue sekarang lagi baca novel judulnya The Jester, I'm halfway done reading it. Penulisnya James Patterson. Menurut gue ceritanya bagus, dated back to the Holy War era, jaman perang salib. Perangnya sendiri ga begitu banyak dibahas, tapi kehidupan 1 orang inn-keeper yg pergi ke perang salib, dan pulang2 nemu istrinya dibawa pergi sama knights setempat yg emang semena2 banget dan anaknya yg baru lahir dilempar ke api. The story is about how he seeks for justice. Bagus deh pokoknya.

2 bukunya Paulo Coelho udah selesai gue baca, Alchemist sama Zahir. Personally I like The Alchemist better. Zahir bagus juga, tapi gue lebih ada connection sama cerita The Alchemist.

Trus...apalagi ya...oiya tadi malem gue tidur early banget, jam 10. Udah gitu jam 12 kebangun, dan ga bisa tidur lagi sampe lumayan lama. Padahal lampu udah digelapin, tapi tetep aja ga bisa tidur. Jadi cuma tossing and turning aja. Rada2 worried juga abis pagi ini harus berangkat rada awal gara2 harus ngurusin income tax jam 10 sebelom kerja. Untungnya jam 3 akhirnya gue berhasil tidur. And I think it was a dreamless sleep. Must've been tired/something kali ya.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Maan.....! My stomach is alrite now, but now my throat's acting funny. It never ends! u-uh..I guess it's because the weather changes so much. wonder people are sick everywhere..

Kemaren ini, temen gue curhat, katanya dia baru putus sama ceweknya hari Sabtu. I'm sorry for both of them. They've been together for like..2-3 years. Katanya mereka putus gara2 nyokap ceweknya ga suka ama temen gue. But they managed to be together for that long, walaupun akhirnya sama2 tired and decided to give up. strong Sur, like I said before, if something is meant to be, it will be. Gue tau sih it's easier said and done. If it happens to me, I don't know whether I'll be able to say that or not. But that's what friends are for, to remind and to support each other when we forget about what needs to be done =). Lay off on the partying dulu, klo loe udah ga pusing baru deh party lagi, hehehe..

Hari ini kok dingin ya? Dari tadi malem sih sebenernya, apa gara2 heater dimatiin juga ya?
Laper juga nih...Gue bangun sekitar 45 menit yang lalu, dan langsung laper gitu. Tapi masih males keluar dr selimut soalnya dingiiin...
Ini enak mangku laptop jadi anget.. =)

Minggu ini jadwal gue penuh banget, padahal gue lagi pengen banget istirahat. Hari ini jam 1/2 4 ada student policy meeting. Barengan dean2nya kampus dll gitu, today'll be my first meeting so I still have no idea what to do there. Meeting ini katanya rutin, every 2nd Tuesday of each month. Objectivenya buat kasih feedback to the dean about student issues yg ngaruh ke college of business..I don't know much about that jadi gue jg ga tau ntar musti ngapain! Trus besok jg ada meeting sama executive dr HOK, perusahaan arsitektur internasional (yg ngedesign Hotel Mulia Senayan juga), dia ada base di Saint Louis gitu. Gue belom smpet research banyak ttg companynya euy, padahal I need to come up with some questions for the meeting. Udah gitu hari Kamis, meeting sama HR peoplenya CTMT. Untungnya HR centernya deket kampus, jadi lumayan deh ga usah cabut jauh2. Dan Jumat pagi sebelom kerja, gue harus ngurusin tax buat taun ini. Haiyaa....just want to go to sleep...! I honestly don't know why I end up with all these things. All I can say is that it's all my boss' doing. Semua2nya tuh yang ngerecommend gue buat masuk ke semua aktivitas itu bos gue. Thanks for the vote of confidence boss =)

Now if only they happen next week gitu...not this week..hehehe banyak maunya ya gue.. ;p

Monday, March 13, 2006

Real live Russell Peter's daddy! ^_^

Hue he he he...
Guess what, tadi ada bapak2 orang tunjahe nelepon nanyain ttg program MBA, orangnya nyebeliiiin banget.
Kalo yang udah pernah nonton stand up comedynya russell peters, remember when he talked about his dad? Yeah it's something like that.
(for those who haven't watched it yet, you should, it's hilarious!)
Jadi, si tunjahe ini nelepon, bilang: my son is interested in joining your MBA program, he graduated from UM Columbia, and his GPA is 2.8.

