The dawn is breaking
A light shining through
You're barely waking
And I'm tangled up in you
I'm open, you're closed
Where I follow, you'll go
I worry I won't see your face
Light up again
Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find
You and I collide
I'm quiet you know
You make a first impression
I've found I'm scared to know I'm always on your mind
Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
I somehow find
You and I collide
Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to ryhme
Out of the doubt that fills your mind
You finally find
You and I collide
You finally find
You and I collide
You finally find
You and I collide
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
Paper oh paper..andai bisa write itself...hh
Hmm...barusan selesai masak2 buat international dinner besok. Nyokap, gue, Wulan and Deedee masak soto betawi rame2. Si Josh ikut juga tapi dia sambil maen CS, sama makan nasi pake kecap doang....tck tck Lan..laki loe enak yah ngasih makannya gampang hehehe
Besok pagi jam 10 mo cabut ke Columbia, sayang juga ga bisa dateng International Dinner. Taun lalu juga klo ga salah ga dateng ga ya? Lupa euy hehehe. Jadi cuma nyumbang masak aja deh.
Duuh ntar midnight ada paper due euy, tapi baru dapet 1/2 halamaan. Malesnya ga kira2 deh. Yang ada bawaannya suntuk melulu. Cuma untungnya minggu depan hari terakhir kerja. Selasa kemaren ini kan gue ga masuk kerja gara2 teler, jadinya Senin kerja. Tapi malah hokiiii.....karena Senin ini yg kerja ditraktir makan siang di Bandana's Bar-B-Q. Wii... ^_^
Trus...apalagi ya..
Besok pagi jam 10 mo cabut ke Columbia, sayang juga ga bisa dateng International Dinner. Taun lalu juga klo ga salah ga dateng ga ya? Lupa euy hehehe. Jadi cuma nyumbang masak aja deh.
Duuh ntar midnight ada paper due euy, tapi baru dapet 1/2 halamaan. Malesnya ga kira2 deh. Yang ada bawaannya suntuk melulu. Cuma untungnya minggu depan hari terakhir kerja. Selasa kemaren ini kan gue ga masuk kerja gara2 teler, jadinya Senin kerja. Tapi malah hokiiii.....karena Senin ini yg kerja ditraktir makan siang di Bandana's Bar-B-Q. Wii... ^_^
Trus...apalagi ya..
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Random facts of life according to Amanda
1. Alergi belom sembuh, sekarang ganti ke sakit tenggorokan. This is going to be a long..long..Spring..
2. Besok mo fashion show, tapi mata kanan tiba2 bentol. Kalo emang ini digigit serangga, semoga serangganya sama2 kena bentol juga, tapi harus segede yang punya gue.
3. Besok presentasi juga, semoga ga batuk2 pas lg presentasi. Gue bisa di disown sama group gue klo tiba2 napasnya ngik ngok pas lagi kasih introduction..
4. Sekarang lagi ngeliatin kardus yg isinya baju2 winter gue di kamar. This room was so tidy just 2 days before...and's a whole mess all over again. Makes me wonder why I bothered to clean up the clutter then..or ever.
5. Applying minyak kayu putih to ANY part of your eye (termasuk kelopaknya sekalipun) is not a very good idea. Use other way if you're not desperate yet. If you are..well...just endure the pain and hope that it pays.
6. Making sure you check the stuff that you're going to poke into any part of your body is a very good idea. Not checking could mean having a flammable ear for the rest of the night. Not that painful but immensely annoying.
7. It's just the facts of life that some people's immune system are sometimes retarded (like mine)..pollen is NOT a threat! Stop making me sneeze and stuff to get the pollen out of my system, pollen is friend!!!
8. I love sushi.
2. Besok mo fashion show, tapi mata kanan tiba2 bentol. Kalo emang ini digigit serangga, semoga serangganya sama2 kena bentol juga, tapi harus segede yang punya gue.
3. Besok presentasi juga, semoga ga batuk2 pas lg presentasi. Gue bisa di disown sama group gue klo tiba2 napasnya ngik ngok pas lagi kasih introduction..
4. Sekarang lagi ngeliatin kardus yg isinya baju2 winter gue di kamar. This room was so tidy just 2 days before...and's a whole mess all over again. Makes me wonder why I bothered to clean up the clutter then..or ever.
