Sunday, July 23, 2017

Here we go again!

Hari ini baru mulai olah raga lagi, ayo semangat!!!
Dari mulai ramadhan bulan lalu, work out totally stopped but the eating continued....hasilnya, I am back to my pre-workout weight. Parah lah! It's like I don't have an ounce of self control or something (which I probably don't, true -.-').

Tapi kerasa banget sih memang perubahannya. Badan begah, nggak enak, kaku2, I am cranky all the time, this is bad!

So here I am, trying to muster my will to go through and keep this going. But honestly, yang susah itu adalah mengubah mind set bahwa gw harus sehat untuk gw sendiri, bukan untuk penampilan, bukan untuk upcoming hajatan, atau apa lah alesan2 lainnya.

I don't want to be aching all over every time I wake up in the morning. I don't want to be cranky all day. I don't want to not have enough energy to play with my kiddos. I want to get better!

Ayo semangaattt!!