Saturday, December 26, 2009

Yes, it bothers me

I started to think that I might have an OCD problem when I imagined falling down the stairs with dirty, oily plate, and oily fingers...and couldn't give a clear answer whether I'd call for help straight away, or go wash my hands first (in pain), then grab the phone and call for help.


Sunday, December 13, 2009


Dear all,

Have been thinking for days of what I'm going to say with no avail. Things kept popping in my head randomly. I've felt that my focus is slipping away and been trying to hold on to it for dear life. I'd probably need to step back, take a breath and see everything from a bird's eye view.
But do I have the time?
Growing up will not wait for anything. Like time.
I need that moment when time stands still.

Laughter. From the heart. Out loud.

Damn I miss that.

I am one of those who believes that growing up does not mean losing the happy part of you, substituted by responsibilities, obligations, needs, and the list goes on.
But now I know that it is not as easy as it seems.

Why am I stuck doing things that is utterly meaningless?
Why am I stuck doing things where I am situated to be cautious of other human beings?
Why am I stuck doing things that does not seem to bring that much good?

I don't like it. I stay because of need. I stay because of responsibilities.
I don't like it.

Once you're counting the days when you can leave something, that's usually one of the first signs that say you need to find something else.
What do I truly want? What do I truly need?
And why does my wanderings kept being halted by the thought of reponsibilities... head hurts. I don't know what to do..I don't know who to talk to.

Laughing out loud. Let's just make that my short-term goal.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

ulang ulang ulang

Baru nyadar 3 post gue yang terakhir judulnya repetition semua hahaha (termasuk yang ini sih tapi yg ini sengaja ngulangnya jadi ga masuk itungan hehe)

Rain rain rain

Yesterday I was attending my dad's first book launch. Soo proud of my dad and I am surely hoping to be able to follow his step.
I will, too, someday write a book! Well mungkin bukan buku teori sih tapi lebih ke buku cerita hehehehe.
Bisa ga yaaaa.....Harus bisa! :p

Sekarang lagi excited nunggu jam pulang, mo dijemput Dee hehehe udah kangeeeenn
Dyah lagi liburan ke sini nih tapi cuma bentar sih, kl ga salah cuma 2 minggu aja.

Yikes di luar ujan lagi...musim ujan sudah officially mulai, nyang artinya muacett dimana2!

Hh..kekenyangan ih tadi makan siang plus rujak. Padahal rujaknya udah diserbu rame2 loh.

Kemaren malem nimbang, udah musti mulai diet lagi damn hahaha

Friday, November 13, 2009

Mandi mandi mandi!

Lagi siap2 mo mandi sambil dengerin deep forest and sambil nungguin donlod album Madredeus 2002 can't wait to check out what the music is like hehe.
Bentar lagi dijemput niiiii ma mas Penooo...gue ama mas Peno ama nyokap mo ke tempatnya Joko buat fitting kebaya. Mana gue lagi ndut krn makan mulu dr kmrn and lg bloated juga gara2 ud mo dapet hehehehe. Ribet yaaa cewek tuuuu doh doh doh..

Ayo ayo manda mandiiii jangan maleees!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ng ng ng ng

Halooo semuaaa

Tadi siang gue abis ketemuan sama career counselor gue yang baik hati bak fairy godmother atau peri birunya pinokio (apa sih) buat ngobrolin objectives dan kondisi gue di kantor yang baru ini. Tadi kita makan siang (ditraktir, yay!) di The Duck King Grand Indo berburu dimsum and Red Mango for dessert afterwards. Walaupun lagi pilek tapi gue tetep aja bablas. Hey don't judge me, freebies tempt me haha. BTW Red Mango enak juga loh, akhirnya ada alternatif laen selain Sour Sally.

Sekarang gue masih di kantor nunggu dijemput mas Peno jam 5 (lama amat sih ayank, pulang kantor tuh before 5 gitu loh hahaha). Tadi sih lumayan uprek2an ada kerjaan dari Rinny. Hihi supervisor gue ini lucu deh, kalo lagi sibuk kayak angin puting beliung bawaannya jadi pengen ngipasin sambil ngasih teh anget (meriaaang kali).

Ih tadi pulang2 dr GI gue sempet kena migreeen, huh. Tapi udah minum obat lama kelamaan sembuh wuhu!

Teruus...apa lagi yaa...
Udah sih gitu doang updatenya ngga ada yang menarik lagi.

Oh iya tadi ujan gede loh (ga penting)

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Adrenaline Rush on a Monday Morning

Waaah kok gue semangat sekali yaaa hari Senin iniiii
Padahal ini teh abis begadang jangan begadaaang (bang rhoma foreper) baru tidur jam 1/2 4 pagi aja gituh
Padahal hari ini sambutan pagi pacar gue beda2 tipis ama gaya sipir penjara meng greet para napi2nya di pagi hari (lengkap dengan pentungannya!). Bersyukurlah para sipir2 itu napinya ga ada yang centil kayak gue centil ke cowok gue ya gak om? om? om peno? kitik kitik kitik (apa sih haha) *wink2 --> tapi ini asumsi orang yang ga ada dasar pengetahuan solid tentang kehidupan per-penjara-an dan per-sipir-an sih..
Padahal hari ini gue juga ga salah minum obat atau apa kok sepertinya. Sebelom tidur juga gue ngga munching on sugar.
So this is a natural high! yay!

Wahh...hari ini enaknya ngapain ya kalo gitu?
Setelah pagi2 gue udah menyapa temen2 kantor dengan semangat yang setara dengan org kebanyakan minum kopi pagi2 (ih jadi pengen jus mangga lagi)

Kemaren hari Sabtu gue ketemuan sama Wuuudhiiiiiiiiii. Seru ketawa ketiwi mengenang2 kedudulan2 yang terjadi waktu winter vacation ke Blanda bbrp taun yang lalu. Wudhi bawa temennya yang gue lupa namanya siapa (mari kita sebut saja mas beruang madu untuk saat ini).
Mas beruang madu juga orangnya lucu dan sepertinya agak heran awal2nya melihat 2 mahluk ajaib bernama Manda dan Wudhi yang berumur 26-27an tapi terlihat seperti sepasang anak sekolahan yg masih pake seragam dan ber ransel. Yang 1 bawa ransel sinchan yang 1 bawa ransel kura2 ninja. Lalu 2 mahluk itu bertemu dan mulai ketawa ketiwi ga jelas...

Oh terus tadi malem gue ke kawinan Ayu anaknya tante Melly. Nah si tante Melly ini pretty much adalah referensi si mamah mengenai urusan per-wedding-an gue. Dia di Bidakara juga gedungnya dan pake Akasya juga as the caterer. Cuma kl tante Melly ini pake adat Minang. Bride n Groom nya look pretty! And buat hiburannya mereka pake Endah & Rheza yg lagi lumayan naik daun. Cool gitu buat 1 gedung gede hiburannya cuma 1 quirky singer and 1 quirkier acoustic guitarist. Tapi suaranya jelas kok kedengeran kemana2 and bagus juga. Makanannya juga enak2 kok.
Tapiii sayangnyaaa parkirnya susah banget (kata yg pada dateng sih, gue mah dateng awal jadi belom terlalu antri). Udah gitu gedungnya juga packed with people and panas. Ya iyaa laaah, secara di bagian belakang di salah satu "gubug" makanannya pake bawa panggangan yg biasa buat daging2 kebab yang ber api2 itu loh..yg guedee..jelas aja agak2 gerah hahaha
Nah kita (as in CPW yaitu gue, my bonyok and para panitia kita yg jg dateng di acara itu) jadi puyeng dan berpikir gimana caranya biar kita ga sampe kayak gitu. Soalnya jumlah tamu kita beti gitu deh, mirip2 walopun agak lebih sedikit. Masaaa jam 9 antrian yang mo nyalamin penganten masih panjang aja gituuu, dan denger2 dari aliran pergosipan sopir2 katanya ada bapak2 tua yang jatuh pingsan pas lagi antri mo salam oh no1! (lebay). Dan yang lebih penting lagi, kapan PW dan PP nya mo indehooy, udah keburu teler kali hahaha
Ya Allah semoga yang punya gue nanti berjalan lancar dan nyaman buat yang dateng amiiiin. Jangan sampe bukannya dapet doa malah dapet kutukan2 hahahha

Hmm..terus apa lagi ya yg mo diceritain. Oiyah hari iniiii gue harus inget mo nyetak pas foto 12 biji buat KUA. Itu foto 12 biji dipake buat apaan ya sama orang2 KUA? Agak banyak deh kayanya

Oh iya kemaren pagi gue kan perawatan yah di Martha Tilaar. Dipijitin di scrub dan di masker sebadan2. Trus terakhirnya mandi susu sekalian bubble bath gitu. Sayang sekali pas gue lagi asik main2 busa si mbaknya ngingetin kalo yang mo ngeblow rambut gue udah nungguin. Iiih gimana sih kata mbak yg 1 lagi minggu lalu "mbak kalo disini anggep rumah sendiri ajaaa santai aja ya". Nah ya itu lah yg gue lakukan, gue menganggap kl gue lagi mandi di rumah sendiri jadi suka2 gue kali ya mo selama apa juga. Masih untung gue bubble bath ga pake bawa bebek2an.
Yah eniwei kemaren itu gue khusus minta di cuci blow karena malemnya mo kondangan (ternyata kondangannya jam 7 malem, it was 11 in the morning, I didn't know gw kira kondangannya siaang). Jadilah rambut gue dibentuk2 dan pake sasak2 segala. Pdhl gue udah pesen "mas saya mau yg simpel2 aja ya..tengkyu (senyum manis)". Dan hasilnya pun gue keluar salon dengan sasakan setinggi monas dan rambut yang dikruwel2in bawahnya. Tanggapan resepsionis ama tukang pijetnya aja waktu liat gue "waaah...mbak kondangannya jam brp? oh jam 7? nanti kempes kok atasnya". Gue dalem hati: yey gimana sih kok 1 salon pegawainya ga saling mendukung gini..berarti mbaknya juga merasa kl dandanan gue ajaib hahaha. Tapi untungnya pas kondangan udah lumayan kempes and kriwel2nya dicopot ama mama yg sambil misuh2 ngeliat anaknya jadi kayak eskrim McD yang dulu dijual 500 perak-an itu loh...

