Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Haiyyoooo...ngapain yooooooo
udah ngga ada kerjaan pisan ini di kantor, kerjaan gue udah gue kelarin dr kemarenn..cobaa yaa, tau gitu kemaren gue pelan2 aja ngerjainnya ga usah kerajinan nyelesain jadinya bengong deh kan sekarang hihihihi

Coba yah ini ngapain enaknya ngabisin waktu sampe jam 5..which is in..3 more hours..


Tuesday, December 30, 2008



I am trying to get my mind to stay clear..right now I'm in a stupor...a drugged sleepiness, caused from a mix of two uber-drowsy-causing allergy pills and breathing the air that is infused with turpentine for the whole day. I feel like my head is hovering above my body instead of attached to my neck..haha

Been done with my project since..oh..two hours ago, and now I'm just trying to fill my time with doing something else before the time to go home comes (soon, my dear soldier, soon! hehehehe)

Am planning to go to our small reunion at 7..hopefully I can get rid of this stupor because I am getting ddiiizz..zzier and dddiiiii...zzier by the minute. I guess now I am sure that turpentine is not good for your body...

nooo...nooo (feeling just like those basement get-high moments on That 70's Show he he he he)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Insomniac

it's almost 1am...and I can't sleep...
This insomniac bug is back...felt like it's been a while since the last time I had trouble sleeping.
But not really. It hasn't been that long.
I just hope that I can work without dozing off tomorrow

Today...I am having a bend-the-rules day. Well, just a little bit.

Well by the way today around 4-ish, the sky got really dark. So dark I couldn't see a thing but my own reflection from the windows. Then it rained hard and I could see lightnings from the 12th floor. It was scary. It was exciting. I thought "hm..when was the last time I walked in the is so tempting to go outside and soaked". Guess I didn't realize that I was thinking out loud because my co-workers looked at me like I was mental. know what...that reminds me of my early post when I just started this blog 3 years ago..let me look it up.

"When it rains, the sky touches the earth.
It is one of those moments...people say it is rare. Is it?
From the time when God molded the universe, the time when big bang formed one of the greatest gift from God, rain had become the essence of life.
Water defeats fire. If fire is rage, then rain is forgiveness. Is it true that forgiveness give life to the universe? Is it true that despite the accumulation of human destruction, forgiveness keeps the world moving?
When it rains, the sky touches the earth."

There, I copy-pasted it hehe. It was my second post on August 05.
And now I just smile :)

and still can't sleep by the way. hehehe

Well my dear friends...I am walking on a weird path right now. Discovering stuff that I didn't know before, about me, about other people.
How one can lose a lot and gain a lot more at the same time. I just hope that I won't be so blinded by my loss I'm not going to appreciate or even realize the things that I gained.

Patch. To patch. Patching up is what I need to do right now. Patch it up good so it may stand other blows, and move on.

One thing though...I just want to say that I may not know what it feels to be in love yet...but I do know love, and I believe I do get love. I love you guys, who always have my back. So..I love you guys. And thank you. That's all I can say. And I hope you guys know that I would do the same for each and every one of you in a heart beat. You may not know how much you've helped me so I'm letting you know now. I am standing here intact, with my head held up high, and quite happy. I'm sure I'll get my mojo back in no time, and it's all thanks to you guys. I love you =)

Friday, December 12, 2008


I just got a phone call from somebody I don't know...and did not want to give me his name. He gave me names of other people that he thought I'm supposed to know. I didn't recognize any of them. He said he was from the "kepolisian". And still gave me list of names I didn't recognized instead of giving me his own. And after that, he got pissed off that I didn't recognize his voice and told me: "Yaudah ya bu ya lain kali kalo ada perlu apa2 nggak usah telepon2 kesini lagi".

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

I don't like growing uuuppp :(

Growing Up

© By Melissa S. Rawls

Life is so easy
when you are young.
When kisses heal boo-boos
and lullabies are sung.
It seemed that life could go on for years,
as long as the nightlight was there
to quiet our fears.
Why does growing up
have to be so hard?
When did the world become
bigger than our own back yard?
There is no more recess
to stop the stress of the school day.
There are no more falling stars
that can take our worries away.
Decisions are more complicated
now that we are grown,
why cant we go back
to when life was our own?

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Save Bandung!!!!!

Ada satu issue yang bikin gue akhir2 ini rada khawatir nih...
Bandung will not be Bandung anymore!

It started when I first noticed that it is actually easier to drive in Jakarta than in Bandung. I mean..what was that? I always thought that to be the opposite. Maybe it sad..

And then I got an invitation to sign a petition to save Babakan Siliwangi. The local gov't is planning to destroy the whole green spot into a mall. A friggin' mall!!!!!!!! (By the way guys let's support those who is fighting to save Baksil...for those of you who hasn't sign the petition, you can do it here

Terus, tadi gue ngobrol ama kenalan gue yang kerja di PU...katanya sekarang mereka lagi nego sama pemkot Bandung buat menyebarkan pusat bisnis ga cm di jakarta, tp mau coba dialirkan ke Bandung...I was a little nervous hearing that...So I told him, if you guys are going to do it, please at least keep it green in any way possible...

Oh dear....

By the way ini ada link dr bbrp blog yg concern juga ttg Baksil

Monday, December 01, 2008

Waa...udah lama ngga denger lagu Stop n Starenya One Republic. Gue jadi inget St. Louis lagi kl denger lagu ini abis disana sering banget diputer dimana2 pas waktu2nya gue udah ampir cabut hehehehe.
Inget juga waktu kerja dulu di BofA pas lunch, g suka parkir di area Shop n Save sebelah bank gue, cari parkiran yg paling pojok dan sepi, trus makan lunch gue dengan tenang sambil dengerin radio/mp3 and sambil baca hehehe.

Yah eniweiii....bonyok lagi pergi nih selama seminggu. Rumah sepiiii, tadi malem baru kerasa tuh..untung banyak film bagus di tivi hihi..nontonin CSI ama ada film Eragon juga tuh.

Teyuus....apalagi ya....doh ngga tau nih gue lagi ngantuk and lemes banget, padahal belom juga jam 10 pagi inii.... bar di laptop gue kok berdecit2 mulu gini sih??? Kesannya jadi kayak ada tikus kecil dibawah keyboard gue yang ekornya kepencet2 space bar (apa sih?? hehehehe)

Teyus teyus teyuuus...apalagi nih yaa. Oiya katanya CNN ada kapal pesiar gede yang berhasil kabur dari serangan para bajak laut and the beloved Dubya apologized for the recession (asli nih gue lagi ngga penting banget hari ini hehehhehe)

This morning otw to work...biasalah...traffic...
Man....I think I still need time to get used to the fact that Jakartans are an angry bunch. It still puzzled me how it takes so little to get Jakartans so angry? Geez...hehehe