5. Applying minyak kayu putih to ANY part of your eye (termasuk kelopaknya sekalipun) is not a very good idea. Use other way if you're not desperate yet. If you are..well...just endure the pain and hope that it pays.
6. Making sure you check the stuff that you're going to poke into any part of your body is a very good idea. Not checking could mean having a flammable ear for the rest of the night. Not that painful but immensely annoying.
7. It's just the facts of life that some people's immune system are sometimes retarded (like mine)..pollen is NOT a threat! Stop making me sneeze and stuff to get the pollen out of my system, pollen is friend!!!
8. I love sushi.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Yesterday was an interesting day, and mind-numbingly boring at the same time.
Yesterday afternoon I went to this St. Louis Regional Business Council Spring Reception down at Forsyth Blvd. Having the name "Reception", I figured that we're going to eat dinner or something over there, but they only served hors d'oeuvres, which, of course, had bacon in them so I couldn't eat it :p. The hall was beautiful, though. And the restroom kicked ass, hehe. Let me tell you a bit about the rest room (since that is one of the few things that impressed me about yesterday's event, other than the cool leather folder that they gave us and the cokes served in that classic, mini glass bottles). One student from McKendree College told me that I should check out the ladies room. By the way I just couldn't pinpoint the time when we started talking about restrooms at that networking event with CEOs and VPs..I guess both of us (me and the girl from McKendree) found comfort in each other when we started to confess that both of us felt extraordinarily awkward there not to mention bored and starved..hehe..When I entered the ladies room, I saw that it was huge and painted in rustic pink. There were cozy sofas and armchairs inside, mirrors everywhere, and fluffy towels to dry our hands instead of the regular napkins.
One thing that I noticed, there were quite a number of students from Washu there, and they tend to make their own circle and wouldn't let anybody else joined. Hmph..I tried to join them one time, along with one other student from Maryville. I guess we felt the same thing because we started to look at each other, he raised his eyebrows in that can-you-believe-what-they're-doing kind of expression and I shrugged my shoulders and gave him a helpless smile. Then we just moved on to the next less-circled CEOs. Those snobbish vultures...(hehe no offense to Washu students but the lot of you who were there yesterday deserved that :p)
And...what else..
Oh I went to DePaul ER center last night to check on my allergy. I didn't wait too long in the waiting room, but I waited for about 2 hours in the patient room sitting on an empty bed, just for a 5 minute conversation with the doctor, hehehe. Well, they actually did some test on me first so maybe that 2 hours was the time for them to get the result for my test? Dunno deh hehe
Well, the diagnosis was that I got "Hay Fever", so I can't go outdoor and if I have to, I'd need to take a shower and wash my hair as well. Repot juga yah..Pulang2 dr ER ke Walgreens ambil prescription, terus mampir ke Denny's jam 10 pas. Mereka udah hampir tutup dan gue customer terakhirnya. Ga tau kenapa pokoknya kemaren tiba2, balik dr klinik langsung nge-crave Denny's gitu.
Sekarang lagi kerja, baru jam 1 euy. Ntar gue beres kerja jam 5, trus kerja lagi di tempat research, punya waktu sejam, sebelom mulai kerja disana, enaknya ngapain ya? Makan kali.. hehe
Yesterday afternoon I went to this St. Louis Regional Business Council Spring Reception down at Forsyth Blvd. Having the name "Reception", I figured that we're going to eat dinner or something over there, but they only served hors d'oeuvres, which, of course, had bacon in them so I couldn't eat it :p. The hall was beautiful, though. And the restroom kicked ass, hehe. Let me tell you a bit about the rest room (since that is one of the few things that impressed me about yesterday's event, other than the cool leather folder that they gave us and the cokes served in that classic, mini glass bottles). One student from McKendree College told me that I should check out the ladies room. By the way I just couldn't pinpoint the time when we started talking about restrooms at that networking event with CEOs and VPs..I guess both of us (me and the girl from McKendree) found comfort in each other when we started to confess that both of us felt extraordinarily awkward there not to mention bored and starved..hehe..When I entered the ladies room, I saw that it was huge and painted in rustic pink. There were cozy sofas and armchairs inside, mirrors everywhere, and fluffy towels to dry our hands instead of the regular napkins.