Ah udah ah udah panjang...adrenalin udah lumayan tersalurkan skrg lanjut cari trainiiiing :D

See ya!

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Hhh.....ayo bernapaaaas.....
in....out....breathe in.....breathe out....

Doh, bermasalah banget nih gue, very very not good euy..

Hari ini pagi2 udah argue sama my husband to-be cuma gara2 masalah kecil doang. Gue sih emang yang nyolot tapiii giimaaanaaa. Hh...mana ini hari senen, pula. dohhh...

Ga tau nih belakangan ini kok gue semakin nyolot yaa? Awal2nya cuma kalo lagi PMS doang tapi makin kesini makin ga sopan ke nyolot an nya merambah ke hari2 biasa doang. Ihhh ga rela banget gueee!

You know, gue tuh termasuk jenis orang yang happy go lucky sekaliiii. Ga banyak hal2 yang bisa mengganggu gue apalagi bikin gue bt. Tapi sekaraaaaang? Ya ampun sekarang ini gue udah kayak godzilla, sumbunya pendek abeeyysss.....Hal2 kecil aja udah bisa bikin gue upset/bt. ih! ih! ih! (tu kaaan......)
hh...godzilla.....anjeyss skrg gue baru paham knp ada istilah bridezilla itu hahahaha kurang ajaarrrrrr kayaknya gue kualat dulu setiap ngeliat iklan acara bridezilla di tv waktu di st louis gue suka meremehkan gitu, gue pikir "gile santey aja dong's just a wedding...". And look what happen to me now..Haiiyyaaaa ya Tuhan maaphkan lagi2 deh ngeledekin para bridezilla ituuu.....nanti2 lagi setiap ngeliat bridezilla I'll just give her a hug and say everything is gonna be fine...puk puk puk..

Hh....omaigat....I know I am sooo much better than this. Amanda yang easy going itu kemanaaaa batang hidungnyaaaa!!! Giliran lagi dibutuhin malah ngilang entah kemana (dang now I'm even mad to my imaginative self haha this is bad)

Hhh...maapin aku ya sayang (just in case anybody need a clarification, I am referring to my future hubby), I know I am making it hard to like me now (heck I don't even like myself very much right now)...but I will try my best to go back to my old sweet self (like I am ever sweet before haha).
Sabar2 ya ngadepin aye....luv u very2 much and despite all my craziness, I know for sure that you are The One and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you (cie cieee...haha)

barusan Dee juga kena semprot hahaha
Gue lagi curhat kan ceritanya sama dia, terus:

dee: amandaaaaaaaaaa
me: Deee hiks hiks hiks
dee: kenapa da?
wats wrong darlinggggg *british accent
me: Dodol hahaha
Baca blog gw deh
Gw nyambil2 kerja yaaa
dee: oki
lo stress
all those things buat nikah
me: Kesian jg sih si mas peno
Dia salah ngomong dikit aja gw ud suka nyolot jadinya
Mending kalo ngambeknya diem, ini jadinya nyinyir gt hahaha
Bitchy abis
dee: hahahahahahhahaha
me: ihh...skrg aja gw emosiiii
Sbnrnya urusan wedding ga brp parah, cuma krn di barengin ama workload yg tiba2 banyak at 1 time gini ya pdhl sebenernya biasanya gw bisa handle dgn santai2 aja tp ga tau nihhh. segini mah pdhl ga banyak2 bgt gw aja agi sensi
dee: yeah well
udah gapapa
one person has many sides
or shades
gw abis pilates
me: Iya tp the side yg nongol skrg tidak menyenangkan dan gak gw banget
dee: yeah
well it's uuuuuuu baby --> pay attention, disini keadaan mulai memanas
makanya harus bisa di control
me: What? So u're saying I'm bitchy? --> aaaand the godzilla is out
(Ah see? See? Contoh nyata haha)
dee: hahahahahahahha
lo sensi amat ya
mungkin overload aja
kerjaan dsb
kena semprot juga gw
me: Hahahahaha
Iyyaaa loe aja kena, apalagi mas p
dee: ahhahahahahahah

So...itu lah salah satu cuplikan kecil, contoh dari kelakuan gue

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A very long sigh........hhhhhhh........

Hadoooooooh ini begimana siiiiihhggg

Internet di kantor sumprit bapuk banget inih...gue teh seharusnya melakukan research. Reee search! Yang artinya butuh speed yang acceptable lah untuk berpindah dari halaman satu ke halaman lain sampe ketemu hasil yang bener2 pas.
Lah ini, mo buka 1 halaman aja gue sampe bisa nge Milo dulu, maen2 BB, garuk2 idung, menghela napas, maen2 BB lagi, masih aja belom kebuka gitu loh.

Tapi anehnya yah, website2 lain yang ga berhubungan dengan research gue kebuka dengan mulusnya. Seperti, fesbuk, dan blogger. Hmmm...

Doh hari ini suplai kesabaran gue lagi lumayan untungnya. Kalo engga kesian cowo gue yang jadi bulan2an ntar sore.

Soalnya kenapa coba gue butuh kesabaran ekstra tersebut?
Satu lagi masalah yang bikin gue keki adalah urusan poto2an buat preweeeddd....
Hiks...serba salah...abis yang punya temennya cowok gue, dan pas gue sempet ketemu orgnya juga baik
Tapiiiii so far kynya susah bener dihubungin buat ngatur jadwal foto prewed, udah gitu, begitu gue dapet dokumen ttg apa2 aja yang dibutuhin buat foto2annya, gue ternganga (halah terngangaaaa...)
Ternyata semua2nya harus dari kita sendiri yang nyiapin gituh....dr mulai baju aksesoris asisten buat bantu2 sampe make up.
Hair and Make up sendiri??
Untuk kalian2 yang sudah mengenal gue sejak lama, mungkin saat ini sudah manggut2 mengerti.
Gue ga biiisaaaa kaaliiiii menata rambut dan make up buat yang formaaaal....
Kalo buat yang foto candid outdoor mah gapapa tapi buat yang formal, I risk looking like lenong...atau terlalu polos aja
Rambut juga mo diapain gue bingung. FYI, gue bukan termasuk mahluk Tuhan yang rajin nyambangin salon yah. So God help me

And about the assistant. Gue ga tau siapa temen gue yang bisa dengan rela stand by ngurusin gue dari jam 7 pagi sampe 6 malem. Mo minta tolongnya juga gue ga tega itu mahh. Aduh gimana ya, nyokap juga kalo tau pasti gue yang kena omel knp bisa dapet paketnya yang kayak gini (udah mo nangis)

hiks....gue udah kirim imel balik sih ke orangnya...semoga bisa dapet bantuan. Soalnya kan kalo cari make up and hairstylist sendiri buat ikut ke pemotretan itu bakal cost lagi keluar. Udah gitu belom cari2 lagi yang cocok siapa (mo nangis lagi)

OK maybe my patience pool is not as deep as I thought


Thursday, October 01, 2009

Sicky Mandy

Adoooh....udah lama ga ngerasa sesek, gile akhirnya kambuh juga.. Man it sucks real bad...I can hardly breathe and everytime I make a sudden move, even just to turn my head sideways, I'll cough.
I've been trying real hard to suppress my coughs. My throat and my chest really hurts when I cough and I know 1 cough will cause other coughs to follow.
Yech...this is no fun.
Luckily I don't think I look sick at all, just more quiet than before. Of course, I have to keep myself from coughing all the time.

Huff...hopefully I can get better soon!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bad Mandy

Glory Box is still my soundtrack.
I’m so tired…of playing…playing with this bow and arrow...
Gonna give my heart away...leave it for the other girls to play...
For I’ve been a temptress too long….


Huwahhh kantor gue masih kosong beginiiii…..emang sih harpitnas jadi kayaknya pada ambil cuti sekalian biar bisa pada masuk senen aja

Hmm….what should I do at the office today….from the look of things, I think I can skedaddle from here around 3pm…Hmph if I don’t have that bundle in a sack (a heavyweight laptop and its heavyweight paraphernalia) I would have gone to Grand Indo and have a (window) shopping day! Hahaha

Oh and by the way, I have finished my 2 weeks new joiner training yay! ^^
So relieved and surprisingly got great feedback from the instructor!
I think he’s really nice because on the “assignment submitted” part, he wrote: on time. While actually I submitted the last assignment kind of a week late. And, it was supposed to be a toughie, other new joiners are working with teams of two and did it for a few days while I was working at it by myself and finished it (rushingly) in about 3-4 hrs, and that was because I got an email from the instructor asking about it. If not I’d probably still procrastinate. So I’m just glad that I still got good result despite the rushing and the “asal2an” work :p
Baaad Mandy! Hahahaha

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

From the humongous desk of Enclosed Room 4


Pardon the lack of quality posts lately but boy, I tell you, boredom sure does numb your mind!!
Like right now, still in the early days of joining a new company, I am now sitting down in a private office (for training purposes, mind you..I'm not that high up in the organization chart yet haha), doing nothing (geez this starts to sound like a broken record), close to start twiddling my thumb if not for the internet. And by the way I almost break my own record for the Brickbreaker game on my Blackberry, did it for the last 2 hours.

Now some of you might ask....why don't you do something useful??

