Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Just started to fill up the suitcase for my trip back home...Geez...I was nervous..Not really sure why, but my heart was beating fast the whole time (still am). I guess it's excitement and anxiety at the same time.
Trus tadi kerasa juga waktu Anggit balik. We won't see each other again till the next 2 months. And tonight Anggit saw my apartment for the last time. Tadi dia bilang gitu, udah gitu baru sink in juga deh..iya yah...gw disini tuh tinggal seminggu lagi..I will miss this place.
This place is where I laughed til my stomach and face hurt, and this is the place where I shed my tears as well. A lot of memories happened here..both the insanely good and the awfully bad..Mudah2an tempat yang baru nanti bisa bikin its own memories =)
Thursday, May 25, 2006
A Poem by Bunga
sesuatu untuk direnungkan..
aku berdamai dengan rasa sakit dan berusaha menerima ke-eksis-annya..
maka aku tak lagi tersakiti..
rasa sakit adalah penyadar, bahwa aku masih terperangkap di dunia..
terperangkap oleh norma dan segala tetek bengeknya..
aku belajar memberi dengan tulus..
maka, kala memberi.. aku tak merasa kekurangan apapun..
hidupku lengkap karena memberi dengan tulus..
aku belajar dan dipelajari oleh segala wujud di sekelilingku..
aku belajar tertawa dengan lepas,
maka kebahagiaan tak kan pernah sirna dari hari-hariku..
aku belajar memaafkan,
dan segala kesalahan akan sirna dari kenanganku..
aku belajar mencintai..
dengan cinta tanpa syarat..
maka cinta akan selalu menaungi jiwaku..
hingga kala aku harus pergi, bertemu dengan Penciptaku..
semoga aku pergi dengan damai...
A Tribute for My Distant Cousin

Teruntuk sepupu jauhku Herananda..
Tadi pagi, baru dapet berita, kalau sepupu jauh gue telah meninggal dunia. Katanya sih duluuu banget sempt ketemu, tapi gue nggak inget, kayaknya dulu waktu dia masih kecil.
Dia meninggal kecelakaan motor..nggak jelas siapa yang salah/gimana kejadiannya. But I don't think it matters..she's gone..
Ya Allah she's only 16...
Look at her, so full of life, but no more..
Hh...kadang2 ada aja peristiwa2 kayak gini, saat2 dimana kita sebagai manusia mempertanyakan kebesaran Tuhan. Kita bisa bilang bahwa mungkin itu yang terbaik, karena Tuhan tau yang terbaik untuk umatNya..
Cuma gue ga bakal munafik juga kalu guemasih sering tanya, baiknya dimana...
Gue tau kok pasti Tuhan tau yang terbaik, yang manusia ga bisa liat, cuma kadang2 masih ada perasaan marah...maaf.. gue yang emang nggak sempurna..nobody is..
Walaupun gue nggak kenal sama sepupu jauh gue ini, I still mourn her..
I am sure she is a beautiful person, inside and out. And I am sure that she has a lot of people who are going to miss her badly..and I can only pray for those who do, be strong..and for those who don't get the chance to know her, like me, will someday meet someone as wonderful as her, for us don't know the treasure that we've missed..
Innalillahi wa ina ilaihi roji'un..
Rest in peace my sweet....I hope someday we'll have the chance to know each other..
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Manda's cranky mood
Why did I slept so late and why did those mowers had to mow so early...!!!
And now I still need more sleep but I can't go back to sleep. Been trying for the past 2 hours but those awful..mower machine sound just won't stop. Why are they taking so long to mow the lawn in the backyard anyway??
Oh Lord..I'm going to be cranky today..I can feel it. And I have to work, interview a lady today at 4.