One thing that I noticed, there were quite a number of students from Washu there, and they tend to make their own circle and wouldn't let anybody else joined. Hmph..I tried to join them one time, along with one other student from Maryville. I guess we felt the same thing because we started to look at each other, he raised his eyebrows in that can-you-believe-what-they're-doing kind of expression and I shrugged my shoulders and gave him a helpless smile. Then we just moved on to the next less-circled CEOs. Those snobbish vultures...(hehe no offense to Washu students but the lot of you who were there yesterday deserved that :p)
And...what else..
Oh I went to DePaul ER center last night to check on my allergy. I didn't wait too long in the waiting room, but I waited for about 2 hours in the patient room sitting on an empty bed, just for a 5 minute conversation with the doctor, hehehe. Well, they actually did some test on me first so maybe that 2 hours was the time for them to get the result for my test? Dunno deh hehe
Well, the diagnosis was that I got "Hay Fever", so I can't go outdoor and if I have to, I'd need to take a shower and wash my hair as well. Repot juga yah..Pulang2 dr ER ke Walgreens ambil prescription, terus mampir ke Denny's jam 10 pas. Mereka udah hampir tutup dan gue customer terakhirnya. Ga tau kenapa pokoknya kemaren tiba2, balik dr klinik langsung nge-crave Denny's gitu.
Sekarang lagi kerja, baru jam 1 euy. Ntar gue beres kerja jam 5, trus kerja lagi di tempat research, punya waktu sejam, sebelom mulai kerja disana, enaknya ngapain ya? Makan kali.. hehe
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Duuh....this allergy is killing me. My eyes feel itchy all the time so now it looks like I have this heavy bag under my eyes, and my nose bleeds every morning because of the pressure (not because I rub it or anything). This morning was the worst, I couldn't even go to work at 11 like I planned it before since my nose bleeds from both sides and just wouldn't stop so I needed to lie down for a while. Man..
Tomorrow's Mirthday, and what a full day for me. I just found out not too long ago that the Indonesian booth still needs people to be there and take care of the booth. I have to stand at the Graduate Office booth all day but I hope my boss will let me go for an hour or two so I can help the ISA booth. If not, I'll use my breaks to sit at the ISA booth. I hope someone can be kind and get me a funnel cake while I'm waiting at the booth :p
Trus...apalagi ya...laper sih. Sarapan dulu yaa...dadaaah
Tomorrow's Mirthday, and what a full day for me. I just found out not too long ago that the Indonesian booth still needs people to be there and take care of the booth. I have to stand at the Graduate Office booth all day but I hope my boss will let me go for an hour or two so I can help the ISA booth. If not, I'll use my breaks to sit at the ISA booth. I hope someone can be kind and get me a funnel cake while I'm waiting at the booth :p
Trus...apalagi ya...laper sih. Sarapan dulu yaa...dadaaah
Thursday, April 13, 2006
I accidentally glued my forefinger and my thumb together with a super glue!! =(
Sekarang ini masih nempel ga bisa copot2...dipaksain gitu sakit tadi...jadi gue biarin aja dulu..hff...bodoh ih..hehe..I hope I can get them off with acetone or else I'm going to work tomorrow with only 8 fingers working.
I accidentally glued my forefinger and my thumb together with a super glue!! =(
Sekarang ini masih nempel ga bisa copot2...dipaksain gitu sakit tadi...jadi gue biarin aja dulu..hff...bodoh ih..hehe..I hope I can get them off with acetone or else I'm going to work tomorrow with only 8 fingers working.
One Day
One day, there should come a realization that you don't have to blame yourself for other people's sorrow.
One day, there should come a realization that you can't make things better for every human being.
One day, there should come a realization that purpose is different than wishful thinking.
One day, there should come a realization that things are just what they are; good/bad, the reasonings behind them should come to your understanding sooner/later.
One day, there should come a realization that you can't make things better for every human being.
One day, there should come a realization that purpose is different than wishful thinking.
One day, there should come a realization that things are just what they are; good/bad, the reasonings behind them should come to your understanding sooner/later.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Ghaa......need sleep...badly...