I know I know...but listen. This is Day 2 of my 2 weeks New Joiner training. I have finished reading the materials for today and 2 days ahead and just refuse to continue on to another day. There's only so much training a person's brain can take in a day, and I've absorbed 3 days worth of stuff. So no. No more training, missy!

Hmm...let's see...what else is happening.

Oh right. I am having a break the fast dinner/mini reunion with my friends from SD (yikes I am blanking on the term for SD...see what an overloaded brain does to you??...oh elementary school..right.). We are supposed to meet at the Food Louvre Grand Indonesia. But you know what...I am craving for Burger King....yummmm....I have never dined at Food Louvre before, I wonder if they have burger. If not, then I'll just take one to go for Sahur hehehehe. Again, yummmmm ;p

Lastly, I want to pay respect, homage, and send my condolence to my dear friend Joseph. His mom just passed away from cancer last night. may she rest in peace. Your family is a strong bunch and I admire that. ((HUGS))

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Horeee, my mom and dad pulang hari iniii (kesannya anak mami banget ya hehehehe).

Ih tapi iya loh, gue merasakan bedanya gue yang dulu dengan gue yg sekarang (sebenernya ngga dulu2 banget sih..not more than 6 month-ish ago). I used to enjoy my alone time at home, do my own thing, etc. But this most recent time when my parents left me home alone for 10 days, I felt lonely and a bit scared staying at home alone! This is NOT a good change for me!!

I am lucky to be accompanied by several of my loved ones, sometimes everybody's present at one time, sometimes just part/one of them. But when I was left alone (just 1 day!), I felt a dependency on them. Nooot gooooddd....

I need to get back my okay-ness of being left alone by myself...just the okay-ness first, and then I can move on to the fondness of being alone occassionally hehehehe

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I'm engaged!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


What is wedding jitters? Does everybody experience it?
Is it normal to have a jitters about wedding jitters?
Does having jitters about wedding jitters makes it double?

Man...this is nuts...I have been having dreams about the same topic almost for the whole week. And last night was even worse, I woke up like...really woke up (not the sleepy, want-to-get-back-to-sleep kind) like..5 times last night, and every time I went back to sleep, there it was, the same theme to my dream. Crazy.

Crazy crazy crazy

Now I have a stomachache


Lagi Pengen Ini

2009 Honda FC Sport - fuel cell technology...go green! ;p

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Aduuuuh parah gila

I couldn't concentrate at all! I'm supposed to finish something but I did not produce anything since this morning (aaand I came to work early! might as well take that extra 30 min sleep rather than just stare at the computer)

This is soo...unproductive. I need to set my mind on anything other than the things that I am thinking about right now. Brain freeze, frozen on that same thinking spot since this morning.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The First, The Last, My Everything

We got it together, didn't we?
Nobody but you and me.
We got it together, baby.

My first, my last, my everything,
And the answer to all my dreams.
You're my sun, my moon, my guiding star.
My kind of wonderful, that's what you are.

I know there's only, only one like you
There's no way they could have made two.
You're, you're all I'm living for
Your love I'll keep for evermore.
You're the first, my last, my everything.

In you I've found so many things,
A love so new, only you could bring.
Can't you see if you,
You'll make me feel this way,
You're like a first morning dew on a brand new day.

I see so many ways that I can love you,
'Till the day I die....
You're my reality, yet I'm lost in a dream.
You're my first, my last, my everything.

I know there's only one, only one like you
There's no way they could have made two.
Boy, you're my reality.
But I'm lost in a dream,
You're the first, you're the last, my everything.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

already counting the days

I am sure I haven't stared at Facebook for this long, ever. Nothing to do, just look at it.
That's how bored I am in the office. It has been a week for me not having anything to do at all I'm seeing my office boy's job as a tempting opportunity, damn..

Oh geez...1 month...just 1 more month....

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Why you're mad at me, my dear friend, I know not.
All I know is you were never angry with me before, and for the first time that you do, I know nothing about the reason.

Ah but for I am a fool, I still love you anyway, you bastard


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

ga penting

sore ini aku mau ke surabayaaaa tugas dineees...hehehehhe

Monday, June 08, 2009

Maapin aye yaaaa

Hauhuahauhuahauhua --> gabungan antara seneng dan terharu

Besok daku insyaallah mau berangkat umraah...

Hari ini udah keliling menawarkan titipan do'a ke orang2 kesayangan macem tukang kredit...dan hasilnya sudah tercompile...
Do'a2 yang dititipin bervariasi dari yang normal, baik hati (baca: ikut ngedoain gue dlm doanya...God bless you guys haha), dan ada juga yg tengil (cth: jodoh yg mirip linda carter wkt jadi wonder woman dan ada yg minta jodoh mirip taumingse). Pokoknya semua doa gue catet biar gue ga lupa walopun bagian2 yang tengil gue edit sedikit karena (spt yg gue bilang ke mereka juga), gue ga mau do'a gue di depan Ka'bah jadi nggak khusyu gara2 ada yang ngelempar sendal ke kepala gue..disana kan klo kita tengil2 (yes, termasuk berdo'a yg tengil2 juga, I presume) balesannya langsung kena gue. A'udzubilah hiii...

Yah pokoknya gue minta maap ya ke semuanya kalo gue ada salah2...Dan doain aja mudah2an disana ibadah gue bisa lancar and oke biar doa2 gue juga terkabul (ini demi terkabulnya doa2 titipan kalian juga!), dan semoga gue ama keluarga gue bisa sampe balik lagi ke Jakarta dengan sehat walafiat dan tepat waktu back on the 18th! (yes, tepat waktu, karena kalo kelamaan ntar gue tambah kangen ama my boo auw auuuww...hahahahaha)

Yah eniwei, sori dori and i love you all yaaaaa

*big hugs n kisses for everyone*

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I miss...

Waw udah lama juga ya gue ga update blog....well i've been busy (gayyaaa haha)

bingung juga mau cerita apa ya....belom ada lagi sih kejadian yang signifikan.

palingan....apa yah....

oiya beberapa hari yang lalu gue sempet kepikiran St. Louis gitu. Gue kangen banget euy sama St. tau udah berapa kali, udah sering kali yah gue bilang gitu

But I guess I just miss the freedom that I have there, the freedom to do anything I want, to make my own decisions and face my own consequences. I miss that I can just get anything I want whenever I need it, be it at 8 am or 3 am without having to ask or having to find somebody to go with me. I miss that I can actually find booze whenever I'm tired and said "I need booze" hahaha. I miss that I can go to an outdoor cafe, be it for a cup of ice green tea or a cold Bud, with my close buddies or by myself with a book. I miss that I can find a getaway whenever I was depressed and didn't want to be around people, driving around the city at 2 in the morning, got lost and back again. I miss that I can hit the club as soon as I get off of a 15-hr shift and go dancing until early in the morning. I miss that I can talk on the phone for 3 hrs without having to worry about pulsa.
I miss the freedom
I miss the fun
I miss the bonding moments
I miss the heartbreaks
I miss the responsibility

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

naon deuih

Sitting, waiting, wishing....

for the time for me to go home

hihihihihihi (depannya dramatis terakhir2nya taunya buat pulang doang)

apaa sih mandaaa??

Friday, May 15, 2009


ini kantor....hghghghghg....have no more words to describe this...
hghghghghg....making my sore throat worse!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Kebodohan yang lagi sakit tenggorokan

Adooohhh...kena sakit tenggorokan lagiiiii

Ni gara2 kantor gue yang dinginnya ga kira2 seharian kemaren trus baju gue rada pendek gitu jadi bagian belakangnya kan keangkat2 gitu tuh trus jadinya pinggang gue suka ter expose gitu deh (brarti ini salah gue apa salah AC ya....ah salah AC ah siapa suruh dingin2 bener, as I've said before and will say again, "emangnya kita sayur, apa??"

Kemaren mah masih cingcay lah cuma batuk2 doang nooo problemo. Gue juga udah tidur early noh jam 9an gitu kayanya gue udah tidur. Eh lah pas bangun kok tenggorokan rada perih. Tak suuudiiiiiiii daku tak sudi jatuh sakitttt!!

Karena ketidak relaan gue buat sakit (wiken mo maen nih!!) akhirnya gue bawa deh tuh teh Fortune Delightnya babeh and Lo Han Kuo buat diminum anget2. Jadilah gue pagi2 minum 2 gelas berturut2 tuh 2 macem. Kaga ngaruuuhhh >.<

Akhirnya gue turun ke basement beli Komix cair yang di sachet2 gitu...Fisherman's Friend, ama Vitacimin. Ga membaik juga....trus yasudahlah pas makan siang gue ikut nyebrang ke ambas, mampir di Century buat beli Lemocin. Dan udah gue makan juga. Kaga ngaruh jugaaaaaa malah perihnya skrg tambah parah + ngantuk gara2 cocktail obat2 yang gue minum macem2 tadi huhuhuhuhu bodohnyaaaaa

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

*listening to: As Long As You Love Me - Backstreet Boys*

Ai gile beku di kantor gueeeee.....!!

K guys it's counting down's 4:47 pm, 13 minutes away from 5:00pm.

Mau bahas apa ya sekarang...? Hmm...lieur juga sih..

Oiya tadi lunch lumayan seru, ditraktir sop buah ama Ayas (thank you saaayy ^_^), trus dikenalin juga ke ceweknya Yola, she's nice I like her ^_^

Rencananya sih tadi abis makan pengenliat2 DVD dulu tapinya mepet banget waktunya. Beres makan aja udah jam 1, pdhl harusnya jam 1 gue udah balik ke kantor..bandel ya hehehehe..
Sebenernya gue masih ada sih bbrp dvd baru yang belom gue tonton spt Slumdog Millionaire, Red Cliff 1 & 2, 10000 BC, Burn Notice season 2, and 1 cd KBH RX lagi..hmmh..banyak juga yaa, ngapain gue nyariin dvd lagi coba.