Ya terus gue bilang, klo disini standard GPA buat admission sebenernya 3.0, tapi klo dia GMATnya bagus diatas 500, mungkin masih bisa diconsider buat masuk as a restricted student buat 1 semester. Trus, kita juga perlu liat transcriptnya dia dr Mizzou buat evaluasi coursesnya dia.

Eh terus si bapak bilang: you should have access to UM Columbia's transcript.
Gue bilang: I don't think so. We don't have access to their transcript database.
Eeeh...terus dia keukeuh: "Yeah you do."
Udah gitu dia minta ditransfer ke "the one who's in charge"
U-uh menyebalkan. Yaudah gue transfer aja ke bos gue, dan pas udah beres, bos gue cerita, he asked the exact same questions that you just answered..Hehehehe
Anaknya pula nih gimana sih, udah gede masih minta babenya yg neleponin kesini ;p

Friday, March 10, 2006

Me and my big mouth and my big mouth...
Talked about change yesterday, and today a big change happened. Not unexpected, but it sucks anyway...No....ot exactly what I was hoping for. Not at all....
Well, I got my wish, even though it wasn't what I was asking for. Maybe next time I should be more specific when I wish for something.
I am guessing that none of you guys know what I'm talking about. You're right I'm just rambling. It's been a sucky day but maybe it all happened for the best.
Well it is.
No, it really is.
(hff...see how I'm trying to convince my self?)
It is.
It better be.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Ah's not a good day for me. But, there's still some time left before tomorrow comes so...I hope it'll get better.
Apa yah....basically tired, desperately need some changes. Desperately needing some desperately needed changes. Hehe..
Changes should be good.
Um...what else..well, yeah that's basically it.
Can't wait till that moment comes, hehe. So, come they shall..
Preferably sooner =)
Remember, the subject is d.e.s.p.e.r.a.t.e

Oiya one more thing:

Happy Birthday My Li'l Broooooooooooooooooo!!! Hehehehe, you're 19 now..time flies euy...bener2 deh =)
I'm still looking at you as that short boy, with the afro and the man boobs....

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Alchemist

I just finished reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. The story was can I say it...simple yet deep. Di bukunya, ada bagian favorit gue -->

The alchemist say: "You must understand that love never keeps a man from pursuing his destiny. If he abandons that pursuit, it's because it wasn't true love...the love that speaks the Language of the World."
"I'm going away," he said. "And I want you to know that I'm coming back. I love you because..."
"Don't say anything," Fatima interrupted. "One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving."
But the boy continued, "I had a dream, and I met with a king. I sold crystal and crossed the desert. And, because the tribes declared war, I went to the well, seeking the alchemist. So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you."
The two embraced. It was the first time either had touched the other.
"I'll be back," the boy said.
"Before this, I always looked to the desert with longing," said Fatima. "Now it will be with hope."
Fatima went back to her tent, and, when daylight came, she went out to do the chores she had done for years. But everything had changed. The boy was no longer at the oasis, and the oasis would never again have the same meaning it had had only yesterday. It would no longer be a place with fifty thousand palm trees and three hundred wells, where the pilgrims arrived, relieved at the end of their long journeys. From that day on, the oasis would be an empty place for her. From that day on, it was the desert that would be important. She would look to it every day, and would try to guess which star the boy was following in search of his treasure. She would have to send her kisses on the wind, hoping that the wind would touch the boy's face, and would tell him that she was alive.
The wind began to blow again. It was the levanter, the wind that came from Africa. It didn't bring with it the smell of the desert, nor the threat of Moorish invasion. Instead, it brought the scent of a perfume he knew well, and the touch of a kiss -- a kiss that came from far away, slowly, slowly, until it rested on his lips.
The boy smiled. It was the first time she had done that.
"I'm coming, Fatima," he said.

Monday, March 06, 2006


Looots of stuff to share!
Sekarang ini, lagi di tempat kerja karena kelas gue keluar lebih early. Yang harusnya kelar jam 9:35, eh ini jam 8 kurang udah beres, akhirnya gue mutusin buat kerja aja di Computer Building buat menuh2in jatah 5 jam seminggu, lumayan kalo Kamis bisa off gara2 gue kerja rada lama hari ini hehehehe, sweet.
Trus ada good news juga, kelas yg barusan kelar cepet, ujiannya take home! Bahannya bakal dikasih Senin ini, Senin kelasnya juga jadi libur, trus dikumpulin after spring break which means I got 3 weeks to do the exam!
However, knowing me...I'd probably do it like...5 days before it's due so..

