Monday, March 20, 2006


Hmh... =)
it's snowing's been a while since the last snow. Waktu tadi pulang jam 9, belom mulai salju, masih hujan es aja..kayak es serut gitu. Untung tadi pergi pake sweater yg ada tudungnya, walaupun tipis. I remember thinking: "damn why did I have to park so far.."

So, armed with a newspaper, I walked to the parking lot. Sempet kepikiran buat lari, but the ice had started to accumulate on the walkways so it was a li'l bit slippery. So, I plugged my ipod speakers to my ears, slipped the players inside my jacket, pulled my jacket's zipper all the way up, tightened my scarf, put on my sweater hood, grabbed a newspaper for extra head protection, checked the laces of my boots, and head to the parking lot. Hehehehe persiapannya udah kayak mau perang aja. I had to make sure I don't get too wet soalnya takut sakitnya balik dr awal lagi, udah hampir sembuh nih (well, not really, but I'm getting better kok).

While I was walking to the parking lot, jadi inget puisi yang gue bikin waktu pertama kali tulis blog disini. "When it rains, the sky touches the earth.." =) Hmm...that made me thought about how the sky and the earth, two things that are so far from each other, and yet they're connected to each other. And it made me thought of miracles..

I had half a mind of staying put and enjoy the rain, but then I remember the unpleasantness of coughing and sneezing, and I don't want to go through that for another month or so, also, the possibility of omelan2 yang bakal gue dapet klo tau alesan gue sakitnya jadi lama, so...I continued walking to the parking lot. Hehehehe...

Di highway, everybody was driving so slow because of the rain/ice. Tonight I didn't mind. Gue seneng nyetir sambil dengerin lagu. Sambil dengerin suara ujannya. Nice =)


Anonymous said...

I just washed my car and it is snowing right now. Aaarggg I knew it!
Kansas city ok lah...mirip2 ama stl cuman lumayan lah buat jalan2...hehe..


Fari Nasution said...

Disini juga harusnya snow, Alhamdulillah tadi pagi pas jalan ke kantor belom.....;-) (jangan2x ntar malam)

Mac said...

Sialan nih uda ada salju, kenapa ga ada power outage yah? Kan lumayan buat batalin ujian gua malem ini :D