Monday, March 06, 2006


Looots of stuff to share!
Sekarang ini, lagi di tempat kerja karena kelas gue keluar lebih early. Yang harusnya kelar jam 9:35, eh ini jam 8 kurang udah beres, akhirnya gue mutusin buat kerja aja di Computer Building buat menuh2in jatah 5 jam seminggu, lumayan kalo Kamis bisa off gara2 gue kerja rada lama hari ini hehehehe, sweet.
Trus ada good news juga, kelas yg barusan kelar cepet, ujiannya take home! Bahannya bakal dikasih Senin ini, Senin kelasnya juga jadi libur, trus dikumpulin after spring break which means I got 3 weeks to do the exam!
However, knowing me...I'd probably do it like...5 days before it's due so..

Trus, kemaren ini, aku adit mellissa edwin mbak hani mas oki hanna hepi nonton Final Missouri Valley game, Salukis vs. Bradley. Kita dr hari Sabtu udah siap2, bikin2 banner, beli props (maroon face paint, bahan buat dijadiin jubah superman2an, wig afro dll dsb hehehehehe). Seru bangeeeettttt!! We wonn...! pas menang, kita pada turun ke tengah lapangan dan sempet foto2 sama pemain2nya, hehehehe. Asik juga tuh di tengah lapangan (walopun I got a bruised knee, got kicked by somebody in front of me, I'm so short I was lucky not to get kicked in the face hehehehe), liat pemain2nya, pelatihnya, trus liat waktu mereka cut net nya. Pengalaman pertama nih, hehehehe. Sayang bannernya ilang gara2 jatuh di sela2 seatsnya gitu, 22nya pula hihihi. Trus abis itu kita makan di Hooters courtesy of mas Oki (makasih maaas!! ^_^)
I feel bad because I didn't go to Ci Lya's baby shower tho. Been planning it for weeks, I even bought the gift like..2 weeks before and got this cute wrappings with blue ribbons =). I'll come to her place next week to make it up to hr. Haven't got a chance to hang out with Wulan either this week. Ayo dong gurl...kapan yuk..

Trus...apalagi yah...oiyah, a miracle just happened. Sigit is updating his blog oh my...! Never thought that it'd ever happens. But it's happening! hehehehe. Gile deh tu anak udah setaun blog dianggurin, sekarang malah rajin, Ada apa nih? hehehehe...Falling in love do make people do things =D (suit suiiit)

And...apalagi ya...? Well I better get back to work deh, biar pulangnya ga kemaleman juga. Luv u all!


Anonymous said...

luv u too babe! let's hangout this saturday, maybe? (if your not busy). talk to me on facebook ya.. lol


Anonymous said...

so have we turned you into a saluki fan now?..hehehe....

Amanda Supriadi said...

Yes you did.'s poison I say...! some cute players that they have made it worse..*sigh...
Go Saluki!! ;p