Semalem bobonya rada2 ga beres (kurang lama juga dikit hehe). Tadi malem kok rasanya panas benerr, padahal gue udah nyalain ac tapi tetep di tengah2 lagi bobo sempet kebangun trus baju rasanya lembab gitu dan gue keringetan. Ugh ga enak deh pokoknya. Udah gitu bangun2 jam 9 (sebelom bobo ada feeling bangun pagi ini bakal agak2 challenging jadi pasang 2 alarm, 1 dr weker 1 lg dr hp, yg hp ditaronya rada jauh jadi klo mau matiin harus get up dr tempat tidur hehehe...necessary self-torture)
Anyway, tadi yang banguntidurkuterusmandi scenario gitu deh...cuma rada ngedumel juga abis pas selesai mandi, mata rasanya ga enak dan gatel2 alergi gitu, liat2 di kaca, muka gue masih ga beda dengan muka pas bangun tidur. Bedanya cuma yg abis mandi jadi bersih aja kali ya :p. Tapi other than that, semua masih sama, mata masih merah, mulut masih monyong (masih ga rela), dll deh.
Trus..tiap Rabu kan biasanya gue dapet parkir yang nun jauh disana, apalagi kalo datengnya mepet2 jam 10. Hari ini juga gue datengnya mepet banget, jam 10 kurang 5. Biasanya sih udah ga ada harapan deh bisa dapet parkir di samping perpus. Tapi hari ini gue penasaran and went to that garage anyway, udah muterin 4 lantai ga dapet, eeeh tau2 pas g udah jalan balik tinggal sisa puteran lantai terakhir, ada yang keluar. Horee...! hehehe
Semalem bobonya rada2 ga beres (kurang lama juga dikit hehe). Tadi malem kok rasanya panas benerr, padahal gue udah nyalain ac tapi tetep di tengah2 lagi bobo sempet kebangun trus baju rasanya lembab gitu dan gue keringetan. Ugh ga enak deh pokoknya. Udah gitu bangun2 jam 9 (sebelom bobo ada feeling bangun pagi ini bakal agak2 challenging jadi pasang 2 alarm, 1 dr weker 1 lg dr hp, yg hp ditaronya rada jauh jadi klo mau matiin harus get up dr tempat tidur hehehe...necessary self-torture)
Anyway, tadi yang banguntidurkuterusmandi scenario gitu deh...cuma rada ngedumel juga abis pas selesai mandi, mata rasanya ga enak dan gatel2 alergi gitu, liat2 di kaca, muka gue masih ga beda dengan muka pas bangun tidur. Bedanya cuma yg abis mandi jadi bersih aja kali ya :p. Tapi other than that, semua masih sama, mata masih merah, mulut masih monyong (masih ga rela), dll deh.
Trus..tiap Rabu kan biasanya gue dapet parkir yang nun jauh disana, apalagi kalo datengnya mepet2 jam 10. Hari ini juga gue datengnya mepet banget, jam 10 kurang 5. Biasanya sih udah ga ada harapan deh bisa dapet parkir di samping perpus. Tapi hari ini gue penasaran and went to that garage anyway, udah muterin 4 lantai ga dapet, eeeh tau2 pas g udah jalan balik tinggal sisa puteran lantai terakhir, ada yang keluar. Horee...! hehehe
A Poem
Ini ada puisi bikinan temen gue, I just think it's beautiful and honest.
dunia adalah sesuatu yang F A N A...
hidup adalah segala yang semu...
setiap orang menggunakan topengnya masing-masing...
perbedaan selalu menjadi jurang dan menciptakan jarak...
aku merindukan kata D A M A I dan penerapannya secara nyata...
aku merindukan suatu tempat dimana tak ada pilihan... tak harus memilih.. tak harus dipilih...
semua sama... semua setara... semua menampakkan warnanya masing-masing...
tak lagi terbentur pada norma atau aturan-aturan lainnya...
tempat dimana aku bisa menjadi diriku sendiri...
tanpa segala bentuk hak dan kewajiban...
tempat dimana dimensi ruang dan waktu tak lagi ada artinya...
tempat dimana segala kemunafikan sirna...
tak ada penguasa... tak ada hegemoni..
tak ada apa-apa selain hening abadi...
Monday, April 10, 2006
Why I think 'Froot Loops' is better than 'Strawberry Cornflakes'
Here, I act as an advocate of Froott Loops fans a.k.a. Froot Loopers a.k.a. Froopies a.k.a. Frootzie Mctastics, will share some reasons, based on my in-depth research about Froot Loops, the greatest cereal made by the sharpest mind of a selected flock of Toucan bird deep in an African jungle.
