Sunday, March 01, 2009

Pagi yang Aneh + Manda yg lg kesel...Not a good combo

Pertama2, sebelom kita mulai marilah kita berdoa bersama2, semoga sang penulis blog yang manis dan baik hati ini segera dikaruniai kesembuhan yang bener2 sembuh (bukan sembuh penyakit yg satu trus penyakit satu lagi langsung nyusul seperti sekarang! ahhh geramnyaaa dirikuuu.....ngga selesai2 ini penderitaan tubuhkuuuu)..Aaaamiiiiinnnnn (melototin yang ngga ikut ngaminin)

Huff...whuusaaa..hh.....everything's going to be allright girl...whooo...saahh...

Well....berhubung hari ini (lagi2) gue ngga ada kerjaan....hell it is so darn often I don't have anything to do here and have to ask around for things to do, which is actually on my job desc.."it is the junior consultant's responsibility to ask for something to do should he/she does not have anything to do so as to maximize his/her value to the company",...heck I somebody who was always on the go and busy doing something, doing nothing for a long period of time can actually be excrutiating. No wonder I got all this endless sickness that are caused by stress (at least that's what I read from the internet). I can ask around for things to do for so long...until you start to wonder if they really need you here. Dan sekarang jadinya gue gatel2....really annoying, annoying itchy SOB that attacks my palms and the soles of my feet!! I can't even walk because of it, it's reaallly...reaalllyy annoying.

Okkay....whooo..saahh....restrain your inner preman oh dear Mandy.....whoo...saahh..

Darn it I really2 need something to do to take my mind off of this itchy SOB...(restraaainn....!). Ok2 sorry....what I meant was I really need something to do, to work on, to take my mind off of this darn tootin' itches...(how about that for a PG-13 version? much better?)

Well anyway...tadi pagi gue liat bbrp hal aneh...
1. There was a guy, standing on the sidewalk...facing the wall, feet shoulder-width apart (just like somebody who's taking a piss) and I was like..OMG is that guy for real? Why is he taking a piss on the side of a road that is filled with people passing by??
And it turned out that the dude was actually just talking on the phone. But why would he stood that way anyway while he could just...oh I don't know...stand up straight? Like normal people? Weirdo..

2. There was another guy standing by the side of the road with a girl...they looked like they were either trying to cross the road, or waiting for an angkot or bis or whatever public transportation that they need. So what's so weird about that??
Oh...nothing weird....except that the guy was wearing a full-covered motorcycle helmet and I was pretty sure that the dude does not have any intention of riding a motorcycle because...the circumstances and the fact that there's no motorcycle parked around the area clearly shown that the guy did not or was not planning ride a motorcycle.
So I guess he was just trying to be careful crossing the road by wearing a helmet. Phew...talking about safety precautions!! Nice..haha

Hm...soo......back to the issue of my doing nothing at work.
Do I feel guilty about not doing anything while getting paid?
Hell no...this can already be categorized as a torture and I deserved to get something out of it!!! *hosh..hosh..hosh...--> ceritanya lagi emosi
To think about sitting on a desk from 8:30am-5pm doing nothing!! Oh how I feel like my youth is wasted..I could've taken a class somewhere..maybe taking French and dance lessons? Minus the this and that diseases, because I'm sure I will not be frustrated if I am busy doing something! Boy wouldn't that be a huge plus...
So I don't know guys....what do you think....should I quit or should I go on? That is the major question...hmmmm

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