Dulu gue suka bantuin dia klo masalah cowok. Kita deketnya waktu kuliah, ceweknya be3: gue, widi ama nana. We used to have a lot of adventures, the three of us. Dari masalah cowok sampe masalah dodol2an...hh..really2 miss those days. Gue inget banget, walaupun kuliah sengsara (academically), tapi gue selalu bener2 look forward buat pergi kuliah tiap hari. Adaaa...aja yang kejadian. Dan selalu seneng. Masa2 gue di Bandung, dari SMA-kuliah, those were the times that I felt pure happiness..always looking forward to the next day, starting and ending the days with a smile..*sigh...
Inget dulu waktu kelas 1 SMA, 1 kelas, kurang lebih 50 orang, disetrap semua gara2 berusaha cabut pas pelajaran Kimia. Kita mau cabut ke stasion kereta, nganterin Fahmi yang mo umroh. Begonya, ber50-50nya nungguin angkot di setopan yang sebrangan sama ruang guru. Dudul..
Usaha bolos ke2 pas kelas 2, pelajaran agama (pelajaran terakhir). Itu hampir sekelas semua (kecuali yg non muslim soalnya mereka pelajaran agamanya dipisah ditempat lain). Jadi sekelas bolos, sampe diskors ga boleh masuk sekolah sebelom ada surat pernyataan dr ortu yg ditandatangan asli! Hasilnya, anak2 yang orang tuanya di perantauan (termasuk gue) masuk sekolah paling akhir gara2 harus mikirin gimana caranya dapetin tandatangan ortu yg ada di kota/pulau lain. Base camp kita tiap hari di tukang pisang keju depan sekolah, ngumpul2 plotting evil plan hihi..Akhirnya rencana kita adalah buat minta tolong mang Ade (tukang parkir sekolahan) yang kita temukan ternyata dia pinter niruin tandatangan..Kita menyelundupkan mang Ade (pas kelas udah mulai) ke "markas" kita itu, urunan buat nraktir dia mie goreng sama teh botol, plus ngerayu2 dikit (tugas yg cewek2) biar dia mau nolongin. Akhirnya kita semua berhasil masuk sekolah lagi walaupun sebelom dibolehin masuk kelas kita dikumpulin dulu di ruang guru. Dikuliahin. Ruang guru sampe penuh gara2 kita banyak banget (sekitar 70% dr kelas gue anak2 rantau semua)..Trus anak2 cowok yg rambutnya rada panjang dikit dikumpulin, trus diiket pake tali rafia biru, nyambung satu sama lain. Jadi klo kepala yg satu gerak, kepala yg lain ikut ketarik...hihihi..guru2 juga banyak yang nahan2 ketawa tuh. Sial :p
Trus pas kelas 2 itu, kelas kita dipindahin ke gedung baru yg masih 1/2 jadi, jadinya kita terpencil dan jalan ke kelasnya rada2 kayak takeshi castle alias agak2 dangerous gitu...tapi jadinya guru2 pada males ke kelas dan kita klo ribut ga ada yg denger. Asik bangeeeeeeeet...Kita sering ngadain turnamen2 gitu. Turnamen catur sekelas (banyak papan2 catur mini beredar, pas pelajaran sekalipun, hehehe). Trus main bingo sekelas juga, 1 number callernya duduk di depan kelas, di tengah2. Masing2 orang bayar seratus perak, yang menang dapet duitnya. Udah gitu pas ada yang menang, satu kelas nuntut minta ditraktir..yang menang ngomel2 gara2 akhirnya malah nombok. Ya iyalah...dapet cuma 5000 perak disuruh traktir anak sekelas, ujung2nya malah nombok..hehehehe
Belom lagi cerita waktu bazaar SMA 5 yang terkenal se-Bandung. Kita bikin stand sampe subuh dan akhirnya sekelas tidur dirumahnya 1 orang yg deket sekolahan. Kerjain dekor2nya juga disitu..Inget tuh jam 3 pagi kita lari dari jalan Bali ke rumah temen itu gara2 mobil yg harusnya ngangkut kita cabut ninggalin..kita lari ngejar mobilnya..lumayan jauh juga tuh! Pas udah nyampe rumahnya tu yg bawa mobil kita jitakin..huh..