Trus, kemaren ini, aku adit mellissa edwin mbak hani mas oki hanna hepi nonton Final Missouri Valley game, Salukis vs. Bradley. Kita dr hari Sabtu udah siap2, bikin2 banner, beli props (maroon face paint, bahan buat dijadiin jubah superman2an, wig afro dll dsb hehehehehe). Seru bangeeeettttt!! We wonn...! pas menang, kita pada turun ke tengah lapangan dan sempet foto2 sama pemain2nya, hehehehe. Asik juga tuh di tengah lapangan (walopun I got a bruised knee, got kicked by somebody in front of me, I'm so short I was lucky not to get kicked in the face hehehehe), liat pemain2nya, pelatihnya, trus liat waktu mereka cut net nya. Pengalaman pertama nih, hehehehe. Sayang bannernya ilang gara2 jatuh di sela2 seatsnya gitu, 22nya pula hihihi. Trus abis itu kita makan di Hooters courtesy of mas Oki (makasih maaas!! ^_^)
I feel bad because I didn't go to Ci Lya's baby shower tho. Been planning it for weeks, I even bought the gift like..2 weeks before and got this cute wrappings with blue ribbons =). I'll come to her place next week to make it up to hr. Haven't got a chance to hang out with Wulan either this week. Ayo dong gurl...kapan yuk..

Trus...apalagi yah...oiyah, a miracle just happened. Sigit is updating his blog oh my...! Never thought that it'd ever happens. But it's happening! hehehehe. Gile deh tu anak udah setaun blog dianggurin, sekarang malah rajin, Ada apa nih? hehehehe...Falling in love do make people do things =D (suit suiiit)

And...apalagi ya...? Well I better get back to work deh, biar pulangnya ga kemaleman juga. Luv u all!

Friday, March 03, 2006

My Kotaro, what happened to you??

Barusan selesai meeting sama prospective student dari Columbia (Columbia yg beneran, South America, bukan tempatnya Arya, hehehe). Namanya Juan, orangnya baik juga sih. Di advising session yg ini, kok malah ujung2nya banyakan dia tanya2 ttg gue drpd ttg programnya ya? hehehe. Dia disini juga udah permanent resident, udah 3 taun disini. Dia malah nanya2 gue asal mana, udah brp lama disini, nanya2 bahasa indo, dll dsb. Udah gitu ngomongin masalah green card, katanya klo g tertarik mo ngenalin lawyernya, trus ujung2nya ninggalin nomer hp sama imel, nyuruh telepon2 weekend klo mau tanya2 masalah green card. It was an um...interesting session.

Eniwei, pengen nonton nih udah lama ga ke bioskop, banyak film yg mau ditonton, Pink Panther, Hoodwinked, dll dsb.
Besok juga mau ke farewellnya Miwa jam 7 malem, bawa apa yah enaknya...

Trus....apalagi ya, oiya tadi malem tidurnya rada late lagi nih, jadinya sekarang ngantuk abis. Pokoknya kemaren itu, sebelom bobo, nulis journal dulu. Abis itu somehow gue mulai buka2 halaman2 awal journal gue. It started around April 02 klo ga salah deh. Akhirnya gue end up baca journalnya dr awal-akhir, jadinya jam 4 baru beres. Wah...banyak hal2 yang gue udah lupa dan jadi nostalgia abis. Ternyata klo diliat2 idup gue lumayan banyak dramanya juga, hehehe. Cuma aja drama gue nggak mempengaruhi banyak orang, always try not to, males lah bikin ribut ga jelas ntar =)
I can see that I changed a lot since then, but at the same time, not really. Nah loh gimana tuh =)
Well, pokoknya yang gue liat td malem sih, cara berpikir gue udah change for the better (alhamdulillah), but seems like some things are just..not going to change, such as kedudulan2 gue hehehe. Tadi malem juga pas chat ama Sigit, we talked about some issues, trus dia bilang cara berpikir gue ada yg berubah, and he likes the change. Yay me ^_^

Eh eh tadi malem gue nonton Voltron loooh, trus nonton intronya Goggle V, 1/2 Sailor Moon, dan 1/2 Ksatria Baja Hitam (cuma 1/2-1/2 gara2 internet gue ngadat lagi, jadi downloadnya lamaaaa bgt gue ga kuat udah ngantuk!). Seneeeeeng bangeeettt! Udah lama banget ga nonton Voltron sama KBH RX.

