Wednesday, November 26, 2008

oh crap..

Wah gue lagi rajin ngupdate blog gini yaaa
Hari ini kayaknya gue lagi ngerasa zombie-like gitu deh...tadi juga pas bangun tuh sempet seriously thinking about skipping work. But then conscience kicked in, I don't think the guilt is worth the extra oh..probably 2 hrs of sleep at the most. So I dragged my lazy self out of bed.

Geez...need to smile more today missy..I mean, real smile that comes from the inside, not the faux..plastered on my face kind.

For those of you who knows about my love of driving, yeah well I've been feeling the utter laziness...just flat out refusing to drive since yesterday. I am lucky my dad has a driver, but even if we don't have any, I think I'd still find some other way to go, prolly taxi or busway.

Oooh I hate it when there's something that keeps annoyingly gnawing on my consciousness all day like this..and it's been 2 days! It's like no matter what I do my mind keeps going back to this...thing that I am having. Damn you, mind! Please be cooperative for once, got a shitload of work to do!

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