Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Besok Lebaraaaan

Sik asik asiik, besok lebaran
Nggak kerasa banget ya tau2 udah lebaran, and tau2 udah bulan kesebelas, which..for all of you who don't know it yet..means we're 1 month away to bulan keduabelas, which means one month away from 2007. Dang...
I think, 2007 will be a very very vee..rry exciting year for me. There will be several extreme ups and downs since my situation will be really different in 2007. And how it would be different?
1. No more mom and dad around
2. Possibility of going back home on vacation
3. Something that will (potentially) be different at work
4. Since I can see clearly now and get rid of my glasses, I'd say that some stuff would be quite different. be continued since I have to call my grandma and my aunts back home..


Unknown said...

MinaL aidziN waLfa'idziN, moHon maaf LaHir daN batiN... :) maafin ya nda... seMoga aMaL ibadaH kita seLaMa buLaN raMadHan diterima-NYA.... =)


Unknown said...

btW, bakaL puLaNg paS LiBuraN???? waAaAa, eNak baNged!!!!! ;p me happy rite nOw... :) btw, paKde gW mo puLang besOk, uda ga ktemu lagi.. hikz.. emm.. seMoga beSok gW boleh nganterin... anyway, c u laterz.. ntar saBtu ada ktupataN kaN?? ;p