Seru banget tuh, kerasa banget kompaknya 1 kelas. Dari bikin dekor, latihan buat drama, sampe ghost hunting rame2..
Duh senangnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...!! hiks hiks
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
How Will I Die
You scored as Stabbed. You will die from being stabbed. Yay. |
How Will You Die??
created with QuizFarm.com
How Will You Die?? created with QuizFarm.com |
Monday, May 22, 2006
Dunno what's wrong with me, akhir2 ini lagi accident prone abis (more than usual, hehe). Dalam waktu 2 minggu ini aja kayaknya udah sekitar 4 kali hampir jatuh dr tangga. Yang paling parah sih pas graduationnya Edhy, twice, di tangga yang beda.
Shh...I have a secret that I haven't told anyone yet. The 2nd one was reaa...aallly really close, I was already floated for some microseconds, and right then and there I felt like there was an invisible hand holding me, keeping me from tumbling down. Beneran deh, if you look at the way I stumbled, there was no way that I would be able to..um..not fall down. I didn't fall. It was kinda creepy but I was really grateful. Deg2annyaaa....(nginget2nya lagi aja udah deg2an nih sekarang)
Di rumah sih lebih sering lagi, padahal lagi turun pelan2 juga adaa...aja yang bikin hampir jatuh. Beberapa jam yang lalu juga, kesandung sama jempol sendiri (don't ask me how did that happen but it did happen, hehehehehe)
Floating/falling used to happened really2 often in my dreams. But it stopped a couple of years ago. Now it is happening again, not in my dreams but in real life!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Hmm..there are noises coming from downstairs..sounds like hardwork..*yawn....not ready yet for manual labor this early in the morning...(not gonna tell you what time it is..let's just say it's early enough for me! :p ). I guess I'll just finish up the packing in my room first and then I'll come downstairs and do the other stuff.
Gotta do an interview session with a participant on the study that I do as a research assistant in school at 4pm Wednesday...I can picture the conversation already..
I wish I can just say "I'm sorry ma'am but it is not my fault that you got a sucky credit score. You might want to think twice next time you want to buy something and not paying it to the point that they'd have to repo your car..! Buy yourself a $3 stuff like I did (i.e. the stuff that you can afford) rather than some $3000 ugly platform shoes. If you still want to be in debt for that, at least don't put your car/house as a collateral! Geez.."
Hehehe...maap pagi2 udah ngomel2..
On a happier note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MBAK HANIIII........!!!!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Kisah sebelum tidur :p
It's 10 minutes to 3 in the morning, just got home from IHOP with the guys. I was the only gal tonight, hehe.
Kita2 abis nonton Da Vinci Code yang mulainya jam 10 malem, trus abis beres nonton anak2 pada laper jadi kita mampir di IHOP, trus disana ketawa ketiwi ga penting gitu, hehehe dasar..
Filmnya lumayan juga kok, it wasn't great, to be honest, tapi ya ga jelek juga.
Ada beberapa bagian dari bukunya yang dipotong atau diganti dikit. Misalnya, yang di bukunya seharusnya mereka...eh..jangan diceritain dulu deng, kesian yang belom sempet nonton hehehe. Liat aja sendiri deh, you'll notice the differences.
Tadi gue sama Adit pergi dijemput Rio. Udah bawa mobil dia sekaraang, hehehe gaya. Tadi Rio sama Rubby jemput kerumah, udah gitu disana gabung sama Joseph, Iwan, Budi, Freddy, Arya, Reza, ama Nando. Sorenya gue sempet pergi dulu ama Joseph Iwan and Adit. Tadinya rencananya sih mau ke Mills, tapi gara2 Joseph salah belok, ambilnya 270 South instead of North, jadi kita bablasin aja sekalian ke West County Mall. Pulang dari mall kita beli eskrim, enaaak..
