Saturday, September 16, 2006

Thoughts before my Sunday nap

Daaang I'm tired!
Hari ini di kantor banyak kerjaan (walopun dikasih makan siang, hehe lumayan).
And my feet hurt.

Tadi abis pulang kerja gue jalan2 di Delmar, ada bazaar kecil di daerah circlenya yg deket Bubble Tea, they sold glass jewelry and beads..trus di Vintage Vinyl lagi ada sale 3 CD for $1..sayangnya gue ga kenal judul2nya walopun gue pengen beli sih sebenernya, abis gue penasaran. Cuma takut ga enak lagunya kan ntar jadinya malah numpuk2in barang ga berguna aja dirumah.
Trus gue liat ada atasan bagus di Ziezo tapi alamakjaaan....$68..gue heran disitu teh harganya kok cileupeung pisan klo kata orang Sunda sih, alias ga sopan. Ada dompet2 lucu juga, tapi sayangnya satunya $24, dr bahan canvas gitu. No matter how cute they were, I just don't think that they're worth $24.

Trus...apa lagi yah...o yeah I'm dead tired. Did I tell you that already? (scroll scroll...) oh yeah I did.
Pengen bobo dulu euy sebelom mampir ke lapangan bola (that is assuming I am going there but I probably skip it for today hehehe).
I guess I better take that nap
Still waiting for the phone call that never comes..
Ehhh!! Halah gue lupa nelepon mas Iyo tadi pagi! Aduu...maap2 ya mas, besok pagi deh Manda telepon lagi. Temenmu si Wendy ultah tuh, huh..(loh?) hehehe...

Oh iya tadi pas lunch ketemu ama Thong (iya, hehe namanya itu, orang Vietnam). Dia salah satu student yg ikut program PMBA di UMSL. Ada tuh di FS gue. Udah sejak summer belom ketemu lagi. Orangnya lucu, baek juga. pas ketemu gue tadi, dia langsung yang: Eiyy...! Amanda!! I thought you're back home!" sambil nyodok2 gue gitu, bos gue ampe ngeliatin hehehehe...Udah gitu (ini masih nyodok2 nih) bilang klo gue rajin banget ngisi blog dll dsb di Frenster, abis kayanya tiap liat, isinya Amanda lagi Amanda lagi. I'm guessing that he meant the bullboard, bukan blognya. Abis bule2 mah emang mana pernah ngisi bulbo, lah wong rata2 pertanyaan & jawaban2nya pake bhs indo semua..

Eh...come to think of it...kynya emang bener yah yang ngisi bulbo sptnya emang cuma orang2 indo doang...hehehehe........

Kemaren gue sekeluarga ama mbak Hani juga sekeluarga malem2 pergi nonton air baloon di Forest Park. I like the Energizer Bunny float. It was so big.. ;p
Pas dijalanan, gue denger lagunya Chris Brown - Say Goodbye. Ini cuplikannya:

There's never a right time to say goodbye
But I gotta make the first move
'Cause if I don't you gonna start hating me
Cause I really don't feel the way I once felt about you
Girl it's not you, it's me
I gotta gotta figure out what I need
There's never a right time to say goodbye
But we know that we gotta go
Our separate ways
And I know it's hard but I gotta do it,
And it's killing me
Cause there's never a right time
Right time to say goodbye

Bagian yg di highlight, yang "Cause I really don't feel the way I once felt about you" bener2 bikin gue cringe everytime I hear that part. Kayanya gimana aja gitu.
Mungkin hal ini emang wajar, losing your feeling over someone while you're still in a relationship with that person.
Cuma.....kalo emang wajar, when you think you've found the right person, how can you ever be sure that he/she is still going to love you, still going to feel the same way about you in ten years? Atau sebaliknya juga, can you be sure that you're going to love that person still, ten years ahead? Mungkin para pasangan2 yang udah married punya jawabannya? Hehehe..


Anonymous said...

ayo coba mana nih pasangan yang udah married *celingak celinguk*....

Mac said...

Waduh ini hani bukannya kasi saran malah ga ngakuin uda merit? :D I guess your heart will tell later? Maybe before you're to marry someone, just introspect and then think calmly and carefully, also imagine to spend the rest of your life with him... When you can think of nothing but happiness, it's a yes and if you think "euy", you know the answer...

Just my thought! I have no clear idea :D

anggit said...

Manda... makanya cepetan married, biar tau. hahaha..

Amanda Supriadi said...

amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin amin amin amin ;p