Monday, May 22, 2006


Dunno what's wrong with me, akhir2 ini lagi accident prone abis (more than usual, hehe). Dalam waktu 2 minggu ini aja kayaknya udah sekitar 4 kali hampir jatuh dr tangga. Yang paling parah sih pas graduationnya Edhy, twice, di tangga yang beda.

Shh...I have a secret that I haven't told anyone yet. The 2nd one was reaa...aallly really close, I was already floated for some microseconds, and right then and there I felt like there was an invisible hand holding me, keeping me from tumbling down. Beneran deh, if you look at the way I stumbled, there was no way that I would be able fall down. I didn't fall. It was kinda creepy but I was really grateful. Deg2annyaaa....(nginget2nya lagi aja udah deg2an nih sekarang)

Di rumah sih lebih sering lagi, padahal lagi turun pelan2 juga adaa...aja yang bikin hampir jatuh. Beberapa jam yang lalu juga, kesandung sama jempol sendiri (don't ask me how did that happen but it did happen, hehehehehe)

Floating/falling used to happened really2 often in my dreams. But it stopped a couple of years ago. Now it is happening again, not in my dreams but in real life!

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