4:53 pm....7 minutes away from 5 pm

Sebenernya gue pengen sih nontonin itu, tapi kayaknya filmnya panjang2 semua dan akhir2 ini gue sering pulang malem. Biasanya kalo udah sampe rumah pengennya tidur2an santai sambil baca buku (ini aja pace gue udah jauh berkurang drpd biasanya...even for interesting book as well!)

Hh..apa lagi ya...well I have a deadline for Thursday morning...really hoping that I can finish this at a coffee shop or something (hey, dejavu!)

4:55 pm

4:56 pm

yess yes yes yes 4 minutes away before I can pack my bags and leave...!

Hari ini jadwalnya ngegym ama mas P tapi lagi berpikir mo mulai pake PT hari ini apa ikut kelas ya? Kelasnya menarik soalnya. Om Bro katanya malem ini ngegym juga disitu jadi mungkin bisa ketemu juga. Sekalian ngenalin deh soalnya mas P belom pernah kenalan sama om Bro.

4:58 pm
5:00 pm!! Yaaaaaayyyy!!!

eh...tapi kok belom ada yang beranjak sihh.... >.<
aaaa aku mau pulanggg...ayo dong people, c'mon let's gooo >.< !!!

Monday, May 04, 2009

Memories di waktu ngantuk


Aduhh....I am very sleepy..have something to entry, basically. I have to type in the interview results that we got since last week. In total I think I still or 8 more to do? Hh..I wish I can finish this in a cafe or something. Now I', imagining one of those coffee shops on Delmar Loop...mid-May...oh how awesome it would be if I can do this right there.
The quirks of a small coffee shops full of books, vintage board games and cute barista...and the small African restaurant on the corner...blueberry hill with its awesome potato skin, variety of beers, and its quirky little toys and memorabilias on its walls...hhhh


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Si Ujang dan Si Sapi

Ah kenyangnyaaa........tadi gue makan Menado (lagi) pake ikan tongkol pedes (lagi)...dasar Manda ga ada variasinya deh ah hehehehe

Eh kemaren di kantor lagi rame loh, makan siang di kantor ayam presto courtesy of 3 orang yang ulang taun (mbak Desi, mbak Evi and mas Anto), and Riri yang pindah kerja ke Honda, yang pabriknya adalah di Sunter dan masuk jam 730 pagi yuk mariiiii...hihihihi.
Jadi kemaren tu makanannya nasi box ayam presto dan ada plecing kangkungnya (enak dan gue sampe bukan membajak deng tapi ditawarin dan menerima...(sopan kok sopan hehehe) . Udah diperingatin sih kalo kangkung itu bikin ngantuk tapi gue gitu loh...kalo belom kena sendiri belom percaya dan malah penasaran pengen ngebuktiin. Jadi gue makan lah itu 2 porsi kangkung. Come 3PM-ish....bener aja gue ngantuk. Taapiii...gue masih belom 100% percaya soalnya faktor ke ngantuk an gue bisa macem2 kan...bisa karena emang jam2 segitu adalah jamnya ngantuk, bisa juga karena emang kekenyangan in general aja bukan gara2 kangkungnya doang, dan ya..bisa juga emang gara2 kangkungnya. Yah eniwei....this means the theory still stands unproven and further investigation will follow.

Eh trus trus ya, kemaren itu kan orang2 dari TASS Axia yang awal taun ini pindah gedung ke Argo Manunggal kemaren pada ngumpul disini semua buat lunch...nah disana teh ada anak baru (sekitar 2 bulanan deh kl ga salah), namanya gue lupa but for the sake of discussion let's just call him Ujang. Nah si Ujang ini sama mbak L dikenalin sama anak2 sini...terutama ke yang muda2...sepertinya ada usaha penjodohan juga deh hihihi. Trus kocaknya...dia kan disuruh duduk sebelah gue pas makan, the conv went kira2 like this:

Mbak L: ayo2 dong kenalin nih...Ujang, ini Manda, Manda, ni anak baru, Ujang...
Gue: *sambil nyengir*
Manda...maap yaa tangannya kotor
Ujang: Ujang...*sambil nyengir jg*
Mbak L: ayo loh ngobrol2...kalian seumur kan?
Gue to Ujang: *ngangguk2 tp skeptis*
(ga yakin...kynya engga deh..Ujang looked so baru lulus SMP)
kamu umur berapa?
Ujang: 22..
Gue: oo ya ya ya...................................
Gue to mbak L: *ngangguk2 membenarkan* iya mbak. bener. kita seumur kok

Haiiyaaaaahh...pas gue umur 22 Ujang masih Es Em Peeeeeeeee! >.<

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

ngik ngok...

Hari ini adalah hari yang amat sangat tidak produktif. Uuuh....
Bahkan lebih parah daripada kemaren...padahal buteknya kemaren..biasa post-holiday syndrome.
Tapii...hari ini urusannya beda lagi, bukan post-holiday syndrome lagi.
Ayo dong ayooo Mandaa....maju2 smangatt!

ga produktiiifff iiiihh

ah...bbrp hr belakangan ini adalah hari2 yang aneh...cape dee

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Studi Banding (hihihi)

To start click on the above link yaa

Ok ok ok so this is what I did last Saturday in Bandung. I had a good Saturday night but I was home at 12am-ish already. Because I was still a bit hyped so I couldn't sleep yet, I tried to think of something to do. And then I looked at my MP3. And then something "weird" just suddenly crossed my mind: "Hey, what if I try, to search for a dangdut radio station, and listen to it for at least 1 hour??"
So I did.
And I'm glad I did.
I was laughing and giggling by myself for the first 30 minutes, and then Wudhi said hi on YM then we laughed and giggled together hahaha. This is good!!!

Radio yang gue dengerin judulnya Rama FM 104.7, semboyannya Geboy (kl ga salah sih...because they said that alot!)

Potongan lagu pertama yang gue denger,
"Lara hati....ku lara hati..suami lupa diri...sudah mabuk judi, juga mabuk minuman, masih saja kakang tergoda janda kembang..tak sudi ku tak sudi..."
background lagunya: everybody..everybody start rockin' jump!

huahahahaha.....liriknya keren, backgroundnya juga keren (ga singkron sama tema liriknya padahal tapi who cares yang penting geboy!

The second song (yang beberapa saat kemudian gue dapet judulnya adalah keong racun, soalnya ada yg ngerequest tapi penyiarnya bilang "yah Keong Racunnya udah diputer euy kang Wawa...yang laen lagi atuh? Salam2nya, sepesialnya buat siapah..?". And the song goes like this:
"Dasar kau keong racun, ey baru kenal langsung ngajang tidur. Ngomong nggak sopan santun, kau anggap aku ayam kampung? Mulut kumat kemot matanya melotot, lihat bodi denok pikirannya jorok. Mentang2 bohai aku dianggap jablai. (dst.)

hihihihihi yang ini keren juga...but again, who cares yang penting geboy!

Dan yang terakhir, ini yang dahsyatnya...keluar pesan2 dari Bang Oma yang lalu dilanjutkan dengan nyanyian beliau...dan ternyata bener loh bok....dia ngomongnya mendesah2 gitu, selama ini gue cuma denger2 dr film2 atau joke2 aja kl niruin Rhoma Irama, ngomongnya pake mendesah2 gitu kannn....gue pikir pada lebay eh ternyata emang begiiituuu!!
And here it goes:
"Kaloh semuah sudah mendengarkhan Rama...ngaphain..mendhengarkhan yangh lhainh..Ghebhoy..Marhih...khitha samakhan shuara...Haaaaaa (sambil dicengkok2in..kalo ngga ahli mah susah mo ngikutinnya, kontestan American Idol jg ga ada yg bisa lah...dan lalu lagunya masuk disertai dengan intro gitarnya yang terkenal itu)
Kita manusia yang berketuhanan...tentu tak pantas bersikap seperti setan. Kau dendangkan kesesatan...kau dewakan nafsu syeetan...tiada lagi halal haraaaammh..(dst.)

Ahahahaha gustiiiii.....this is gold!!

Yah eniwei I had a good laugh that night hihihihihi....toop top lah

Ok on a more serious note...mungkin alasan kenapa dangdut itu populer dan merakyat, adalah kalo loe perhatiin teksnya, bahasanya lugas banget ya. Gak pake kiasan2 (example: Kla "bulan merah jambu luruh di kotamu"), ga pake bahasa inggris2an yg susah dimengerti, pokoknya bahasa lugas and literal lah. ;p

Thursday, April 02, 2009


*taken from*

Ah ngantuk akuu......

