Tuesday, August 29, 2006

from the beautiful mind of an insomniac (hehehe)

It is 5:16 in the morning, been awake since 4:45am.
Dangit I can't sleep..!! Padahal g bener2 lg butuh tidur nih..G skrg ini aja baru tidur 2 jam, karena td malem stayed up til about 3 am to do my homework..
Man....I need some sleep...badly...!
Kenapa jadi insomnia gini ya...tomorrow's a full day too...dr jam 1-9:35 pm. And, I just had a full day yesterday as well, from 12-9:35pm. Dan lagii...masih ada 1 pr yang harus gue buat. PR Service Operations Management. Hff...I'm really tired euy...and yet, ni badan emang pengkhianat nih..orang lagi capek bukannya ngantuk kek..malah dikasur muter2 doang. Biarpun officially sih gue emang udah tidur 2 jam, tp itu jg ga lelap soalnya masih kebangun2 terus bbrp kali, sampe akhirnya gue bangun completely rite now.

1 comment:

Mac said...

Bikin PR nyong! Males lu! ;p