Sunday, November 13, 2005

Curry in a Hurry, please come back....!!

About Healers...

You are a rare individual (thank you very much :) ). Idealistic almost to a fault, the Healer is known for his or her selfless and caring nature. Oftentimes a quiet sort, you have a hidden passion for life that no one else can understand. You want to -- and you can -- make such a difference in this world. The question you often find yourself asking is, "Why can't other people see this side of me?" Unfortunately, that's just your nature. Lots of people (who you may resent) go out seeking attention, but you'd rather have it come to you. That doesn't always happen because its just not a perfect world (*sigh..i know....).

People who don't know you might first think "boring" when speaking with you. You know better, though -- even if you are tempted to believe them at times. To those that know better, you can be an incredibly special friend (yes, I could!!). Seek out these kinds of people and you'll find life to be much richer -- let the others miss out on the hidden treasure that is you.

Throughout your life, you may face an awkward internal fight between good and bad. Your desire to do right is balanced by an equally-powerful need to avoid wrong. Everyone makes bad decisions -- that's just a part of life. But when you do something you know is wrong, that stupid conscience of yours makes you feel terrible. Oh, the horrors of being a Healer.

Possible Careers: Social Worker, College Professor

College I'm not destined to be filthy rich, I suppose...hehehe. But I think I'd love being a college professor, ngajar Organzational Behavior sama HR, sama International Business juga, fun! Hhehyeahh o' my nerdy side, come out and play ;p.
Gue pengen juga sih nyoba2 ngajar jadi guru sd, tapi jangan guru tk atau yg masih kelas 1-3 sd, I love kids they're the cutest thing on the face of this earth and prince William along with Daniel Radcliffe run on a close second but most of the times don't know what to do with them, how very awful. Ntar bisa2 kalo ada yg nangis gue ikutan nangis juga jadi ntar bisa jadi nangis sesenggukan bareng...Not good...not good..
Anyways, besok mau makan dimsum nih di Wei Hong ama mbak Hani sekeluarga! Ketemu Jibran and Hana lagi juga asiik..hehehe
Ngomong2, blognya mbak Hani kok ga bisa diakses ya? Besok tanyain ah...
Tadi nonton Indian Night, lumayan juga acaranya, makanannya juga lumayan, gue emang suka sih makanan India. Di Chesterfield Mall, tadinya ada fast food India judulnya Curry in a Hurry, so cute. Gue patah hati waktu tempatnya tutup dan gue ga tau mereka buka dimana, if they'll open at all. Padahal summer 2 taun yg lalu tuh g langganan makan disitu tiap kerja jadi sales. Makanannya enak banget....hiks..masih belom bisa let go nih gue...hiks....Oh Curry in a Hurry...please Come Back in a Hurry! (iye iye Wiin...jayus gue tau, ga boleh protes)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

coNgratS.. hope MaNda's happy bout heR quality.. WoW, it rhymes... ;p btw, prince Will is NOT that cute.. ;p