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Taksi Bombastis


Hari ini adalah hari yang cukup produktif sepertinya. I finished two out of my three projects which deadlines are before the end of this month. The other one is about 60% done so I can work on it from home tomorrow (public holiday yay!) and continue on Friday should I find myself caught up in the abundance of games and chinese novels in my room (eh he he he). is the thought of the week ya...
Oh iya! Para pengguna jalan (especially cars (to be even more specific, taxis!)).
1 kesimpulan: Gelo!
You know what?This is actually from Friday. I remember distinctly, it was a pink (or salmon, maybe) taxi. Taxi Mersindo no 008. Kan gue nyetir di Tendean nih...itu teh jalan 2 jalur yang (of course) jadi 3 jalur karena pada ngga bisa deh liat jalanan lengang dikit...sepertinya aturan mesjid kebawa2 ke jalan raya ("kalo ada saf kosong ntar diisi setan loh"...begitulah guru2 agama waktu masih sekolah dulu memotivasi kita untuk merapatkan barisan..hh). Yah eniwei...ini taksi teh ya...ngagokiiin banget...jadi kalo mobil depannya dia udah jalan teh...dia ngga langsung maju gitu..jadi kayak ada delay sekitar 10 detik sebelom dia maju. Lumayan lama loh 10 detik teh, terutama kalo loe adalah mobil yg dibelakang si taxi pinky itu! Sekali-2kali mah gapapa lah gue masih mafhum lah...nhaa secara ini lagi ngantri lampu merah kan berarti cycle maju-brentinya banyak tuh kalo kita masih jauuuuuh dr lampunya. Duuuh sebel banget deh pokonya mah.
Makanya teman2 sekalian....inilah salah satu bukti kenapa sarapan itu penting. Karena kalo loe kurang sarapan energinya jadi kurang, dan darah jadi kurang terpompa ke otak, trus jadinya proses mekanisme otak loe jadi kurang lancar. Otaknya mo muter juga males (iya..iya...gue tau ini asumsi yang sangat besar sekali untuk perilaku si tukang taxi itu, tapi udah deh biarin aja.). Nah eniwei....tengah2 jalan akhirnya taxi itu udah ngga didepan gue lagi..dia pindah2 jalur jadi pokoknya udah di depan lah udah ga keliatan..seneng dan lega lah gue..lalu gue melanjutkan perjalanan sambil bernyanyi...

dan beberapa saat kemudian.....

Ciiit.....!! gue ngerem mendadak gara2 ada mobil nyalip tiba2 ga pake sen ga pake pelan2 ga pake otak ataupun hati nurani (huh!). Gue deg2an dan langsung lemes karena ternyata di depan gue itu....udah ada sedan pink bertulisan: Mersindo - TARIF BAWAH - 008...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Late lunch and a wifebeater shirt

Did you see that??

Itu kejadian hari Sabtu kemaren waktu gue makan di Caza Suki...
You would think that the management would kindly suggest the gentleman to put his shirt back on? Nope they didn't.
It was pretty disturbing as I can't stop turning my head towards that guy and felt a little sick to my stomach everytime.
Not mentioning the time when he helped himself to the buffet..still with the wife beaters on..I was just hoping and praying silently that he wasn't sweating..They had just refilled the buffet with fresh meats and vegetables and yet I lost my desire to get more food. Luckily I was pretty much full when he started getting food from the buffet line. Hhh.....bastardo...

People are just so damn......interesting! You'll never know what they're gonna do and how outrageous they can act!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Balada si nenek di hari jumat

Huffff......tauuu gaa sihh

Dasar si nenek pelupa...

Jadi begini ceritanya, gue teh tadi malem dapet bb baru dari tante atiw (hiehie), trus ud semangat tuh mo buru2 make...jadi sebelom tidur g ud set up semuanya..trus ud bisa tuh nyala segala macem...tapi datanya kan masih kosong tuh, bangsa2nya address book, bbm contacts, aplikasi facebook jg belom ada...yaudah g install lah tu desktop managernya...biar datanya bisa gue transfer dr bb yg lama ke bb yg baru. Eh....udah semangat2 gitu, tauunyaa data cable bb g yg lama ketinggalan di kantor...ugh sebel bgt gue...dan g jg rada gemes kenapaaa jenis colokan bb yg baru ini harus beda ama bb yg biasa sihhh? dia pakenya yang lebih kecil giituuu...kan jadinya repottt.
Tapi ngga papa...gue masih bisa bersabar...bawa aja bb yg barunya ke kantor besok...urusin semuanya di kantor..gampang lah..beres...hehehe. Yaudah gue rapihin semuanya, bb barunya pun gue charge, trus gue plastikin lagi dengan khidmat, disiapkan untuk dibawa ke kantor dan siap dipakai untuk keesokan harinya. Dan gue memandang bb baru itu dengan senyum terharu penuh kasih sayang, ngga sabar menunggu esok hari, lalu gue pun tidur.

Dan pagi datang...

Dee and tante atiw said good morning, and I happily replied. But then a second later, gue baru sadar. Dudul, bokap gue kan juga punya blackberry, brarti punya data cable juga dong!!
Ngeeeeng....tau gitu kan semua urusannya udah bisa beres tadi malem dan gue udah bisa dengan riangnya pake itu bb baru hari iiiniii. Ugh...! Yaudah g langsung nyalain laptop lagi mo nyoba transfer data saat itu juga, terus gue nyamperin bokap minjem data cable. Ternyata bokap lupa naronya dimana dan harus dicari dulu. jadi lagi soalnya ntar kesiangan kalo pake nyari2 dulu mah.

Tapi ngga papa...minor setback...gue tetep pada rencana awal aja...ngurusin semuanya pas udah di kantor...sokay sokay...dan gue pun meneruskan rutinitas pagi gue dengan tetep ceria.

Dan gue pun sampe di kantor...

Dengan semangat gue menyiapkan baru dikeluarin dari plastiknya (juga dengan khidmat), bb lama dielus2 dengan juga penuh rasa sayang....berterima kasih atas pengabdiannya buat gue selama ini..menemani di saat macet dan ngantri..trus gue mulai menyambungkan bb lama gue ke laptop, back up datanya, dan memulai proses transfer data. Hhh (tersenyum dengan arif dan tenang) we go..
"okay we're half way there...." sekarang tinggal mindahin datanya ke bb baru...dan gue pun mencoba menyambungkan data cablenya ke bb yg baru. Dan lalu gue tersadar....bahwa bb baru ini butuh data cable yang berbeda..

data cablenya ketinggalan di rumah.


*on the background: Forever - Chris Brown*

ahhh....kenyangnyaaaaa....baru balik lunch tadi di Bellagio sama Medina, mbak Wenny, mbak Shinta and mbak Hani. Makan ikan patin bakar yumm...enakk....dan amat mengenyangkan dan murah hihihi. tapi trus tadi pas mo pulang eh di luar ujan gede gituuuu.....jadilah kita naek taxi beramai2 pulang ke kantor (beramai2 tuh spellingnya with 1 or 2 rs sih?)

yah current wants for today: jagung bakar dan jalan2 di sepanjang Michigan Avenue!
Ya..ya..ya....saya tau memang tidak nyambung, saya tau. Tapi boleh dong, namanya juga wish list.

Pengen nonton 7 pounds juga euy, my mission of finding a movie that can really make me cry masih belom terpenuhi. Kayanya terakhir gue nangis nonton The Bucket List deh, itu juga bentar doang nangisnya, ngga ada 2 tetes2 acan..
Aku merasa rugi untuk membayar tiket film drama tapi filmnya ngga bisa bikin gue nangis. Rugii...ii

Next...mari kita bahas mengenai 1 topik yang menurut gue cukup perlu untuk diketengahkan. Sebenernya gue udah mau membahas ini sejak lama tapi belom sempet2 aja. Eh apa udah pernah gue bahas ya? Yeah well anyway secara gue udah lupa, jadi kita bahas lagi aja ngga papa.
My current (and has been for a while) pet peeve: Bapak2 yang udah berumur, berpakaian seperti ini: tshirt & jeans, dengan lengan tshirtnya dilinting.
My question is: why???
Gue ngga tau mereka bermaksud apa dengan melakukan hal tersebut. Soalnya jelas2 diliat dari segi akal sehat maupun estetika, ngga masuk aja gitu, ngga bagus. Nggak ada bagus2nya!!
Apakah mereka bermaksud untuk terlihat lebih muda?
Karena menurut saya gagal tuh usahanya, kalo emang niatnya itu sih.
Apakah mereka bermaksud untuk mengikuti trend?
Menurut saya ini juga gagal. Karena trend lengan dilinting sekiranya sudah berakhir berbelas2 tahun yang lalu.
Apakah mereka bermaksud untuk menciptakan trend baru?
Menurut saya ini kurang berhasil. Karena jelek.
Apakah mereka bermaksud untuk menarik hati wanita2 muda dengan menunjukkan bahwa "nih saya masih trendi loh, lengan baju saya dilinting"
Menurut saya ini juga bukan rencana yang efektif. Karena wanita2 muda yang mau sama mereka, kemungkinan besar mengincar sesuatu yang lain dan bukanlah pembuktian ke awet muda an mereka dengan lintingan lengan baju tersebut.
Jadi kurang lebih emang ngga ada alesan yang cukup bagus atau kuat untuk pelintingan lengan baju ini.
Oleh karena itu....sadarlah wahai para bapak2 sekalian....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009



This is my third post for today. THIRD!

Some of you may wonder..."what the heck is she doing? blogging writing nonsense in the middle of the day?"

Well..I'll tell you what, I am wondering the same thing too..

It's just that...I can't do anything else today because I just can't. I don't feel like I have the energy, nor do I want to do anything else. Plus, I don't know why but my keyboard keys feel really plushy and comfy...I just love the feel of them on my fingers...haha

Hm...quite full, just ate a big Mozza burger from A&W, after thinking before that "I wasn't going to eat lunch because I'm too lazy to chew" nonsense....turned out that I ordered that big burger and finished it (slowly but sure)...took me about 30-45 minutes ish to finish that big thing.

Dan sekarang....tinggal urusan sakit perut. Now that I am full....I feel the need to empty my stomach and go to sleep. On my ngelamun)
20 menit kemudian....

Ngeburn CD aaah...tadi di sebrang gue beli CD kosong buat diburn2 trus didengerin di mobil. Harus cari yang dungces dungces nih biar gue semangat nyetirnya dan ngga bosen kalo misalnya macet gitu...better than blackberry (no it's not.) hehehe

Truus...ini aja g lagi menutup dunia luar gini, pasang earphone sambil dengerin beyonce "Diva", abis ini Gigi yang Diva..hehe samaaa yaaa

ni earphone kenceng juga ya...padahal udah seminim mungkin volumenya, ga bisa dibikin lebih pelan lagi, kalo dipelanin lagi mah udah nol alias mute.