Why I Think Froot Loops is better than Strawberry Cornflakes:
1. Because Froot Loops contains more fruit flavors than just strawberry.
2. Because in real life, assortment of fruits taste better than eating corn and strawberry together. Corn and Strawberry are never meant to be together. It's just weird.
3. Because colorful rings look better in milk than some (supposedly) oval corn chips with questionable edges and a sorry attempt to make it look purrty-er by adding shriveled, dry, strawberries.
4. Because there is a higher possibility that I will get some 'surprise' gift inside Froot Loop's box. One can't have too many spy kits or color-changing plastic spoons.
While cornflake use: "The gift inside is you." It could trick some customers into thinking: "oh...they have a figurine of myself? awesome!!" and then they'd buy 5 boxes of cornflakes thinking that they'll have a collection of 'me' doll and then found out later that what cornflakes meant was that the gift inside will be the 'thinner you' after eating cornflakes for 3 months straight. And then the customers will feel cheated and get depressed because they think that even Kellogg thought they're fat and then things just go downhill from there..
5. Another comment about 'the gift inside is you', I personally think that anybody who'd eat nothing but cereal for 3 months could be thin. However, gradually they will develop a longer snout, walk on their hands and foot, grow a tail, and won't be able to say anything but 'moo'..
6. Because cornflakes contains the word 'flaky' or 'flakey', which means: bizarre, freaky, and unreliable.
7. Because I like Toucan Birds.
Hmm..okay, that's all I got for now. For Corn Flakes fans, don't be upset. Today I'm just in the mood for Froot Loops. And I'm procrastinating.
If you're really upset, just let me know and next time I will tell you the reasons why Strawberry Cornflakes is better than Peanut Butter and Jelly..
Back to studying!
Why I Think Froot Loops is better than Strawberry Cornflakes:
1. Because Froot Loops contains more fruit flavors than just strawberry.
2. Because in real life, assortment of fruits taste better than eating corn and strawberry together. Corn and Strawberry are never meant to be together. It's just weird.
3. Because colorful rings look better in milk than some (supposedly) oval corn chips with questionable edges and a sorry attempt to make it look purrty-er by adding shriveled, dry, strawberries.
4. Because there is a higher possibility that I will get some 'surprise' gift inside Froot Loop's box. One can't have too many spy kits or color-changing plastic spoons.
While cornflake use: "The gift inside is you." It could trick some customers into thinking: "oh...they have a figurine of myself? awesome!!" and then they'd buy 5 boxes of cornflakes thinking that they'll have a collection of 'me' doll and then found out later that what cornflakes meant was that the gift inside will be the 'thinner you' after eating cornflakes for 3 months straight. And then the customers will feel cheated and get depressed because they think that even Kellogg thought they're fat and then things just go downhill from there..
5. Another comment about 'the gift inside is you', I personally think that anybody who'd eat nothing but cereal for 3 months could be thin. However, gradually they will develop a longer snout, walk on their hands and foot, grow a tail, and won't be able to say anything but 'moo'..
6. Because cornflakes contains the word 'flaky' or 'flakey', which means: bizarre, freaky, and unreliable.
7. Because I like Toucan Birds.
Hmm..okay, that's all I got for now. For Corn Flakes fans, don't be upset. Today I'm just in the mood for Froot Loops. And I'm procrastinating.
If you're really upset, just let me know and next time I will tell you the reasons why Strawberry Cornflakes is better than Peanut Butter and Jelly..
Back to studying!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Shoot me
The reason why I should be shot?
Hmm...well...I have an exam tomorrow (luckily it's a late afternoon class) but I haven't even really start studying. I mean, really studying.
See, I have this game website called Utopia. It's nearing the end of the age (in Utopia) and my kingdom is going to war. I am one of their active mage and attacker and it frustrates me that the website decided to stop working on several provinces in the kingdom including mine since last night. And then it went on, it was working for about 10-15 minutes before it decided to stop again, in the middle of my target finding process ((I think that sneaky bast***d tried to play games with me on purpose). I was about to send my army out and win! I keep going back to the website to see if they'd let me in and can't stop.
