Monday, April 24, 2006

Random facts of life according to Amanda

1. Alergi belom sembuh, sekarang ganti ke sakit tenggorokan. This is going to be a long..long..Spring..
2. Besok mo fashion show, tapi mata kanan tiba2 bentol. Kalo emang ini digigit serangga, semoga serangganya sama2 kena bentol juga, tapi harus segede yang punya gue.
3. Besok presentasi juga, semoga ga batuk2 pas lg presentasi. Gue bisa di disown sama group gue klo tiba2 napasnya ngik ngok pas lagi kasih introduction..
4. Sekarang lagi ngeliatin kardus yg isinya baju2 winter gue di kamar. This room was so tidy just 2 days before...and's a whole mess all over again. Makes me wonder why I bothered to clean up the clutter then..or ever.
5. Applying minyak kayu putih to ANY part of your eye (termasuk kelopaknya sekalipun) is not a very good idea. Use other way if you're not desperate yet. If you are..well...just endure the pain and hope that it pays.
6. Making sure you check the stuff that you're going to poke into any part of your body is a very good idea. Not checking could mean having a flammable ear for the rest of the night. Not that painful but immensely annoying.
7. It's just the facts of life that some people's immune system are sometimes retarded (like mine)..pollen is NOT a threat! Stop making me sneeze and stuff to get the pollen out of my system, pollen is friend!!!
8. I love sushi.


Anonymous said...

I love sushi, too...good luck with the presentation =)


wulan said...

i love sushi.

please add this to your random fact :
9. my mom used to be a party girl.

damn i love your mom, she cracks me up and so much fun! hahaha.