Thursday, November 17, 2016



What's up, people!
Ni sebenernya belum tau musti nulis apa sih, but I just feel like writing to get some of the clutter out of my head.
So, yeah, it's 8:30 AM and I'm tired. I was up very...very late last night and only got 3 hours of sleep time. Panda eyes, nooooo!

I've been trying to finish translating this communication textbook, tapi beberapa bagian agak ribet. Ini deh salah satu pet peeves gw dengan textbook. There are times when they will just spit out a mix of words that doesn't make much sense.

Here's a thing about me. Gw adalah penggila buku. Gw udah baca ratusan buku in my lifetime, dimulai dari komik Bobo dan Donal Bebek, ke novel pertama gw (Lima Sekawan), ke grown-up novel pertama gw (No Greater Love by Danielle Steele), ke ratusan lagi online novels yang udah gw habiskan sampe saat ini. Gw nggak pernah sekalipun ngebuang buku, mau dipaksa buat ngosongin tempat juga nggak bisa. I was super crushed and cried when a box of my books were damaged by flood water (hard cover Harry Potter, dangit!!!). All of my books' conditions are great. No folded pages, no wear and tear even though I re-read a lot of them countless times. Satu-satunya pekerjaan yang mau gajinya seberapa pun ngga bakal ngaruh adalah, kalau gw kerja di toko buku. The money will never see the light of day hahaha. Intinya, I love books (okay, okay, we get it for God's sake).
Dari semua buku-buku itu, jumlah buku non fiksi yang pernah selesai gw baca (kecuali buku pelajaran. Because, school.) bisa dihitung pake tangan. Believe me I tried. Termasuk saat beberapa yang sempet ngetren tuh...kayak Chicken Soup for the Soul, trus apa tuh...La Tahzan, Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Tipping Point, dll. dsb. Padahal temen-temen gw yang masuk kelompok keren dan intelek (apa sih ini), rata2 banyak yang baca buku2 kayak gitu. I trieddddd, suwerrrr! The last 3 times that I tried to read them (pinjem, atau beli kalau lagi merasa butuh komitmen), I fell asleep after the first 30 pages or so. A lot of times gw merasa sotoy dan ngerasa kalau pengen tau intinya buku itu, tinggal baca indeksnya aja. Padahal mah...hadeh
Sepertinya, hati ini ingin, tapi apa daya badan menolak. Alesan bukan ini? Alesan sih. Tapi ya udah deh.

Butuh maen. >.<

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