Friday, April 21, 2006


Yesterday was an interesting day, and mind-numbingly boring at the same time.
Yesterday afternoon I went to this St. Louis Regional Business Council Spring Reception down at Forsyth Blvd. Having the name "Reception", I figured that we're going to eat dinner or something over there, but they only served hors d'oeuvres, which, of course, had bacon in them so I couldn't eat it :p. The hall was beautiful, though. And the restroom kicked ass, hehe. Let me tell you a bit about the rest room (since that is one of the few things that impressed me about yesterday's event, other than the cool leather folder that they gave us and the cokes served in that classic, mini glass bottles). One student from McKendree College told me that I should check out the ladies room. By the way I just couldn't pinpoint the time when we started talking about restrooms at that networking event with CEOs and VPs..I guess both of us (me and the girl from McKendree) found comfort in each other when we started to confess that both of us felt extraordinarily awkward there not to mention bored and starved..hehe..When I entered the ladies room, I saw that it was huge and painted in rustic pink. There were cozy sofas and armchairs inside, mirrors everywhere, and fluffy towels to dry our hands instead of the regular napkins.

One thing that I noticed, there were quite a number of students from Washu there, and they tend to make their own circle and wouldn't let anybody else joined. Hmph..I tried to join them one time, along with one other student from Maryville. I guess we felt the same thing because we started to look at each other, he raised his eyebrows in that can-you-believe-what-they're-doing kind of expression and I shrugged my shoulders and gave him a helpless smile. Then we just moved on to the next less-circled CEOs. Those snobbish vultures...(hehe no offense to Washu students but the lot of you who were there yesterday deserved that :p)

And...what else..

Oh I went to DePaul ER center last night to check on my allergy. I didn't wait too long in the waiting room, but I waited for about 2 hours in the patient room sitting on an empty bed, just for a 5 minute conversation with the doctor, hehehe. Well, they actually did some test on me first so maybe that 2 hours was the time for them to get the result for my test? Dunno deh hehe
Well, the diagnosis was that I got "Hay Fever", so I can't go outdoor and if I have to, I'd need to take a shower and wash my hair as well. Repot juga yah..Pulang2 dr ER ke Walgreens ambil prescription, terus mampir ke Denny's jam 10 pas. Mereka udah hampir tutup dan gue customer terakhirnya. Ga tau kenapa pokoknya kemaren tiba2, balik dr klinik langsung nge-crave Denny's gitu.

Sekarang lagi kerja, baru jam 1 euy. Ntar gue beres kerja jam 5, trus kerja lagi di tempat research, punya waktu sejam, sebelom mulai kerja disana, enaknya ngapain ya? Makan kali.. hehe


Anonymous said...

nda, dont eat dennys! food poisoning.. hehehe.. no seriously.. :p anyway what the hell is hay fever?

arrrrgghh nda! we seriously should go swimming tomorrow, darnit!! :p hehehe


Cygyt said...

swimming? that's new....

Anonymous said...

iya tuh da...mustinya film2 law and order gitu diputerin di kelas...biar kita belajar dari nonton film aja...haha..yeah right...
btw, have a nice weekend, sweetie!