Besok mau ngelanjutin packing2 kamar gue nih, hari ini baru mulai gue. Tapi karena masih 1/2 jalan, jadinya berantakan bangetttt!! Kayanya gue sekalian ngeluarin koper aja deh buat nentuin barang2 yang mau dibawa ke indo, jadi jelas mana yang masuk kardus mana yang enggak. So far yang udah masuk semua sih buku2 sama most of my vanity stuff.
Ah..bentar lagi bobo kali nih. Walaupun perut masih kekenyangan abis makan soup+fries di IHOP.
Nite nite.... =)
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Ga bisa boboooo...!! hu-uh =(
It's 1:30 am right now and I still can't sleep. Have this terrible feeling that won't go away, and I just do't know what it is. I hope it's not a bad sign and everything will be okay.
Semua orang di rumah udah pada bobo nih..tinggal gue sendirian, di basement. Feels like my butt is planted onto the chair. I'm tired, actually sleepy, my head feels woozy and I feel that a headache is coming, but I still can't go to sleep.
Besok ada appointment jam 11:30 am sama Sandra, tax "expert"nya international services. Disuruh ngurus some form tentang assistantship gue. Trus, kemaren malem mimpi beli latte di Starbucks, ga sengaja ketumpahan blueberry syrup. I think it should make it tastes better but somehow something made me spill the drink, after I had queued forever to get that blueberry latte, it spilled before I even tasted it. Jadinya tadi, waktu gue ama nyokap ke airport buat farewell2an sama om Fahmi sekeluarga, gue minta mampir ke Starbucks and mesen menu baru mereka, Banana Coconut Frappuccino. Ga nyesel belinya soalnya enak! Hehehe..
By the way tadi kita ke airport buat nemuin om Fahmi sekeluarga, tapi akhirnya malah ga ketemu siapa2..mereka klo ga salah pesawatnya jam 1:30, kita nyampe sana jam 12 pas, tapi udah ga ada siapa2. Jadi kesannya ke airport cuma buat beli kopi doang, pake bayar parkir pula, hehehehe.
Tadi on my way to work, mampir ke library buat ambil buku pesenan gue, "Song of Unmaking" by Caitlin Brennan. Buku ini sequelnya "The Mountain's Call", yang gue udah baca dari sekitar 2 taun yang lalu. Ceritanya ada hubungannya sama magical stuff, and that's why I liked the first book so much.
Tapi ada satu lagi yang lebih bagus, "The Charmed Sphere" by Catherine Asaro.
Si Catherine Asaro ini, surprisingly, is a Ph.D in chemical physics and MA in physics, both from Harvard, and a B.S. with highest honor in chemistry from UCLA. I wouldn't have guessed that from reading her book. Soalnya, the book was so..unscience like (if you can call 'unscience' a word), tapi..klo ditelaah lebih dalem lagi, emang kerasa sih intelligence flow nya..
Cerita "The Charmed Sphere" ini tentang 1 super mage yg berasal dr petani biasa, yang akhirnya bisa jadi queen of Sunnyvale (the name of the kingdom in the book). Pokoknya, ceritanya bagus banget and is definitely one of my favorite books selain James Patterson's "The Jester".