I know I know... 'geek alert' bla bla me, I know. Starts to scare myself as well. I hope they have some kind of a patch (like one of those stop-smoking patch) to make me stop going to Utopia's website on important times like this. I hate myself...(for those of you who haven't realized it yet, it's a joke..) I supposed to freeze my account just like Wulan froze her facebook's? Nhoo...still can't let it go yet hehehe. Maybe later if it starts to get really2 bad I'm in labor and the only thing I ask for is my laptop so I can log in to Utopia. If that time comes then I'm going to have to ask my future husband to put me to therapy :p
Oh God I really need to start studying...
Well, wish me luck and if I get bored (or get further urge to procrastinate) let me rephrase that..WHEN I get bored, the next post will be on the reason why 'Fruit Loops' is better than 'Strawberry Cornflakes'.
Cheerio..! (apa sih..)
Hmm...well...I have an exam tomorrow (luckily it's a late afternoon class) but I haven't even really start studying. I mean, really studying.
See, I have this game website called Utopia. It's nearing the end of the age (in Utopia) and my kingdom is going to war. I am one of their active mage and attacker and it frustrates me that the website decided to stop working on several provinces in the kingdom including mine since last night. And then it went on, it was working for about 10-15 minutes before it decided to stop again, in the middle of my target finding process ((I think that sneaky bast***d tried to play games with me on purpose). I was about to send my army out and win! I keep going back to the website to see if they'd let me in and can't stop.
I know I know... 'geek alert' bla bla me, I know. Starts to scare myself as well. I hope they have some kind of a patch (like one of those stop-smoking patch) to make me stop going to Utopia's website on important times like this. I hate myself...(for those of you who haven't realized it yet, it's a joke..) I supposed to freeze my account just like Wulan froze her facebook's? Nhoo...still can't let it go yet hehehe. Maybe later if it starts to get really2 bad I'm in labor and the only thing I ask for is my laptop so I can log in to Utopia. If that time comes then I'm going to have to ask my future husband to put me to therapy :p
Oh God I really need to start studying...
Well, wish me luck and if I get bored (or get further urge to procrastinate) let me rephrase that..WHEN I get bored, the next post will be on the reason why 'Fruit Loops' is better than 'Strawberry Cornflakes'.
Cheerio..! (apa sih..)
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Lagi iseng doang
Cerita dengan huruf "T"
"Tukang tempe tertantang tukang tahu"
Takkala temperatur terik terbakar terus, tukang tempe tetap tabah,
"Tempe-tempe", teriaknya. Ternyata teriakan tukang tempe tadi terdengar
tukang tahu, terpaksa teriakannya tambah tinggi, "Tahu-tahu-tahu!"
"Tempenya terbaik, tempenya terenak, tempenya terkenal!!", timpal
tukang tempe. Tukang tahu tidak terima,"Tempenya tengik, tempenya
tawar,tempenya terjelek!"
Tukang tempe tertegun, terhenyak, "Teplakkk...!" tamparannya tepat
terkena tukang tahu. Tapi tukang tahu tidak terkalahkan, tendangannya
tepat terkena tulang tungkai tukang tempe.
Tukang tempe terjengkang tumbang! Tapi terus tegak, tatapannya
terhunus tajam terhadap tukang tahu. Tetapi, tukang tahu tidak
terpengaruh tatapan tajam tukang tempe tersebut, "Tidak takut!!!"
tantang tukang tahu.
Tidak ternyana tangan tukang tempe terkepal, tinjunya terarah, terus
tonjokkannya tepat terkena tukang tahu, tak terelakkan! Tujuh
tempat terkena tinjunya, tonjokan terakhir tepat terkena telak.
Tukang tahu terjerembab. "Tolong... tolong... tolong...!", teriaknya
terdengar tinggi. Tetapi tanpa tunda tempo, tukang tempe teruskan
teriakannya, "Tempe... tempe.... tempe...!
"Tukang tempe tertantang tukang tahu"
Takkala temperatur terik terbakar terus, tukang tempe tetap tabah,
"Tempe-tempe", teriaknya. Ternyata teriakan tukang tempe tadi terdengar
tukang tahu, terpaksa teriakannya tambah tinggi, "Tahu-tahu-tahu!"
"Tempenya terbaik, tempenya terenak, tempenya terkenal!!", timpal
tukang tempe. Tukang tahu tidak terima,"Tempenya tengik, tempenya
tawar,tempenya terjelek!"
