Sunday, March 26, 2006

Laporan pandangan mata dr Chicago ;p

Hai everybodyyyyy.....!!
Baru balik dari Chicago nih, had an awesome time there =)
We departed from my apt at 8:30 am, 30 minutes behind schedule (naturally, hehehehe nggak deng). Sampe di Chicago tepat jam 2 pm abis kita makan siang dulu di Steak&Shake on a gas station somewhere along the way. Sampe2 di Chicago langsung ke konjen soalnya takut keburu tutup. Parkirnya lumayan jauh dr konjen but that was fine soalnya sekalian sight seeing, it's been a while since the last time I visited Chicago, and when I did, I never had time to just walk and see things, we were always in a rush.

Di konjen, ketemu 4 students dr Bowling Green, KY. They were nice, while we were waiting for the passports (about an hour or so) we started talking and we hit it off instantly, it was like we knew each other for years, hehehe. I guess when we're far from home, anybody who shares the same background can be seen as family ;p. Kind of sorry when the passports were done because then we had to go our separate ways, but we exchanged contact numbers and e-mails so I guess we'll contact each other again later.

Abis dr konjen, kita ke rumah mbak Tika and mas Irvan. Mbak Tika bikin kalio (semacem rendang tp ada kuahnya dikit) and gulai daun singkong, Yumm!! Udah lama juga nggak ketemu Diandra, she's so pretty =) She "performed" ballet guided by a dvd, with her pink cute! hihihi...On the way to mas Irvan's house, kita nyusurin lake Chicago, there were quite a lot of people jogged and bicycling there..across the lake were some apartment buildings...hh reminded me of something

Udah gitu besoknya kita jalan ke Michigan Ave. I don't know, lagi ga mood blanja kali ya so it was just okay, nothing special..Oiya di tengah jalan ketemu si Gaurav, temen dr UMSL hehehe. Abis itu sempet ke Ghirardelli shop, toko coklat di sebelahnya Borders, trus nyobain sample caramel chocolate...(oh..uhm...sorry ndut...but I gotta have it since it looked awfully delicious..and free....). Bokap beli coklat 1 kantong dr situ, udah gt gue and Adit ke toko popcorn disebrangnya Nike Store, antriannya panjang...! Anyway paginya salju tuh pdhl, untungnya pas kit nyampe ke Michigan Ave.nya saljunya udah brenti, tp tetep aja dingin sih. Trus pas pulang kan bayar parkir, aje gileeee, parkirnya $29!!! Padahal kita disitu cuma 3 jam-an kali. Tck2...could've get a pair of good shoes for that kind of price...

Malemnya kita diundang kerumahnya bu Endang. Her son Adek (a 12 yr old) played the piano for us. My God it was beautiful. He's disabled (he couldn't see) but he played the most awesome piano I've ever heard. He played some hard core jazz (like Chikorea and stuff) flawlessly. He turned a 3-5 minutes song to a 20-30 minutes song added with his improv. He was a miracle came to life (I'm dead serious).
Abis itu kita diajak muter2 Chicago sama bu Endang and her husband. Diajak liat Chicago at night from the planetarium. It was beautiful and it made me think of something again. Udah gitu kita hang out di satu bar, dengerin live jazz. The night was awesome =)

Hhh (lagi nginget pianonya mas Adek)....

Trus, Sabtunya kita ke Aurora outlet. Mood belanja gue belom muncul2 juga, akhirnya cuma muter2 aja nemenin Adit liat2..sekalian liat2 juga dikit hehehe. Lumayan juga akhirnya gue nemu oleh2 yang pas buat kak Ronny back home. Trus waktu gue ama Adit ke Adidas store, eeeh ketemu ama anak2 yg dr Bowling Green kemaren! hehehehe seneng gitu. Gue langsung dimintain tolong sama mereka buat milihin baju ceweknya salah satu dr mereka (orange or khaki???) hehehehehe...
Selesai dr outlet jam 5:30an trus langsung pulang. Sampe2 rumah jam 9:30 malem and gue langsung tepar di kasur gue tercinta, hehehehe...since I drove all the way I didn't get a chance to sleep so I was kind of tired. But I love driving so I didn't mind =). Baca2 novel sampe jam 12-an sambil ngemilin popcorn yg kemaren, udah gitu bobo deh...hehehehe

So there's the story of my weekend. Now I have to go back to my homework and take home test, and I need to study for another test next week and do another case study. Haiyyaa....
Sorry for rambling on too long. It's just that I had a fun time in Chicago and I miss you guys so I just want to share ;p hahahahha


Anonymous said...

Laporannya bagus...Seneng bacanya...I'm glad you had fun...

wulan said...

glad you had fun!

Fari Nasution said...

Wuaahh, you really had fun ehhh.....?!? =) BTW, I could have sung altogether with Adek as the piano player.....=p Dia maen jazz khan, sorta like Freddy dong.....=D

Anonymous said...

sounds like you had a fabulous time...gue jadi inget 2 taon yg lalu pas ke konjen...i met this cute guy from MN and we clicked instantly...but couldn't take it any further than that unfortunately...i had a bf at that time who didn't look too happy with it and he had a gf waiting outside...haha...well he gave me his business card...but i lost it:(
hey girl..we should go to lunch one time :)


tita said...

aarrgh senangnya, pengen ikuuut heuheuheue :D