Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Baru sampe tempat kerja nih. Teler abiiis...
Untung hari ini gue ga ada appointment. Kemaren ada 2 sih, tapi yang nongol cuma 1 dan yg satu lagi MIA.

Trus..kemaren ngerjain kerjaan yg dr research itu sampe jam berapa ya...jam 3 deh klo ga salah. Untuung dibantuin (makasiiii...^_^). Kalo enggak beresnya lebih pagi lagi kali. Udah gitu ngecharge sama ngupdate i-shuffle gue sambil nyelesain novel, akhirnya baru bobo jam 4. Eh...tau2nya pas pagi2 mau bawa shufflenya, tombol on nya nyala dr malem jadinya chargingnya percumaa! Lemes deh..(manasin cheeseburger dulu ntar....)
uuh sakit perut euy..(this one is my official rants post...sawry.. :p )
I need some more sleep..mungkin ntar coba bobo di perpus hehehe
Di postingan gue yg sebelomnya, Sigit kasih comment, katanya lagi musim self reflection. Hehehe ga tau ya kalo gue pribadi sih bukannya buat self reflection per se, just a bad case of boredom, hehehe. Soo..o ready to be finished with this semester.

Hari ini ke kampus pake mobil bokap, yg ada stiker alumni nya jadi bisa parkir dimana aja, thank God. Jadinya bisa parkir di library garage dan ga usah parkir di tempat gue biasa parkir tiap Rabu yaitu di gym nun jauh disana, bisa modar lah gue, atau paling nggak ketiduran dijalan hehehehe. So there's still some light on the day =)
(Darn burger still hot! ouch..*kipas kipas kipas). Tadi fishing di kulkas kantor, nemu bbrp botol orange juice, expiration date: Feb 18 06. Grabbed it, tasted it..masih lumayan rasanya, belom ada rasa yang aneh2 hehehe cuek ah..

Nanti harus ngerjain pr juga buat kelas commercial banking (sempet bobo ga ya jadinya?). Gue baru beres baca novel "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe kemaren malem. Ceritanya okay lah but not that significant for me. About 80% of the book was about the lives of several African tribes (one tribe in particular, the strongest one). 20% terakhir ttg how the white men (that's the term in the book, btw hehe) changed the whole village, mereka ambil penduduk2 di suku2 situ dan dikirim ke negara mereka buat dijadiin slaves. The book told a story about one of the greatest warrior in one of the strongest tribe di satu daerah Afrika situ, and how at the end chapters of the book he and several top warriors was cheated into a "meeting" and got caged, they were humiliated beyond believe and he felt such hate for the white men. At the end he hanged himself because of shame and grief, since no one in his feared-by-all village dared to fight back. Kesian..

Trus, kemaren gue pinjem novel baru dari perpus, judulnya "Never Let Me Go" by Kauzo Ishiguro. Heard it's a good book, tapi gue belom sempet mulai. Kemaren baru ngeberesin yg "Things Fall Apart" dulu. Ntar malem sebelom bobo gue mulai baca kali. Trus Kamis baru deh mulai belajar buat ujian Senin ntar. fun.


Mac said...

Manda, thank you yah buat daftar kelasnya... Inget kita sekelas di kelas akun itu semester depan ok? Kita ada sekelas mulu nih tiap semester jadinya...

Fari Nasution said...

Ini lagu kalo enggak salah OST -nya film horror yang kita tonton dulu pas nginep + sahur ditempat Ading bukan.....?!? LOVE IT.....=) Ini musik jenis lounge, salah satu variasi dari funk, cuman kalo funk, vokalnya itu vokal soul (that's why I love funk so much. Toshi Kubota's "Masquerade" itu jenis funk. Jadi menurut aku, vokal dan musik funk itu sophisticated and chic. Liat aja video clip -nya "Masquerade", shoot -nya di high class bar and the people there are chic and fancy.), cuman musiknya sama persis kayak gini.....=D I'm gonna steal this song from you now.....=D BTW, laptop masih rusak, kalo udah beres, aku akan kirim lagu "Masquerade" -nya =) (aku punya koq MP3 -nya)