Wednesday, July 21, 2021

My last post was from 2017?

Oh gosh ngga sadar udah lama banget gw ngga nulis ya. Sekarang pun sebenernya masih unsure whether I should post this or not.

My life post Pengabdi Setan tahun 2017... (no like, really? 2017? Hold on let me Google it). Holy macaroni it was from 2017. Feels like not too long ago. Gw udah kenal Gege selama itu kah? lol

Banyak banget yang udah terjadi dari 2017 sampe sekarang. First of all...COVID. Damn COVID.

Keluarga gw alhamdulillah one of the lucky ones yang masih fine, but...hell, I miss hugging people. I miss seeing people's faces on the street. I miss a lot of things that I took for granted.

Kerjaan gw alhamdulillah masih lancar. I guess subtitling is one of the industries who weren't affected too greatly by COVID and I'm really...really grateful for that.

My family is healthy. My girls are healthy. So, yes, alhamdulillah banget.

Hm...but COVID is getting really bad, way worse than it was, in my country. News about someone passing from COVID comes in on the daily. Some of my friends lost not only one, but several loved ones, sometimes in close successions, because of COVID. It weighs on my heart because this feeling of helplessness...

Bude Elsye, one of my beloved aunts, the last sibling that my mother had, just passed away because of COVID. The thing is when it happened, semua keluarga dekatnya lagi pada kena COVID juga. So all of them were in isolation and couldn't go to her burial. I hate it. I hate it so much. But there's nothing we could do. Huff...

Anyway, what else...

Oh ya, kelas Zumba gw bareng my 2 other partners are still doing good. We're still doing it online for everyone's safety. Walau memang beda banget rasanya ngajar kelas live vs. online. Kalau live, we can absorb the energy from the music, from the members. Just...very spirited and lively and much more fun. Very different. But I guess we adapt. That's what humans, or any living being, really, do. We adapt to survive.

Oh and I'm an ARMY now lol.

Yes, I'm a proud member of the BTS ARMY. Never have I imagined, ngga pernah ngebayangin sama sekali, that my life's direction will take me here. Nyaris 40 tahun gw hidup di dunia ini, belom pernah gw mengidolakan any celebrity. Will Smith and U2 are my faves, but in no way to the degree of being an ARMY. I guess I'll tell you about how and why this happened later. But these men are geniuses with amazing work ethic. But above all, they're decent human beings. There. That is the primary reason why they can get this degree of love. They're great role models and I'd be proud if my baby girls can be ARMYs too. That says a lot, I think ^^.

I know I'll be getting a lot of grief because of this but oh well, they're worth it lol.

Okhhaayyy thenn....Sampai sini dulu updatenya. Entah apa gw akan nulis lagi besok, or another 4 years haha.


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