Sunday, June 04, 2006

Farewell, see you later ^_^

My dear friends,
I'm off to Indonesiaaaa....!!
I'm at the hotel lobby right now, trying to say bye to people (like now) and make sure I have all of your phone numbers in my PDA.
Hampiiir aja hp gue mati hari ini gara2 bokap salah kasih tanggal temporary suspension ke T Mobile. Untungnya bisa dibenerin sama gue tadi pagi jadi disuspendnya baru tanggal 6. Hehehe..
Duh...asli deg2an.....
Eh, tolong ya gue sekeluarga didoain biar bisa keluar visa barunya..kalo enggak kan gue ga bisa balik lagi kesini nantii, hiks hiks..

Again, thanks banget buat yang udah bantuin gue sekeluarga dari beberapa hari yang lalu, you guys are great!!

Buat semua temen2 gue, I'll miss you all. Each and everyone of you.
Luv you all! Have fun this summer yah, see you in 2 months =)



Anonymous said...

buuu.. good luck for the visa yaaa... i miss you already :(

summer ini bakalan kering niii... hehehehe..


Mac said...

Update blog begitu sampe Indo biar kita tau kabarnya ok?

Anonymous said...

da...i'm sorry i got your voicemail late...hehe...have a lot of fun in indo...and don't worry about the visa..i'm sure you'll get it :)


Anonymous said...

can we have some update from home.. puhlease.. :)

miss ya boo! love ya!