Waktu nonton Voltron: seneng soalnya dulu ngefans bgt sama Voltron, malah duluuu bgt waktu kecil pernah mimpi jadi yg mengoperasikan robot singa birunya, gantiin si putrinya, hehehehe. Cuma, pas nonton ada bbrp adegan/skenario yg bikin gemes (sama kayak waktu gue nonton Saint Seiya, ughh gemes deh pokoknya). Padahal dulu waktu nonton Voltron/Seiya kayanya flawless bgt, gara2 udah gede kali ya guenya hehehehe.

Waktu nonton Sailor Moon: jadi kangen sama komik2 Sailor Moon gue yang gue tinggal di Bandung, hiks. Gue suka komiknya yg item putih, yg bukunya seukuran komik2 Elex Komputindo biasa, bukan yg berwarna. Gambar2 di yg item putih tuh bagus banget, dulu suka gue ikutin gambar2nya klo lagi bosen, pada kemana ya?...I miss them....!! hiks...By the way yg gue tonton td malem episode yg pas si Mamoru lagi kehilangan ingatan trus direkrut sama penjahat jadi prince of darkness gitu, trus Usaginya sedih bgt soalnya Mamoru jd jahat dan ga inget sama dia lagi, hehehe kasian =)

Waktu nonton KBH RX: perasaan sih yah, seinget gue, dulu yang namanya Kotaro Minami itu keren banget deh. Tapi, pas gue tonton kemaren, mukanya sih emang masih lumayan, tapi, kok kuruuuuuuuuuuuuuss banget ya? Apalagi pake bajunya yg masih gaya2 taun late 80s early 90s gitu deh. Yang celana jeansnya ketat bgt dan lurus gitu ga ada flare2nya dikitpun hehehehe, trus pake jaket biker warna putih yg diserut bagian tangannya, dan kerahnya dikeatasin. Hihihihihihi. Ngeliat belalang tempur lagi, trus jadi kangen sama belalang tempur. Tapi belalang tempurnya kok rada culun ya? Perasaan dulu keren2 aja, hehehehe. Guess I grew out of it... =)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Hari ini cuacanya baguus banget. Feels like spring already. Tadi pas kerja bbrp kli disuruh keluar buat nganter/ngambil sesuatu. Seneng bgt abis diluar enak trus orang2 pada pake bajunya juga serasa summer gitu. Gue salah kostum nih soalnya malah pake sweater tebel dan ga pake lapisan jadi ga bisa dicopot lah, hehehehe.

Tadi pas jalan dr SSB ke CCB, ngeliat bos barunya anak2 ITC, si Christopher, lagi ngerokok diluar. He really looked like Chris, bosnya Christopher (yes...I'm talking about different persons, they have the same name and they work together, hehe). And all of a sudden, gue jadi kangen ama David, bosnya anak2 (dan bos gue yg lama), hehehe. Kangen liat jaketnya dan kangen denger suara kunci2 tiap dia jalan hehehe. He's such a great boss. ;p

Sekarang lagi kerja sambil nungguin kelas jam 5:30. Pegel2 nih abis dr jam 10 pagi duduk depan komputer mulu. Mata jg udah capek, ngantuk, pengen bobo.
Something weird has been going on for the past couple of days but I just can't grasp what it is.

Oiya td di kantor ketemu anak internasional yg waktu ketemu di Mardi Gras. Ternyata dia kerja dikantor sebelah gue, cuma kantor kita share mesin fotokopi gitu. Namanya gue udah lupa, klo ga salah Dean apa Dien apa gitu deh..hehe maap lupa euy.

Duh..suntuknya...pengen cepet pulang nih. this kind of weather, tau ga enaknya ngapain? Main sepedaaa...! Pengen lagi nih sepeda-an nelusurin Katy Trail kayak di Columbia waktu itu. Waktu itu perginya sama ko Erick, ko Whinsky, and Arya. Seru tuh, pengen lagi deh asli. Tapi sayang, partner in crime gue buat aktivitas yg rada diluar kebiasaan gitu (ko Erick) udah pindah siih. Padahal niat mau main paintball bareng belom jadi2 tuh. Di New Hampshire banyak tempat paintball nggak ya? ;p

Atau nggak yang asik lagi kayaknya jalan kaki yang jauh kemanaa gitu. Asal jangan ujan aja hehehehe. But, the sky's so clear right now. Gue juga di kantor buka jendela, enjoying the breeze, sounds of trees, wind, venetian blinds, mixed with the hum of the air conditioner and birds. Perfect. =)