Friday, October 17, 2008


Kay update from me..
So far things have been normal (whatever normal means)..just did an MRI today to check what the heck is wrong with my lower back (tukang urutnya kurang sakti ternyata, so I'm turning back to the world of professional medicine..*sigh)
And then we are planning to move to a new place in (maybe) 3 weeks or so...we hunted for furniture at JDC yesterday and visited the house today. It's going great =)
Aand..I've (finally) started applying for jobs and such hahaha..paraaah parah

Oiya akhirnya gue nonton juga tu Laskar Pelangi minggu lalu sama Gusur..the movie was good...but the book is still better..seperti kebanyakan film2 yang berasal dr buku lah...kecuali Lord of the friggin Rings maybe..hehehehe