Lah kok yang nongol savage garden ya..yaudahlah gapapa enak juga kok (dih padahal playlistnya juga gue yang nambahin sendiri ga sampe 5 menit yang lalu kok ngga nyadar gitu siiih)

Huwaa...perutku kembung sekaaliii....


fly fly to the moon and la la....

enak tuh...bisa jalan2...
kalo misalnya bisa jalan2 gue ngga mau sih ke bulan tapinya...kurang menarik ah kayaknya sepi2 aja gitu. Mana dingin lagi (sotoy mode: ON)

enakan juga liburan ke mana gitu...hiking..atau naek sepeda ke ancol...lewat jalan tol...lebih menantang daripada jalan2 ke bulan

Monday, March 09, 2009

ad: butuh jamu kuat

Ah..kenapa ini siii...gue mo ngelanjutin kerjaan gue kok ga bisa2...padahal udah tinggal 2 training module lagi trus beres deh...
Pengennya cuma nulis, nulis, dan menulis. Tapi lieur juga da ngga ada ide mo nulis apaan...
Tadi malem sebelom tidur tiba2 gue laper berat gitu jadi nyari2 makanan.....
Hooooo mungkin gara2 itu kali ya makanya gue ngimpi yang aneh2 gitu terusnya...huehuehue make sense make sense

Akan tetapi ini imbasnya rada panjang, jadi lelah letih lesu dan tak bergairah gini --> *potensial untuk dijadikan bahan iklan jamu kuat *

Weh padahal gue punya red bull loh 1 kaleng lagi di kulkas...tau gitu gue baawaa...ini mah mo keluar makan siang juga males (ga mungkin banget sih hahaha).
Eh tapi bener loh lagi males ngapa2in gini..

Hmm..terus apa lagi yaa....haduh ini mp3 gue sudyah sekarat pula batrenya...jangan ikut2an gue dong cil (namanya kecil item, atau item kecil...tergantung emaknya aja lg mood pengen manggil apa)..kamu harus bersemangat dan berenergi! Biar gue bisa lanjut mendengarkan radio lagi, menemani ke tidak semangatan gue hari ini.

Ahh dasar orang yang tidak berterima kasihhh! Udah dikasih long weekend, masuk kantor bukannya refreshed rejuvenated, malah nongol2 dengan muka Garfield full-on..ditambah pegal2 sisa dr mimpi2 ga jelas dan ga maju2 kerjaannya.

Maju dong ah (apaan sih)

Jadi inget helm doremonnya Presya....

random sekali sih ini...


Stinky Carpet and X-Men

*sniff sniff....*
itulah hal pertama yang gue lakukan setelah keluar dari lift yang baru sampe di lantai kantor gue. Iiih karpetnya bau apeeekk...kalo misalnya kantor gue di basement atau lantai dasar yang kira2 memungkinkan kena banjir mah gapapa, masih make sense. Lah ini posisinya di lantai 12, masa bisa banjir...kecuali..kalo misalnya smoke detector tiba2 nyala trus fire sprinklernya jadi membanjiri karpet, bisa juga...tapi kayanya engga deh (keukeuh). Untuuuung yang bau karpet di jalan masuk menuju kantor gue aja, tapi di dalem kantornya engga. Kalo sampe di dalem kantornya sendiri juga bau apek, beuh bisa ijo muka gue deh pas pulang ntar (lieur, maksudnya).

And moving on to the next topic...

Taadi malemm gue mimpi aneeeehh...gue ngga inget lengkapnya gimana deh pokoknya for some reason, I was with a guy in my dream, he kind of liked me but then heard somewhere that I like XMen...then he asked me "u like xmen, huh? so you hate the other xmen? (I was assuming he was talking about the bad guys, Magneto's bunch) sounded like a normal question, right? But the way he said it, he was really...I don't know keliatannya napsu aja gitu trus ud mau marah2 ngamuk gitu misalnya gue bilang "iya gue ngga suka penjahat2nya" gue sampe takut. Jadinya gue diem aja dan dia kayak yang udah siap mau nerkam gue gitu...dan tiba2 dia ngejar gue sambil teriak2 "jadi kamu nggak suka sama Beast ya???? Menurut kamu Beast itu jelek ya? You think you're better than him? huhhh???"
Buset deh gue sempet bengong sesaat terus gue ngacir lah..buset ni cowok, perasaan sebelom2nya kelihatan seperti orang normal...jadi ceritanya kejar2an deh sama dia..dan g ternyata salah satu member XMen gitu soalnya gue bisa ngacir cepet banget kayak terbang jet gt deee...

Naaah....belom selesai nih...abis tau gimana caranya, tiba2 dia ud ga ngejar g lagi, tapi jadi berubah. Dia jadi cewek gitu dan gue jadi superhero cowok (nah loh). Dan ternyata dia itu some kind of a witch dr grup yang jahat, kayanya cantik tapi dia ga ada mukanyaaaa...bajunya sutra biru melambai2 gitu deh. Ga tau gimana pokoknya dia jadi nempel terus ke gue (yang adalah laki2 ;p) dan bilang "I am not going to let you will be stuck with me forever..nyahahahaha". Dan gue dalem hati kayak yang...dih ni cewek agre banget sih trus g bilang aja ke dia "eh lepasin dong...gue mau pergi nih...lepasin dong..." tapi ga lepas2...Ga tau gimana dia jadi setan terus ahirnya gue baca2 Al Fatihah gitu deh...akhirnya lepas juga...

Trus gue balik ke "markas" Xmen disana udah heboh. Ternyata gara2 gue "panik" tadi, kekuatan gue bikin reaksi kacau. Pas gue liat ke langit, udah kayak mau badai gitu, yang udah bergulung2 gitu dehh...temen2 xmen gue pada yang: eh dikontrol dong tuh kekuatan loe, tanggung jawab tuh balikin lagi!
Tapi ga biiisaaaa.....susah banget soalnya udah lumayan gawat. Sampe temen2 gue ama atasan2 Xmen gue juga urusin tapi ga bisa juga. Akhirnya kita sampe ngambil 2 sisters dr penjara yg kekuatan mereka ada hubungannya ama nuklir. Rencananya mereka bakal mengalirkan nuklir itu ke badan gue, buat boost, biar storm gede banget yg berasal dr badan gue itu bisa gue kontrol (and yes, I was still a boy there..hh..). Iiituuu yaaa.....those 2 sisters...ternyata kekuatan lainnya adalah bisa menciptakan some kind of sexual hysteria gitu deeh...pakeannya juga yang anonoh (*baca: ga senonoh). Pokoknya jadinya atasan2 gue yg pada kalem2 gitu jadi cekikikan sendiri...trus jadi centil2 dan pake2 make up gt yg cowok2nya..untung gue ngga terpengaruh dan gue minta bantuan asisten gue (cewek asia gt, don't ask me why) yg sama2 ngga terpengaruh buat nyelesain semuanya deh...

Tapi sayang, sebelom semuanya beres, gue udah kebangun.
Dan anehnyaaaa pas baaangun, badan gue pegel2 semuaaaaa.....!!! Dari tengkuk, the sides of my body, tangan, pinggang...hmm...padahal gue tidurnya ngga gerak2 gitu...posisi g pas mulai tidur td malem dan pas g bangun kurang lebih sama kok...dan selimutnya jg rapi..brarti g tidur ga banyak gerak kan? Cuma g pegel2 kayak yang abis berantem2 beneran...hayo looooo

Uhh...aneh2 aja ni mimpi. I mean, when somebody asked "anybody have a dream about XMen?" I want to be the ones who raise their eyebrows, thinking that it is a silly question...instead of being the ones who raise their hands....dudul... I became a boy in my dream was beyond me. You can ask anybody I am 100% girl, girly, girl!....right?

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Monday, March 02, 2009


Di-ih ini lucu deh...
Gue teh yah udah bikin keputusan kan yah tentang issue yang kemaren...pokonya g liat sampe jumat kl ngga ada perubahan ya gue bay bay....
eh tapi selalu deh (ud pernah terjadi sebelomnya), tiap gue udah ambil keputusan begitu, pasti the next day gue langsung dapet something to do..
hm....interesting.....(mengusap2 dagu)

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Pagi yang Aneh + Manda yg lg kesel...Not a good combo

Pertama2, sebelom kita mulai marilah kita berdoa bersama2, semoga sang penulis blog yang manis dan baik hati ini segera dikaruniai kesembuhan yang bener2 sembuh (bukan sembuh penyakit yg satu trus penyakit satu lagi langsung nyusul seperti sekarang! ahhh geramnyaaa dirikuuu.....ngga selesai2 ini penderitaan tubuhkuuuu)..Aaaamiiiiinnnnn (melototin yang ngga ikut ngaminin)

Huff...whuusaaa..hh.....everything's going to be allright girl...whooo...saahh...

Well....berhubung hari ini (lagi2) gue ngga ada kerjaan....hell it is so darn often I don't have anything to do here and have to ask around for things to do, which is actually on my job desc.."it is the junior consultant's responsibility to ask for something to do should he/she does not have anything to do so as to maximize his/her value to the company",...heck I somebody who was always on the go and busy doing something, doing nothing for a long period of time can actually be excrutiating. No wonder I got all this endless sickness that are caused by stress (at least that's what I read from the internet). I can ask around for things to do for so long...until you start to wonder if they really need you here. Dan sekarang jadinya gue gatel2....really annoying, annoying itchy SOB that attacks my palms and the soles of my feet!! I can't even walk because of it, it's reaallly...reaalllyy annoying.

Okkay....whooo..saahh....restrain your inner preman oh dear Mandy.....whoo...saahh..

