Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mommy-to-be :)

Goodness my stomach is really getting bigger and bigger!
I still have about 7 weeks (too long) to go and I don't know how big this is gonna go until the actual D-Day. I have added 44 lbs in 7-ish months and I'm currently adding about 8 more lbs/month. Sweet..

But you know what, honestly, I am not THAT concerned about my weight + swollen feet + extra stretchmarks. Right now all I care about is being able to deliver my little girl safely, and hopefully by normal labor. I'm not really concerned (yet!) about the variety of labor pains despite all the videos I've seen and testimonials I've heard that it's gonna hurt like hell. I just want to hold my baby in my arms and hope that this last 7 weeks can pass by quick enough.

Gosh I still need to let it all sink in that I'm going to be responsible for a human soul for the rest of my life in just 7 weeks. It does sounds funny that I haven't gotten it all sinked in to my brain that I'm going to be a parent, despite the new car switch from a compact to a station wagon-y car, despite the fact that my body has changed (and still is) tremendously, despite the time I spent caring for my baby inside and got called by name whenever I entered Mothercare now...(yikes! haha). Yeah seriously, the people at Mothercare Pacific Place now know me and my husband on a first name basis because we go there almost every week. Even just to have a look around and not buying anything, we just have the 'pull' to enter that doggone store everytime we go to the mall.

Yeah well ayway..pregnancy has been fun for me so far. I am one of the lucky ones not to experience bad mood swings. And hopefully with me being happy most of the time like this, will be good for my little girl :)

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Unknown said...

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