Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I miss...

Waw udah lama juga ya gue ga update blog....well i've been busy (gayyaaa haha)

bingung juga mau cerita apa ya....belom ada lagi sih kejadian yang signifikan.

palingan....apa yah....

oiya beberapa hari yang lalu gue sempet kepikiran St. Louis gitu. Gue kangen banget euy sama St. tau udah berapa kali, udah sering kali yah gue bilang gitu

But I guess I just miss the freedom that I have there, the freedom to do anything I want, to make my own decisions and face my own consequences. I miss that I can just get anything I want whenever I need it, be it at 8 am or 3 am without having to ask or having to find somebody to go with me. I miss that I can actually find booze whenever I'm tired and said "I need booze" hahaha. I miss that I can go to an outdoor cafe, be it for a cup of ice green tea or a cold Bud, with my close buddies or by myself with a book. I miss that I can find a getaway whenever I was depressed and didn't want to be around people, driving around the city at 2 in the morning, got lost and back again. I miss that I can hit the club as soon as I get off of a 15-hr shift and go dancing until early in the morning. I miss that I can talk on the phone for 3 hrs without having to worry about pulsa.
I miss the freedom
I miss the fun
I miss the bonding moments
I miss the heartbreaks
I miss the responsibility


gusur said...

i miss u

Mac said...

I miss those carefree life as well! But come to think of it again, it was when we're far away from family or dear friends back home... far away from our home country's food... and the fact remains that we (or at least I) don't belong to that country...

But yessss... i miss the time when i can go back home at 5 in the morning or even not going home at all... nobody yelled at me for any mistakes etc etc... and above all, i miss... PORK CHOP!!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Carefree life is great! :D Why did u go back home for good anyway???
Don't you miss the less-polluted air and almost no traffic street? no social pressure and hmm less judgmental people? :D

I would definitely miss the cleaner air and the ability to walk around under the nice weather. And now, even more, I am enjoying taking public transport and walking everywhere I go!:) For once, I don't need to drive and don't have the urge to do so.

I just miss some closest friends back home and I miss my family.
I miss u too!!!