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Working on autopilot
Smile, look down, walk, look around, smile
Stare at the wall, think nothing, close the eyes, wipe, sleep
Smile, walk, focus, try to stay focused, empty, smile
Sit on the edge of the bed, listen to the rain, close the eyes, wipe, sleep
Smile, walk, look away, walk
Working on autopilot
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Umm...mau cerita apa yah, lagi ga banyak juga sih yang bisa diceritain :)
Can't wait bulan depan nih, pulang ke indo. Pengen bikin surprise buat kak Ronny, sengaja gue ga ngasitau dia klo gue bakal balik bulan Juni ini. Enaknya gimana yah cara ketemuannya..minta tolong Ika aja kali ya buat nelepon dia janjian dimana, trus tau2 gue muncul aja. Pasti dia seneng banget I can just imagine his surprised face. Pasti dijitak sih gue, dan pasti diomelin juga gara2 ga ngasitau but I think it's going to be worth the jitakan dan omelan :p
Lagi mikir nih, mending bawa baju berapa banyak yah...ga tau bakal belanja banyak ga klo udah di indo ntar....tapi sebenernya gue lebih pengen spend my money towards traveling di sana sih. Visit the places where I haven't got the chance to visit yet. Oiya one of my friends, Rika, she got married not too long ago, I think I'll visit her as well and congratulate the new couple. She' s so lucky and I'm really happy for her :)
Hm..yaudah deh segini dulu, gue mau mandi, harus siap2 mo meeting indonite di rumahnya reza.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
My friends who are in love =)
Remember the poem that I posted a while ago? The girl wrote it. They are both my friends, they've known each other since junior high but just recently "found" each other. I don't know their whole story but I'm touched by how deep they seem to love each other.
These are the testimonials that they wrote to each other since the first time they became a couple:
Puti... hmmm... dia "bekas" temen smp gw. dia GILA!! (itu pastinya..) she's the most stupid-crazy-hard headed woman i've ever known. But she's also the toughest girl i've ever met.
To me, she is like a big-white-beautiful cloud. No matter how hard the winds scatter her apart, she will always gather her scattered parts and becomes a big-white-beautiful cloud once again...
That's why i love her....
Mammoe adalah...
........ akhir dari "pencarian" gw .........
and thats why i love him...
When I'm hungry
I eat
When I'm thirsty
I drink
When I'm tired
I sleep
But there's an
empty space in my soul
that only you can fill
I eat,
I drink,
I sleep,
I exist
But I live only because you allow it...
-Luv U-
u R everything that i ever wished for..
...a perfect husband...
you R my .. E.. V.. e.. R.. y.. T.. H.. i.. N.. g
Aww....it seems that they're so in love with each other.. =)
Sorry guys...just had to put em in here because I'm touched hehehe
My dream of restoran indo
Hmm...got a strange dream last night. Strange, but totally possible to happen.
Pertama2, mimpinya gue lagi grup meeting ama grup gue di kelas International Finance semester ini, kita lagi argue masalah satu inventory harusnya masuk kredit/debit, and I remember thinking about: "yah coba Edwin ada disini biar bisa bantuin" soalnya dia accountingnya jago, abis grup gue ngotot2an gitu jadinya ga beres2.
Udah gitu, abis grup meeting, gue telepon Reza yg di Bowling Green, trus bilang: Za gue kesana ya abis disini udah ga ada siapa2 lagi pada pergi semua gue tinggal sendiri. Trus gue kesana, tapi anehnya kok mereka dan gue jadi ada di satu kota gede gitu...Bowling Green kan desa :p hehehe..Pokoknya, keliatannya kayak Dallas deh. Yang ada disana ikutan nemuin gue tuh si Rezanya, Rendra, satu org yg gue yakin hrsnya Febby tapi mukanya bukan Febby, sama 1 cewek yg gue ga kenal (tp ga dikenalin juga). Udah gitu gue kesananya sama 1 cewek juga (yg gue ga tau siapa tp dia ikut gue) dan sama om Nyoman (loh?). Hehehehe...pokoknya kita terus diajak muter2 kotanya pake sedan, dan makan siang di restoran indo. Anehnya pas di mobil si Reza posisinya ganti2 gitu, kadang dia yg nyetir kadang dia duduk disebelah rendra yg lg duduk disebelah gue, kadang duduk disebelah gue, padahal mobilnya jalan terus hehehe. Udah gitu sampe ditempat kayak office park gitu, gedung2 tinggi, somewhere in downtownnya lah. Disitu tempat restoran indonya, gue udah semangat gitu, hehehe. Trus ujan, dan gue ngeliat keatas...at the towering building infront of me and the rain (I do that in real life as well, klo lagi jalan sendiri dan lagi ujan, suka pengen liat kelangit), trus gue ditabrak si reza dr belakang. Dan udah masuk2 restoran indonya juga kynya mereka udah langganan tetap gitu soalnya dateng2 makanan mereka langsung dateng tanpa kita sempet pesen. Udah gitu setiap orang dpt complimentary sayur sama nasi goreng ikan asin sepiring kecil, trus belom sempet mesen dan liat menunya, eh..keburu bangun. Huh...just when it's getting good..now I'll never see the menu. =(
Hehe anyway, ga penting banget sih ceritanya.. :p
Saturday, May 06, 2006
What I'm doing instead: blogging. hehe
Harusnya udah mulai juga bikin paper tapi belom pengeeen....belajar juga belom pengen hehehehe..
