Thursday, November 01, 2007

Manda bikin ulah lagi

laen kali kalo di kelas tu merhatiiinnnnn!
Do you guys know what happened?
Tadi ini gue baru beres kuis kan yah. Terus gue udah nyiapin pe er yang udah selesai gue buat dengan bangganya..soalnya ini temasuk pe er yg paling extensive dan lengkap jawabannya. Gue lumayan fokus bikin pe ernya dan aga2 ngabisin waktu jadi gue ga cukup waktu buat belajar kuisnya sebelom kelas.
Yah eniwei.... nya ga dikumpulin hari iniiiiii *tears ernya dikumpulin minggu depan hiks hiks hiks
To think...that 2.5 hours I spent working on that sthoopid homework, could have been used to study.

Mana kuisnya susah lagi..
I hate the "none of the above-all of the above" type questions. And all of the multiple choice used that format daaaangg!!

Lengkaplah kesuntukan gue hari ini

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear that nda.. but look at the bright side.. at least this would be the first homework that you didn't do in last-minutes ;)