Thursday, May 18, 2006

Ga bisa boboooo...!! hu-uh =(

Aarh...I can't sleep!!!

It's 1:30 am right now and I still can't sleep. Have this terrible feeling that won't go away, and I just do't know what it is. I hope it's not a bad sign and everything will be okay.

Semua orang di rumah udah pada bobo nih..tinggal gue sendirian, di basement. Feels like my butt is planted onto the chair. I'm tired, actually sleepy, my head feels woozy and I feel that a headache is coming, but I still can't go to sleep.

Besok ada appointment jam 11:30 am sama Sandra, tax "expert"nya international services. Disuruh ngurus some form tentang assistantship gue. Trus, kemaren malem mimpi beli latte di Starbucks, ga sengaja ketumpahan blueberry syrup. I think it should make it tastes better but somehow something made me spill the drink, after I had queued forever to get that blueberry latte, it spilled before I even tasted it. Jadinya tadi, waktu gue ama nyokap ke airport buat farewell2an sama om Fahmi sekeluarga, gue minta mampir ke Starbucks and mesen menu baru mereka, Banana Coconut Frappuccino. Ga nyesel belinya soalnya enak! Hehehe..
By the way tadi kita ke airport buat nemuin om Fahmi sekeluarga, tapi akhirnya malah ga ketemu siapa2..mereka klo ga salah pesawatnya jam 1:30, kita nyampe sana jam 12 pas, tapi udah ga ada siapa2. Jadi kesannya ke airport cuma buat beli kopi doang, pake bayar parkir pula, hehehehe.

Tadi on my way to work, mampir ke library buat ambil buku pesenan gue, "Song of Unmaking" by Caitlin Brennan. Buku ini sequelnya "The Mountain's Call", yang gue udah baca dari sekitar 2 taun yang lalu. Ceritanya ada hubungannya sama magical stuff, and that's why I liked the first book so much.
Tapi ada satu lagi yang lebih bagus, "The Charmed Sphere" by Catherine Asaro.
Si Catherine Asaro ini, surprisingly, is a Ph.D in chemical physics and MA in physics, both from Harvard, and a B.S. with highest honor in chemistry from UCLA. I wouldn't have guessed that from reading her book. Soalnya, the book was so..unscience like (if you can call 'unscience' a word), tapi..klo ditelaah lebih dalem lagi, emang kerasa sih intelligence flow nya..
Cerita "The Charmed Sphere" ini tentang 1 super mage yg berasal dr petani biasa, yang akhirnya bisa jadi queen of Sunnyvale (the name of the kingdom in the book). Pokoknya, ceritanya bagus banget and is definitely one of my favorite books selain James Patterson's "The Jester".


Fari Nasution said...

Itu harga kopi plus sama harga parkir mobil -nya.....=p Pa khabar nih.....?!? =)

Amanda Supriadi said...

hehehe iya tuh....kabar baik2 aja, lg mulai packing2 nih, can't wait 2 more weeks!!
Loe kapan balik far?

Anonymous said...