Tukang tempe tertegun, terhenyak, "Teplakkk...!" tamparannya tepat
terkena tukang tahu. Tapi tukang tahu tidak terkalahkan, tendangannya
tepat terkena tulang tungkai tukang tempe.
Tukang tempe terjengkang tumbang! Tapi terus tegak, tatapannya
terhunus tajam terhadap tukang tahu. Tetapi, tukang tahu tidak
terpengaruh tatapan tajam tukang tempe tersebut, "Tidak takut!!!"
tantang tukang tahu.
Tidak ternyana tangan tukang tempe terkepal, tinjunya terarah, terus
tonjokkannya tepat terkena tukang tahu, tak terelakkan! Tujuh
tempat terkena tinjunya, tonjokan terakhir tepat terkena telak.
Tukang tahu terjerembab. "Tolong... tolong... tolong...!", teriaknya
terdengar tinggi. Tetapi tanpa tunda tempo, tukang tempe teruskan
teriakannya, "Tempe... tempe.... tempe...!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Baru sampe tempat kerja nih. Teler abiiis...
Untung hari ini gue ga ada appointment. Kemaren ada 2 sih, tapi yang nongol cuma 1 dan yg satu lagi MIA.
Trus..kemaren ngerjain kerjaan yg dr research itu sampe jam berapa ya...jam 3 deh klo ga salah. Untuung dibantuin (makasiiii...^_^). Kalo enggak beresnya lebih pagi lagi kali. Udah gitu ngecharge sama ngupdate i-shuffle gue sambil nyelesain novel, akhirnya baru bobo jam 4. Eh...tau2nya pas pagi2 mau bawa shufflenya, tombol on nya nyala dr malem jadinya chargingnya percumaa! Lemes deh..(manasin cheeseburger dulu ntar....)
uuh sakit perut euy..(this one is my official rants post...sawry.. :p )
I need some more sleep..mungkin ntar coba bobo di perpus hehehe
Di postingan gue yg sebelomnya, Sigit kasih comment, katanya lagi musim self reflection. Hehehe ga tau ya kalo gue pribadi sih bukannya buat self reflection per se, just a bad case of boredom, hehehe. Soo..o ready to be finished with this semester.
Hari ini ke kampus pake mobil bokap, yg ada stiker alumni nya jadi bisa parkir dimana aja, thank God. Jadinya bisa parkir di library garage dan ga usah parkir di tempat gue biasa parkir tiap Rabu yaitu di gym nun jauh disana, bisa modar lah gue, atau paling nggak ketiduran dijalan hehehehe. So there's still some light on the day =)
(Darn burger still hot! ouch..*kipas kipas kipas). Tadi fishing di kulkas kantor, nemu bbrp botol orange juice, expiration date: Feb 18 06. Grabbed it, tasted it..masih lumayan rasanya, belom ada rasa yang aneh2 hehehe cuek ah..
Nanti harus ngerjain pr juga buat kelas commercial banking (sempet bobo ga ya jadinya?). Gue baru beres baca novel "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe kemaren malem. Ceritanya okay lah but not that significant for me. About 80% of the book was about the lives of several African tribes (one tribe in particular, the strongest one). 20% terakhir ttg how the white men (that's the term in the book, btw hehe) changed the whole village, mereka ambil penduduk2 di suku2 situ dan dikirim ke negara mereka buat dijadiin slaves. The book told a story about one of the greatest warrior in one of the strongest tribe di satu daerah Afrika situ, and how at the end chapters of the book he and several top warriors was cheated into a "meeting" and got caged, they were humiliated beyond believe and he felt such hate for the white men. At the end he hanged himself because of shame and grief, since no one in his feared-by-all village dared to fight back. Kesian..
Trus, kemaren gue pinjem novel baru dari perpus, judulnya "Never Let Me Go" by Kauzo Ishiguro. Heard it's a good book, tapi gue belom sempet mulai. Kemaren baru ngeberesin yg "Things Fall Apart" dulu. Ntar malem sebelom bobo gue mulai baca kali. Trus Kamis baru deh mulai belajar buat ujian Senin ntar. fun.
Baru sampe tempat kerja nih. Teler abiiis...
Untung hari ini gue ga ada appointment. Kemaren ada 2 sih, tapi yang nongol cuma 1 dan yg satu lagi MIA.
