Monday, November 21, 2005

The Quote

I believe that every human has a finite number of heart-beats. I don't intend to waste any of mine running around doing exercises.

~Neil Armstrong

note: Neil Armstrong is a very smart man, mind you, or he wouldn't have landed on the moon. You should hear what he has to say. I'd say that this quote is a reflection of human's (a.k.a. my) deepest thoughts and should be paid attention to.


Unknown said...

maNda maLesSs!!!!! ;p quote ga beNer tuH!!!! :)

wulan said...

did you realize you posted this for 3 times nda? hehee.. anyways how r ya girl? kapan clubbing lagi? miss you!

Amanda Supriadi said...

well well well...I did posted this 3 times! how did that happen, I honestly don't know, I think my first attempt failed and I tried again and it failed again and then the third time was successful and then the other two came up weeks later. Way to go, technology!
Hehe thanls for letting me know, sista..! =)
Miss you juga nih lan gue lagi suntuu...k banget pengen clubbing lagi tapi ga bisa soalnya lagi musim pe er2 durjana dan ujian2 yang ga kalah hinanya...hiks..
How was your holiday, sweetie?