Darn it I really2 need something to do to take my mind off of this itchy SOB...(restraaainn....!). Ok2 sorry....what I meant was I really need something to do, to work on, to take my mind off of this darn tootin' itches...(how about that for a PG-13 version? much better?)

Well anyway...tadi pagi gue liat bbrp hal aneh...
1. There was a guy, standing on the sidewalk...facing the wall, feet shoulder-width apart (just like somebody who's taking a piss) and I was like..OMG is that guy for real? Why is he taking a piss on the side of a road that is filled with people passing by??
And it turned out that the dude was actually just talking on the phone. But why would he stood that way anyway while he could just...oh I don't know...stand up straight? Like normal people? Weirdo..

2. There was another guy standing by the side of the road with a girl...they looked like they were either trying to cross the road, or waiting for an angkot or bis or whatever public transportation that they need. So what's so weird about that??
Oh...nothing weird....except that the guy was wearing a full-covered motorcycle helmet and I was pretty sure that the dude does not have any intention of riding a motorcycle because...the circumstances and the fact that there's no motorcycle parked around the area clearly shown that the guy did not or was not planning ride a motorcycle.
So I guess he was just trying to be careful crossing the road by wearing a helmet. Phew...talking about safety precautions!! Nice..haha

Hm...soo......back to the issue of my doing nothing at work.
Do I feel guilty about not doing anything while getting paid?
Hell no...this can already be categorized as a torture and I deserved to get something out of it!!! *hosh..hosh..hosh...--> ceritanya lagi emosi
To think about sitting on a desk from 8:30am-5pm doing nothing!! Oh how I feel like my youth is wasted..I could've taken a class somewhere..maybe taking French and dance lessons? Minus the this and that diseases, because I'm sure I will not be frustrated if I am busy doing something! Boy wouldn't that be a huge plus...
So I don't know guys....what do you think....should I quit or should I go on? That is the major question...hmmmm

Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh my....

"Stress gue streesssss.....kemaren yah gue teh udah mulai ngupdate2 resume gue gitu masak....abis gue bosen pisan ga ngapa2in gitu jadinya gue menetapkan deadline buat diri gue sendiri"

Bagi para pembaca yang inget quote diatas dari bbrp postingan gue yang lalu (wow props for you guys!! masih inget? hiks terharu..), well....about the deadline yang gue bilang udah gue tetapin buat diri gue sendiri itu....welll...Gue lupa deadlinenya kapan..*garuk2 kepala*

"Terus gimana dong?"

Weyts...jangan takut..gue punya plan B (always have to have Plan B!!!).

"Plan B nya apa dong?"

Nah...plan B gue so far adalah...buat menetapkan deadline baru.

"Jadi deadline barunya kapan?"

(mulai mikir buat plan C...which is actually setting the time put that in plan B as well!!!!)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

bunga tidur

Wah...benar-benar 2 hari yang aneh...2 mimpi yang beda tapi ada kesamaan yang disturbing...hehehehe..hmmm....

mimpi yg kemaren bikin gue ngga konsen (walopun sebenernya gue jg ngga mikirin...paling kepikir bentar doang pas bangunnya..cuma ya biarpun ga kepikir secara langsung...the memory of what happened (in the dream) still hovered aja gt jadi kadang2 terjadi bbrp kedodolan yang diakibatkan dari ke nggak konek an gue

trus mimpi yg tadi malem juga bikin mikir pagi2nya...cerita di mimpinya sih beda banget, tapi ada 1 kesamaannya itu tuh yang bikin rada2 mikir. trus ya...then again..walopun g ngga mikirin scr langsung, still hovering..dan gue skrg lemes lesu ga bersemangat gitu hari ini..

*kruk kruk kruk*....membingungkan

we'll see kl ntar malem nongol lagi tuh kesamaannya...kalo misalnya iya, seeing where the trend is going...i should have the "same" dream for..oh..about 7 days in a row, give or take..seru tuh hehehehehe

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Amid the Grieving, A Rare Act of Sportmanships

-Associated Press-

The coach never considered any other option.

It didn't matter that his DeKalb, Ill., High School basketball team had ridden a bus two and a half hours to get to Milwaukee, then waited another hour past game time to play. Didn't matter that the game was close, or that this was a chance to beat a big city team.

Johntel Franklin scored 10 points in the game following the loss of his mother.
Something else was on Dave Rohlman's mind when he asked for a volunteer to shoot two free throws awarded his team on a technical foul in the second quarter. His senior captain raised his hand, ready to go to the line as he had many times before.

Only this time it was different.

"You realize you're going to miss them, don't you?" Rohlman said.

Darius McNeal nodded his head. He understood what had to be done.

It was a Saturday night in February, and the Barbs were playing a non-conference game on the road against Milwaukee Madison. It was the third meeting between the two schools, who were developing a friendly rivalry that spanned two states.

The teams planned to get together after the game and share some pizzas and soda. But the game itself almost never took place.

Hours earlier, the mother of Milwaukee Madison senior captain Johntel Franklin died at a local hospital. Carlitha Franklin had been in remission after a five-year fight with cervical cancer, but she began to hemorrhage that morning while Johntel was taking his college ACT exam.

Her son and several of his teammates were at the hospital late that afternoon when the decision was made to turn off the life-support system. Carlitha Franklin was just 39.

"She was young and they were real close," said Milwaukee coach Aaron Womack Jr., who was at the hospital. "He was very distraught and it happened so suddenly he didn't have time to grieve."

Womack was going to cancel the game, but Franklin told him he wanted the team to play. And play they did, even though the game started late and Milwaukee Madison dressed only eight players.

Early in the second quarter, Womack saw someone out of the corner of his eye. It was Franklin, who came there directly from the hospital to root his teammates on.

The Knights had possession, so Womack called a time out. His players went over and hugged their grieving teammate. Fans came out of the stands to do the same.

"We got back to playing the game and I asked if he wanted to come and sit on the bench," Womack said during a telephone interview.

"No," Franklin replied. "I want to play."

There was just one problem. Since Franklin wasn't on the pre-game roster, putting him in meant drawing a technical foul that would give DeKalb two free throws.

Though it was a tight game, Womack was willing to give up the two points. It was more important to help his senior guard and co-captain deal with his grief by playing.

Over on the other bench, though, Rohlman wasn't so willing to take them. He told the referees to forget the technical and just let Franklin play.

"I could hear them arguing for five to seven minutes, saying, `We're not taking it, we're not taking it," Womack said. "The refs told them, no, that's the rule. You have to take them."

That's when Rohlman asked for volunteers, and McNeal's hand went up.

He went alone to the free throw line, dribbled the ball a couple of times, and looked at the rim.

His first attempt went about two feet, bouncing a couple of times as it rolled toward the end line. The second barely left his hand.

It didn't take long for the Milwaukee players to figure out what was going on.

They stood and turned toward the DeKalb bench and started applauding the gesture of sportsmanship. Soon, so did everybody in the stands.

"I did it for the guy who lost his mom," McNeal told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. "It was the right thing to do."

They may not remember our record 20 years from now, but they'll remember what happened in that gym that night.
? Dave Rohlman, head coach of the opposing DeKalb team on what his players will take away from this experience.
Franklin would go on to score 10 points, and Milwaukee Madison broke open the game in the second half to win 62-47. Afterward, the teams went out for pizza, two players from each team sharing each pie.

Franklin stopped by briefly, thankful that his team was there for him.

"I got kind of emotional but it helped a lot just to play," he said. "I felt like I had a lot of support out there."

Carlitha Franklin's funeral was last Friday, and the school turned out for her and her son. Cheerleaders came in uniform, and everyone from the principal and teachers to Johntel's classmates were there.

"Even the cooks from school showed up," Womack said. "It lets you know what kind of kid he is."

Basketball is a second sport for the 18-year-old Franklin, who says he has had some scholarship nibbles and plans to play football in college. He just has a few games left for the Knights, who are 6-11 and got beat 71-36 Tuesday night by Milwaukee Hamilton.

It hasn't been the greatest season for the team, but they have stuck together through a lot of adversity.

"We maybe don't have the best basketball players in the world but they go to class and take care of business," Womack said. "We have a losing record but there's life lessons going on, good ones."

None so good, though, as the moment a team and a player decided there were more important things than winning and having good stats.

Yes, DeKalb would go home with a loss. But it was a trip they'll never forget.

"This is something our kids will hold for a lifetime," Rohlman said. "They may not remember our record 20 years from now, but they'll remember what happened in that gym that night."


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I hid myself from failure and fear
O my dear you're a threat to the bad in us all
They tell themselves that each word from your lips
Or the grace in your eyes overcomes any fall

Over the twilight you're listening for me
Darling, go to sleep
Cradled by moonlight, I'm dreaming we'll be
Loved so deep

Floating and fighting, like a kite on a string
Till you cut through my tether and changed everything
From the sky you looked small, but I loved you the same
So I darted back quickly to spell out your name
And when they say that I'm just a terrible kite
You'll tell them you're proud of my marvelous flight

Don't hide yourself inside till I'm old
O my dear you're a threat to the bad we all see
I'm beside myself for the touch of your lips
Or the grace of your eyes that can see good in me

Over the twilight you're listening for me
Darling, go to sleep
Cradled by moonlight, I'm dreaming we'll be
Loved so deep

Floating and fighting, like a kite on a string
Till you cut through my tether and changed everything
From the sky you looked small, but I loved you the same
So I darted back quickly to spell out your name
And when they say that I'm just a terrible kite
You'll tell them you're proud of my marvelous flight

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Kerjaan yg namanya Fate

Funny how life works.....
hmm :)

buat yang ngga ngerti...sori yee....hehehe

Monday, February 16, 2009


Yak Valentine's Day akhirnya secara resmi diharamkan sama MUI Jabar...hihi it's kind of funny....makin banyak hal2 yang difatwain haram sama MUI, kayaknya kok makin ngga credible aja ya tu? At least buat gue pribadi sih gitu ya....jadi makin ngga ada artinya aja deh.

