Monday, April 02, 2007

Du du du...

Ah.....what a fine day ^_^

G bentar lagi selesai kerja. Walopun hari ini full banget g kerja dr jam 8-5, tapi worth it. At the end of the day, one of my students turned out to be a cutie ;p

Pas pertama kali liat, mukanya familiar sih, gue udah pernah liat dia bbrp kali di kampus. Trus dia nyodorin tangan, trus bilang: "hey I know worked at the gym right?"
gue kaget gitu dia inget, soalnya kan udah lama banget waktu gue kerja di gym, taun 2002 akhir gitu klo ga salah deh.
He wasn't really good looking actually, but there's just something about him that's..I don't know..shall I say intriguing? hihi.
He was even cute when he swores!
Trus sama2 kena alergi spring jadi tadi di kantor gue tingkah laku mirip2: garuk2 idung, mata kedip2 gara2 gatel, sama2 ingusan juga (dodol) hehehe.

mmyeah well it was just something small...tapi lumayan menghibur karena hari ini emang gue capek beratt...!

And now...Wingstop here I come!

1 comment:

Mac said...

Update wanted pleaseee.. :D