Kemaren abis nganterin Joan and ko Benny ke tempatnya om Nyoman buat liat mobilnya om Nyoman. Ih makin malem udara tu makin dingin ternyataaa....jadi kemaren kita pada kedinginan gitu gara2 bedirinya kan diluar. Need to wear a jacket/sweater today then.
Trus..apalagi yah....well..really gotta take that shower now sih kynya..Hff...allright..
Friday, May 05, 2006
always manage to do.
I am thankful...
1. For the husband who snores all night, because he is at home asleep
with me and not with someone else.
2. For my teenage daughter who is complaining about doing dishes,
because that means she is at home & not on the streets.
3. For the taxes that I pay because it means that I am employed.
4. For the mess to clean after a party because it means that I have
been surrounded by friends.
5. For the clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to eat.
6. For my shadow that watches me work because it means I am out in the sunshine.
7. For a floor that needs mopping, and windows that need cleaning because it means I have a home.
8. For all the complaining I hear about the government because it means that we have freedom of speech.
9. For the parking spot I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of walking and that I have been blessed with transportation.
10. For the noise I have to bear from my neighbours because it means that I can hear.
11. For the pile of laundry and ironing because it means I have clothes to wear.
12. For weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it means I have been capable of working hard.
13. For the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it means that I am still alive.
I find that they are really nice. Got them from a forwarded e-mail from a friend, and thought that they kind of have a point.
I know that I got some more that I could add to that.. =)
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Udah bulan Mei lagi....waktu jalan cepet banget rasanya...too fast..gue belom siap buat the future just yet..
Hal2, peristiwa2 yang terjadi taun lalu tuh kayanya jauuuh banget. Really seemed like a distant past..ga tau apa gara2 keadaan gue yang sekarang beda banget ama gue yang taun lalu? The answer is yes....and no..
Perasaan, dulu waktu di Indo, waktu setaun tu kerasanya ya..exactly setaun. Taun2 gue disini jalannya cepet banget, so fast that I couldn't really make out the past, the present, and the future in a clear view, all blur. Rasanya baru sebulan yang lalu gue menginjakkan kaki gue di UMSL, rasanya baru kemaren gue gendong Jibran yang masih bayi and now that boy's growing taller by the minute =), rasanya baru kemaren gue masih freshman undergrad and now graduate students are coming to see me to talk about classes and their problems.
Halah cepetnya.....coba semuanya bisa jalan dipelanin dikiiit aja..I need to catch up with the world and with myself.
Current annoyance: 2 papers and 1 exam (which I still don't know when that'll be..next week maybe?)--> all of these are from 1 class --> Commercial Banking
Current problem: the never-ending cough..keujanan mulu pula 3 hari berturut2
Current other problem: can't write anymore..3 lines and I'm brain dead already. That's pathetic..I used to have more stamina/brain power than this (uhm..academic wise, mind you..not life in general)!
Current solution: go to sleep, finish my Coke and go to the library tomorrow. Stay there until the paper's done.