Trus..kemaren ngerjain kerjaan yg dr research itu sampe jam berapa ya...jam 3 deh klo ga salah. Untuung dibantuin (makasiiii...^_^). Kalo enggak beresnya lebih pagi lagi kali. Udah gitu ngecharge sama ngupdate i-shuffle gue sambil nyelesain novel, akhirnya baru bobo jam 4. Eh...tau2nya pas pagi2 mau bawa shufflenya, tombol on nya nyala dr malem jadinya chargingnya percumaa! Lemes deh..(manasin cheeseburger dulu ntar....)
uuh sakit perut euy..(this one is my official rants post...sawry.. :p )
I need some more sleep..mungkin ntar coba bobo di perpus hehehe
Di postingan gue yg sebelomnya, Sigit kasih comment, katanya lagi musim self reflection. Hehehe ga tau ya kalo gue pribadi sih bukannya buat self reflection per se, just a bad case of boredom, hehehe. Soo..o ready to be finished with this semester.
Hari ini ke kampus pake mobil bokap, yg ada stiker alumni nya jadi bisa parkir dimana aja, thank God. Jadinya bisa parkir di library garage dan ga usah parkir di tempat gue biasa parkir tiap Rabu yaitu di gym nun jauh disana, bisa modar lah gue, atau paling nggak ketiduran dijalan hehehehe. So there's still some light on the day =)
(Darn burger still hot! ouch..*kipas kipas kipas). Tadi fishing di kulkas kantor, nemu bbrp botol orange juice, expiration date: Feb 18 06. Grabbed it, tasted it..masih lumayan rasanya, belom ada rasa yang aneh2 hehehe cuek ah..
Nanti harus ngerjain pr juga buat kelas commercial banking (sempet bobo ga ya jadinya?). Gue baru beres baca novel "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe kemaren malem. Ceritanya okay lah but not that significant for me. About 80% of the book was about the lives of several African tribes (one tribe in particular, the strongest one). 20% terakhir ttg how the white men (that's the term in the book, btw hehe) changed the whole village, mereka ambil penduduk2 di suku2 situ dan dikirim ke negara mereka buat dijadiin slaves. The book told a story about one of the greatest warrior in one of the strongest tribe di satu daerah Afrika situ, and how at the end chapters of the book he and several top warriors was cheated into a "meeting" and got caged, they were humiliated beyond believe and he felt such hate for the white men. At the end he hanged himself because of shame and grief, since no one in his feared-by-all village dared to fight back. Kesian..
Trus, kemaren gue pinjem novel baru dari perpus, judulnya "Never Let Me Go" by Kauzo Ishiguro. Heard it's a good book, tapi gue belom sempet mulai. Kemaren baru ngeberesin yg "Things Fall Apart" dulu. Ntar malem sebelom bobo gue mulai baca kali. Trus Kamis baru deh mulai belajar buat ujian Senin ntar. fun.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
What my birthday means
Okay okay it's obvious that I'm bored yet got nothing to say. So here..hehe
Your Birthdate: September 18 |
![]() You are a cohesive force - able to bring many people together for a common cause. You tend to excel in work situations, but you also facilitate a lot of social gatherings too. Beyond being a good leader, you are good at inspiring others. You also keep your powerful emotions in check - you know when to emote and when to repress. Your strength: Emotional maturity beyond your years Your weakness: Wearing yourself down with too many responsibilities Your power color: Crimson red Your power symbol: Snowflake Your power month: September |
Sunday, April 02, 2006
The Tests from Fari's Blog
I did the "Know More About Yourself" test from Fari's blog. The result was quite interesting (but the words contradicted each other at times so I'm taking it at face value hehehe). Anyway just want to put it here, to archive it, at least ;p
Tes di websitenya banyak banget ternyata
Get to know yourself better
Your view on yourself: You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship: You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love: Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on education You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
The right job for you: You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success: You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of: You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you. Who is your true self: You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
The Real You
Here is the analysis:
You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.
You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?
Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
What's your personality love style?
Here is the analysis:
You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high.
Tes di websitenya banyak banget ternyata
Get to know yourself better
Your view on yourself: You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship: You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love: Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on education You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
The right job for you: You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success: You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of: You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you. Who is your true self: You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
The Real You
Here is the analysis:
You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.
You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?
Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
What's your personality love style?
Here is the analysis:
You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high.
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