Ini juga bukan berarti gue pendukung Valentine's Day ya...gue sih go with the flow ngerayain ngga ngerayain juga hayu...Banyak sih emang yang berpendapat kalo "kasih sayang itu kan harusnya tiap hari...ngga cuma pas valentine's day doang". Iya kok bener...gue setuju...cuma ya nice aja juga buat couples buat punya 1 hari special dimana kita bisa ngelakuin something extra buat someone special kita. Realistically mungkin deh tiap hari pasangan kita ngasih bunga/kado lucu/permen ekonomis juga mending duitnya ditabung buat masa depan hihi. So...buat yang emang ga ngerayain Valentine's Day...bisa juga kan hari special itu dirayain misalnya pas setaun jadian...atau yang emang udah common maybe like wedding anniversary...or something like that lah...So true...couples don't have to celebrate Valentine's Day..for whatever reasons including religious. But they do need to pick a day as a special day for both of them. Keeps the romance alive, if you know what I mean ;)

Yah eniwei..kok jadi ngelantur gini ya hehehehe. Gue akhirnya udah masuk kerja lagi hari ini albeit being a rag doll figure (head lolls on top of the chair, that type of thing)..masih lemes banget lah intinya..tapi the good thing is I felt better when I woke up this morning...and just hope that it doesn't deteriorate any further than it has been up to now. Ohh..still 2 more hours to go...wish the time can go sooner...getting faint nih...huhuhu I wish somebody could drive me home. Tadi sih rencananya pergi mau dianterin aja tapi berhubung supir bokap ngga masuk hari ini jadi gue nyetir ndiri not looking forward to the drive home..lemes abis

Yah eniwei so sorry for missing Edhy's wedding last weekend. It sounded like so much fun. I was looking forward to go, heck, I organized the trip! But because of this gosh-darn virus I had to stay. But it's good that I still got a chance to meet Roberto. Well, congrats2 Edhy, you're officially a husband now!!! Yay Edhy!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Oh dear Lord what's happening to me. Feeling full of spirit but my body betrays me. One thing after another hits me through and through, from a little thing to a bigger issue. I need to just keep going on and on. But how can it be when it is my own body and my own mind that hinder me.
So, no support from my physical side, and constant maze from the emotional side. What do I have left?

Thursday, February 05, 2009


Aseli dingin bangettt disiniii. Sering banget ngga sih gue ngeluh ttg dinginnya kantor gue? would think this girl will eventually wisen up and bring a jacket to work and just leave it there just in case the temperature drops again to fridge-level like now (my fingers are purple!)

Tadinya hari ini gue ada jadwal meeting ma klien, ketemu ama dir um nya sekalian. Tapi akhirnya ngga jadi and diundurnya sampe hari Selasa (today's Thursday) next week. Wew....hehehe
Gue kok jadi sangsi ya ini project bakal jadi..yah we'll see dehh

Waah minggu depan mo ke jalan2 naik keretaaaa..semangat deh soalnya udah lama ngga naek kereta. Terakhir naek kereta kalo ngga salah waktu sebelom gue hijrah ke Amrik deh, waktu tol Cipularang belom jadi, jadinya gue kalo travel Jkt-Bdg senengnya naek kereta.
Moga2 kereta yang ke Pemalang kayak Parahyangan. Soalnya gue pernah nyoba naek Argo buat jkt-bdg juga, tapi gue ga sukaaaaa.....walopun katanya Argo supposedly lebih baru, lebih cepet n lebih modern (jadinya lebih mahal juga ituuuu). Gue lebih suka Parahyangan soalnya goyangnya lebih kerasa hahahahaha. Hehhh jangan pada mikir jorok dulu dongg (yes, you Budi...haha gue nembak langsung gt), maksudnya kan enak gitu serasa lebih keayun....jadi bobonya lebih nyenyak...Sama dgn teori gue bahwa tidur di mobil itu adalah tidur terenak dan ternyenyak soalnya serasa dibuai, goyang2 gitu kann...hehehe

Trus2...gue juga belom pernah ke Pemalang...kalo kata temen gue Joko the pilot sih, aerial view (alias pemandangan dari atas)nya Pemalang itu bagus...jadi penasaran. attend Pemi's wedding....ahirnyaaa gue (insyaallah) bisa dateng jg ke nikahan temen St. Louis...selama ini g skip mulu krn gue ngga pernah ada di lokasi yg memungkinkan. Aryo, Ro'i, Yoyo....hiks hiks maap ya guyss....gue jg pengen banget dateng hiks hiks. Untung gue udah sempet ketemuan ama Ro'i dan istrinya yang lagi hamil (hihihi lucunyaaaa).

Truuus....apa lagi ya...gila nih gue kayanya sedikit demi sedikit mulai keilangan kreatifitas gini..apa gara2 jarang di stimulate ya? Mungkin gue harus lebih sering berkarya lagi before it's too late and I lose all my creative juice huhuhuhuhu

Friday, January 30, 2009

A worker's rant

Kay, to the point aja kali yah (opening yang tidak bagus hihi)

Yah anyway, I don't really have anything meaningful to do here. Everything that I've worked on, tasks that made me cross-eyed and fry my brain, all for almost naught. This is ridiculous.

Well I'm not the kind of person who works for the money/material things. I'd like job satisfaction, apprreciation and respect more. But at least I can learn one thing from this.

If I were to be a leader, I will respect my peers and my subordinates. I will NOT demean any of them unless they did something to cause it. And if they do deserve it, I will NOT demean them in front of other people (again, unless it's for special circumstances which I don't think will likely to rise). Each and every one of them is a real person, each and every one of them love and is loved by somebody. They're somebody's mother, somebody's father, somebody's son or daughter, and so on (you get the idea), so that means they do have value in this life, they meant the world to somebody, and they do deserve to be respected.

Besides, even from good management point of view, it is counter productive to make the work environment uncomfortable for everybody everytime we're around. I definitely wouldn't want to be the person who's avoided by everybody and cursed by a lot of people at times. Yecch..

Even if you do have a lot of power and earn that through hard work or whatever, that does not mean that you can use that in a negative way. Remember Hitler?


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Penyebaran desas-desus

First of all, I would like to say that I'm not the one to blame for falling for you, because you tripped me and did not bother to help me up.

Thursday, January 15, 2009



Ini yaa...gue teh udah berhari2 sepi kerjaan giniii..
Stress gue streesssss.....kemaren yah gue teh udah mulai ngupdate2 resume gue gitu masak....abis gue bosen pisan ga ngapa2in gitu jadinya gue menetapkan deadline buat diri gue sendiri, dan mulai menciptakan dan mengerjakan project2 sendiri (yang kalo diliat2 mah ya bisa lah masuk dalam kategori "hal2 yang nggak penting di dalam hidup ini"). Contohnyaaa?
1. Organize Music folder gue - sebenernya mah ini bisa lah dibilang lumayan penting...karena folder music gue berantakannn, teman2 sekalian!! Ini gara2 gue download I-Tunes ke laptop gue, dan file2 yang pernah pada suatu hari dulu gue atur rapih2...gue rename2 biar gampang nyarinya...ehhh di porak-porandakan oleh si I-Tunes yang ngga tau sopan santun ini. Pokonya susah di jelaskan lahhh...
2. Gambar-menggambar - walaupun sebenernya ini juga rada susah ternyata untuk diterapkan...karena gue juga ngga enak kl ada yang lewat meja gue, terus ngeliat tangan (and most probably ujung idung gue) coreng moreng item2 kena serbuk2 pensil..jadi so far yang gue dapet cuma sketsa gambar 3 buah jeruk dengan 2 helai daunnya yang klo dilihat sih yah...lumayan menyedihkan lah..
3. Baca novel Harlequin online - ini mah maha dahsyat ngga pentingnya...karna 99% dari novel2 Harlequin (ladies, as you might already know..) bertopik "apa girrlss...??" yak benar...ROMANCE...bayangkan selama paling engga 3-4 jam dalam sehari waktu idup gue dihabiskan dengan membaca omong kosong-omong kosong tersebut. If you don't know it yet, people, sorry to burst your lovely little bubbles, most of the things that happen in the story, they don't exist. And...ANDDD....they create unrealistic expectations on how a "great" and "true" love should be. Now girls (or guys..who happen to read harlequin need to tell us who u are, it's probably better that we don't know..but each his own..), please have a heart..don't torture your poor partner..guys are simple beings..they don't really have the abilities to actually do the things the men do in those They don't exist.
4. Menghabiskan 1 gelas air setiap 1-2 jam...dan yang kemudian membuat gue bulak-balik wc setiap 2-3 jam sekali. Well at least ginjal gue bersih dikucurin aer putih terus.
5. Browsing2 ngga jelas...dan akhirnya daftar lagi ke game yang udah gue hentikan sekitar 2 taun lalu. I am officially back, Utopia people!! Hail the great wizard! The wicked witch of the west is back!! Nyahahahahaha...

engh......*trus menarik dan menghembuskan napas yang panjaaaaang banget...
help me.....

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Profesi Barunya Manda

Virgos are known for their perfectionism and do very well in detailed-oriented professions. They remember things, excel at abstract thinking, and are very tidy and neat. Many Virgos do well in service-type jobs—you would be very happy with a Virgo manicurist or server (plus Virgos tend to make more money when working for tips). Writing, research, and statistics come easy to the meticulous Virgo brain. They are also easy to get along with as they are generally very cheerful. Many Virgos have a knack for languages. Best jobs: editor/writer, teacher, critic, technician, translator, detective, statistician.

Aaahhhhh daku maauuu....jadi detektiiiiiifff