Monday, February 16, 2009


Yak Valentine's Day akhirnya secara resmi diharamkan sama MUI Jabar...hihi it's kind of funny....makin banyak hal2 yang difatwain haram sama MUI, kayaknya kok makin ngga credible aja ya tu? At least buat gue pribadi sih gitu ya....jadi makin ngga ada artinya aja deh.

Ini juga bukan berarti gue pendukung Valentine's Day ya...gue sih go with the flow ngerayain ngga ngerayain juga hayu...Banyak sih emang yang berpendapat kalo "kasih sayang itu kan harusnya tiap hari...ngga cuma pas valentine's day doang". Iya kok bener...gue setuju...cuma ya nice aja juga buat couples buat punya 1 hari special dimana kita bisa ngelakuin something extra buat someone special kita. Realistically mungkin deh tiap hari pasangan kita ngasih bunga/kado lucu/permen ekonomis juga mending duitnya ditabung buat masa depan hihi. So...buat yang emang ga ngerayain Valentine's Day...bisa juga kan hari special itu dirayain misalnya pas setaun jadian...atau yang emang udah common maybe like wedding anniversary...or something like that lah...So true...couples don't have to celebrate Valentine's Day..for whatever reasons including religious. But they do need to pick a day as a special day for both of them. Keeps the romance alive, if you know what I mean ;)

Yah eniwei..kok jadi ngelantur gini ya hehehehe. Gue akhirnya udah masuk kerja lagi hari ini albeit being a rag doll figure (head lolls on top of the chair, that type of thing)..masih lemes banget lah intinya..tapi the good thing is I felt better when I woke up this morning...and just hope that it doesn't deteriorate any further than it has been up to now. Ohh..still 2 more hours to go...wish the time can go sooner...getting faint nih...huhuhu I wish somebody could drive me home. Tadi sih rencananya pergi mau dianterin aja tapi berhubung supir bokap ngga masuk hari ini jadi gue nyetir ndiri not looking forward to the drive home..lemes abis

Yah eniwei so sorry for missing Edhy's wedding last weekend. It sounded like so much fun. I was looking forward to go, heck, I organized the trip! But because of this gosh-darn virus I had to stay. But it's good that I still got a chance to meet Roberto. Well, congrats2 Edhy, you're officially a husband now!!! Yay Edhy!

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