Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Hiyaa....kotak pensil ketinggalan padahal ntar malem mau ujiannn, paraah parah parah dasar nenek ada....aja yang lupa.

Sekarang lagi di library nih lagi nyoba belajar. Susah banget, abis udah 41/2 jam gue sakit banget perutnya..biasa sih, emang nasibnya jadi cewek. Tapi biasanya jarang sakit lha yang ini malah sakit banget sampe g susah cari posisi duduk, pengennya mengkeret aja dikasur tapi disekolah nggak ada kasur so that's a problem.

Trus barusan ketemu om Fahmi, dia bilang final paper real estate dikumpulin hari Senin ini, bukan Rabu. I haven't started anything so that's kind of a problem too.

And sekarang, I'm still trying to figure out how to study because I can't concentrate. women are experiencing this constantly just for the sake of our future children so for those of you out there who dare to be disrespectful to your moms, you should get a big thump on the head. We've been having extreme pain and problems years and years before pregnancy, you ingrates..!! hehehehehe

Trus...apalagi yah...
Ga tau deh pokoknya sakit perut.
Yaudah kalo begitu g mau coba belajar lagi. Maybe snatch a pen or two from somewhere before class. This is a school, there should be a few writing utensils lying around somewhere, right? hehe


Anonymous said...

Kamu seharusnya pake obat penghilang rasa sakit atau the one khusus untuk penyakit bulanan itu..... Hopefully dapet bagus dan semoga the pain tidak jadi penghalang..... Go figure a topic rite this instance, as soon as you get home. Need my help to figure it out? Reach me by e-mail, I have a problem with my cell-phone.....=p *Batere bocor*

- Parthalan Barthelemy

wulan said...

lho kok malah ngeblog bu? katanya mau belajarrr.. hehehe